Whoa...is this really what half Europeans half Middle Easterners look like?
Whoa...is this really what half Europeans half Middle Easterners look like?
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like cavemen yes.
Europeans are semetic arab albino descendents larping as something else. They will whine otherwise but logic and reality is unwavered by their shame.
She won with over 3 MILLION VOTES get over it
He doesn’t even look Arab lmao
Not true at all. What that is is mixing.
kill yourself
keep being butthurt plz
>W-we are w-winning
What does he look like?
All caucasians are very genetically closely related on a global scale. And Lebanese and Syrians in particularly are the closest MENA people to Europeans.
its true my albino descended homnid great ape friend. Please post your birth mark with time stamp. Ill tell you how it got there.
That Arab looks abnormally Mediterranean. Still, the genetic gap is too big, we shouldn't close it for no reason.
Nobody is threatening the existence of wogs' genetics, but every day northern genes get diluted.
wtf she is too white made her transparent
Abandon Europe, the great sinking ship.
And invest your life into a construction of a new state for hard working white families and future of white children.
Albinism, coming from the latin word albus, literally meaning white
>Half Dutch half Palestinian
The left one looks more like her mother.
The right one had plastic surgery to remove her inferior Semitic nose bump.
Essentially what this is saying to us is that white genes are superior and everything bad comes from the sand nigger side.
lel that syrian guy can easily pass as polish.
Hm so we let the rapefugees mix with a certain amount of women and bleach the population?
You're not pro-white, are you? Why would you look at it from the perspective of subhumans' interests and not from the perspective of whites? Who cares what they benefit?
If a rich person gives away money to the poor the poor people benefit, but the rich guy loses his wealth...
You can't bleach a population with women
i said a small percentage of population so most remain pure. And male bleaching as well.
>Making MENA whiter
>Not a good thing
That makes it worse for whites because the closer they are genetically the easier it is for them to infiltrate and spread harmful genes further.
In other words, the genetic gap should be as wide as possible so that the enemies are more easily identifiable.
Those are fully blooded negroid subhumans. One drop rule
If you're pro-white, then you need to act like it. You don't come up with various ways to improve the worthless lives of subhumans like some damn liberal.
Syrians are Aryans and on average whiter than the average Amerimutt.
Waif is ex-Muslim Afghan by way of germoney. Several of her siblings and relatives have green eyes. I'm green eyes blond hair so hopefully that works out. She's 8/10 at least so we're good to go. Sorry Sup Forums but I only realized how bad the demographic situation was after we were in love. Also I single handedly cucked an entire Muslim horde(her family is massive) and she's the only ex-Muslim getting bleached so they mad
can not unsee
And suggesting we use our women to do it is even worse.
I'm just judging by ops pic. And the women are doing it anyway might as well encourage it to be done properly.
Topkek he is a manlet
why can even manlet sandniggers satisfy huwhite women more than native Europeans, Sup Forums ?
>why can even manlet sandniggers satisfy huwhite women more than native Europeans, Sup Forums ?
Because across the spectrum european men are burned out from having to work and keep up the system that is destroying them.
Meanwhile third world rats get all their shit paid and can screw around all day. If Euro men could sleep in every day / go to the gym and then spend the afternoon hooking up with girls went they leave school and then spend the nights for some under the table work you would be surprised how quickly things would change around
>’I-it’s cherrypicking,’ says user, reassuringly.
Doesn’t look white.
Spain soccer team?
Also my sister has a bf that we all suspect had lots of Arab blood. He took a DNA test and was 100% European.
Syria. Does this team, especially the right half, look European to you?
There is no doing it properly. You cannot allow foreign men to take your women under any circumstances
That's not how genetics work
Drop of negro blood = subhuman
Exactly how genetics work.
surely more European than France team
The baby?
Some Syrians and even more Lebs are still white or really close, so any kids we have with them will look pretty fanned white.
I noticed whites and poos make normal looking white babies too even if the poo is dark skinned.
stop take this shit bait post
Lighter skinned maybe because their team is full of nafris, not more European.
>record scratch, freeze frame *yeah, that's me*
damn, white bois btfo
black man with son and wife only in a cartoon KEK
What about her doesn't look white?
The nose shape which will probably change, but also something about the eye area.
She looks like a normal white baby, autist
>be nonwhite negroid subhuman
>try to shill literal subhuman
>get called out
cracker blood polluted its genepool.
Ok Mohammed.
As in Polska Roma, sure.
Fuckin niggers are stealin our wimmin!!
not all middleasterners look like arabs, theres just a lot of arab admixture all around there because of islam
Maybe you missed every restaurant and gas station playing CNN. The ratings are artificial
>curl hair,giant eyebrows,big nose,brown eyes
>does not look arab
That's how Greeks, Italians, Spaniards and Portuguese were born
Like brits
Wtf? Does Tesak have an honest job?
>Shamelessly being this naive.
You should delete this.
When is your honor beheading planned for?
it's rather the opposite, north Europeans are the mongrels resulting from a bunch of steppefags in the bronze age raping mediterranean looking women already inhabiting Europe
Cool, i'm European then, Let us in Brothers.
no, I am half Egyptian and Half English, I look more like the lad on the right.
>even if the poo is dark skinned.
That’s because they’re basically abo race, who have recessive genetics in spite of their sub-saharan reminiscent phenotype.
No half-measures are allowed, no mixed races are allowed and finally the clash of civilization will begin.
You my brother, seek the light and fight the darkness of this world.
Obey nature, obey God and remember the price you will pay for our great sacrifice.
Respect your traditions, follow your instincts and leave no room for hatred, except for our enemy.
You and I brother, we will live shortly and die young - so our children to come can live long and joyful lives.
their mother is literally more attractive than they are
stupid girl, she was really pretty
could have bred with me instead, at leats im not a filthy ar*b -_________-
We're pretty attractive desu.
All these other cucks are mad. They literally need the state to step in because they can't even compete. Very sad.
that would count as white in america