Do leftists even exist in the same reality as everyone else? How is this in any way remotely representative of reality?
Are they just retarded?
Do leftists even exist in the same reality as everyone else? How is this in any way remotely representative of reality?
Are they just retarded?
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I really don't know
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>The long term effect of voting for the lesser evil is to lean further and further away from the true evil
I'm not sure this guy thought his point all the way through.
It is reality
But "the left" in America should be right wing
We're a right wing nation and reddit has a hard time realizing it because thy're entitled faggots
>Are they just retarded?
See above.
We had a literal avowed Socialist running for president and he actually had a good shot at winning if he hadn't been fucked by his corrupt party
How the fuck can they claim our politics are heavily skewed to the right or whatever the fuck they're even trying to claim with this retarded picture
They are wrong, as the center ONLY goes left.
>t. Doesn't understand first past post is baby tier system designed for (((them)))
Absolutely this. Compare today's societal norms to 1500 years ago
They're faggots, they don't think about anything. He even fits the criteria of a redditor
>non-American acting smugly towards America
>makes fun of America for being "afraid of socialism"
>has superiority complex
It's true when it comes to economic policies.
This. How anyone could regard Clinton's Third Way bullshit as anything other than a complete concession to the economic right is totally beyond me. Anyone who is even ambivalent about this ideology is right of center, period.
But a heavily right wing person won
This is bullshit, if anything the right is becoming more left.
Yeah I guess if we had been diligent to vote for the greater evil, it probably would have moved the other way
so they're admitting that the left is more evil than the right?
>contrarian redditors browses reddit all day to find something to be mad about
>goes on Sup Forums in hopes to be supported by his 'bros'
>gets btfo
Sad life
>heavily right wing
America is supposed to be a right wing nation, fuck off to >>>/reddit/
Aren’t they just admitting that the left is the greater evil?
you're retarded
when america was founded it was literally left wing
Trump has good positions but he is not that right-wing. If anything he's right from the center.
>Believes in civic nationalism
>Believes in immigration
>Still wants to operate around the world
>Keeping the IRS, the Fed, and the income tax
>No gold standard
>Wants to help Israel
>Willing to compromise with leftists
Don't get me wrong, out of all the candidates he was the best choice, but he is still not that far to the right.
are you a non-contrarian redditor, user? You should go back
What a retarded comic
I cant even think of one area of policy that the right has gone more right on
>a nation was founded as communist before communism even existed
It was right wing libertarian you fucking gaybo
So does he want people to vote for the greater evil? The text and image doesn't seem to have much to do with one another.
>But a heavily right wing person won
Nigga wat, he's pretty lefty in everything but immigration.
This, also when it comes to SODOMY, Trump is a far-left extremist, even more than fucking Obama in 2008.
>he doesn't know what left or right even means
fucking retard
lol look at history you'll see the opposite is true
obvious libtard projection.
we had a literal commie running in the democratic primaries.
>everyone that i dont like is heavily right wing
Lol, no we fucking weren't. We had laws against miscegenation that the Founding Fathers supported, got rid of central banks, burnt down immigrant communities, and wanted to stop the flow of immigration - which was from Europe - since our creation. The US was never a leftists state until recently.
>le "not all leftism is communism" meme
Prove to me America was founded as left wing
you may want to brush up on why colonials left england in the first place
Economically it does too. The government grows every year. The republicans idea of lowering taxses is literally shaving pct points off the top, and then not shutting anything down, and ramping up conflicts overseas, so ultimately it means more spending, and more debt.
>leftists retards actually think we've been going further right and not left.
Lol lets bring back the 50's or 40's idea of good race relations then, so progressive.
>and then not shutting anything down
neither side can stop the overhead spending. Lefties want more taxes for the rich. They go on to OVER SPEND any and all profit (lol DNC DEBT) righties want less taxes for all.
Because it's the exact opposite of reality. It's a tactic they use to fuck with people's minds. They outline it in Rules for Radicals iirc.
Voting itself is a form of communism, so they're just being retarded.
the left originally refers to classical liberals
the right were monarchists and traditionalists who opposed economic liberalism during the days prior to the french revolution
the USA was founded as a classical liberal nation and thus was left wing when it was created
the political pendulum since then has swung enough to the right that classical liberalism is today considered right wing, but like i said, when the USA was founded it was left wing
He is nationalistic which is historically right wing, also he dislikes open borders and wants controlled immigration which is also a right wing position. There is no way a president could remove the irs, the fed, or income tax no matter how right they are, he is attempting to lower the income tax, he knows there is no way the left and the left leaning conservatives in congress will let the gold standard come back, willing to compromise with leftists is the only way to get shit done. The only point you have is that he is willing to work with Isreal but he is the most right leaning out of all the republican candidates and is the most right leaning president we had in a long time.
>"Lol lets bring back the 50's or 40's idea of good race relations then, so progressive."
This but unironically
>the right is evil we're totes the good guys
Classic liberals are more right wing than left wing, faggot
They're only left wing socially
The 50s and 50s had infinitely better race relations than today. Everybody knew their place.
And "progressive" doesn't mean anything. It's a buzzword used by retards who think they're on the "right side of history" and know nothing about history.
You're a fucking idiot.
just how illiterate are you
woah dude
really activates the almonds
>pendulum swung right
>something that was on the left is now on the right
Great comment, good sir. +1
>reddit chart
someone post one of those vsauce videos about infinity paradoxes
Its actually kind of funny how its the exact opposite here in Ireland. We have no right wing party, just slightly conservative left wingers and the nation is getting dangerously close to adopting Sweden tier socialism.
if something that was originally left wing is now considered right wing that means the 'political pendulum' has swung to the left, not the right.
This, its like the gun debate. My GFs professor said to the class "can we all agree that noone is taking your guns away" and the class practically stood up and clapped. Bitch, California literally literally literally outlawed the most common build of AR and for a moment made even previously owned 30 rd magazines illegal. No nobody on a federal scale is taking our guns yet, but fucking hell you don't complain about something the moment it happens. You don't wait for a murderer to start stabbing you to worry about being stabbed.
my mistake, i meant it swung to the left obviously
Liberalism ruins countries, when the monarch was in power in Great Britain they were able to gain control of 1/3 of the world but when they became liberal the third world controlled them. Liberals want to make America weaker by reducing its military as well and if we do we might see a situation over her like with muzzles coming in and raping or women like in Great Britain.
t. guy who doesn't know his left from his right
we're reaching levels of projection never thought possible
The right has held the exact same ideals for over 200 years. The left are the only ones getting more extremist.
not an argument
which is why i'm a monarchist
>taking "so progressive" seriously
You have the 'tism, most confederate posters do.
>confusing classically liberalism with leftism
Dutch education everyone.
>not knowing that classical liberals were once considered left wing
t. mexican intellectual
>posts a picture of the truth
>"are those leftists retarded or what?"
Typical Amerimutt post
our education is heavily government funded so that's what happens
It's funny because the reality is exactly what you said but the leftists will still say the society is right wing. It's infuriating
It's representative of reality, but what the person who made it doesn't realize is that it's going in the opposite direction.
they even say that about the media, the media is supposedly all far right wing propaganda, even here in europe
>Laissez faire capitalists were leftist
Next you’ll tell us that Democrats freed the slaves.
Leftists say society is right wing because we haven't gotten to their warped idea of "utopia" where everyone is miserable and starving to death.
What does that even mean?
If society and the center didn't "go left" at some point, you wouldn't be able to vote or have any basic right you fucktards
And as of today, the center and traditional left is getting more and more like the right by becoming just as liberal and slowly cutting back on many social advances they used to live by
How exatly is society becoming more "left winged" when corporations and the market are now more powerful than ever?
>Do leftists even exist in the same reality as everyone else?
No, they don't. The current state of leftist ideology is based on fairy tales. Their entire objective now to dismantle western society and return to some kind of natural utopian state that has literally never existed in all of human history. They were tainted by a retooled cultural Marxism, and so they believe that capitalism, nationalism, all the nasty "isms" and the straight, white male in general have pulled us away from our better nature and into some oppressive, unnatural existence where genders exist and white people have magic, unimpeachable privilege even when they're a minority. This is why it is so hard to have a conversation with a devoted leftist these days. They are literally not even from the same universe as you. They've had their entire perception of humanity, science, and the fucking universe in general totally upturned and transformed into a demonstrably false fantasy. You can't even start on the same square as them, despite their attempts to legitimize themselves as de facto liberals, the Blue Team to everybody else's Red Team. Only they're not liberals. They're just delusional cultists who think up is down and left is right.
>If society and the center didn't "go left" at some point, you wouldn't be able to vote or have any basic right you fucktards
That's true, pic related.
The exact opposite has happened.
>wants controlled immigration which is also a right wing position
The right-wing position is no immigration because you understand that there is no point to it if you already have your own people.
>There is no way a president could remove the irs, the fed, or income tax no matter how right they are
Except, you know, ask Congress to do something about it and constantly tell the people the truth about how evil they are so the people can contact Congress to tell them to do something about it. Many Congressional members don't even like any of those laws and Amendments.
>he knows there is no way the left and the left leaning conservatives in congress will let the gold standard come back
That's why you focus on the ones willing to listen and see its importance. You can easily sway people with the truth, you can't just create currency out of thin air. You can't accomplish anything without actually taking the steps to do something. If he spoke about these issues, which are important, then he would be doing the country a huge favor. These aren't issues to just put aside and act like things are always going to be this way.
Thats exactly what happened to the left, your picture lol
Are conservatives able to comprehend total failure and rejection?
>Are they just retarded?
No, that's actually fairly accurate as far as economic assessment goes.
Social-politicly, it's the other way around.
Are the organisations that gauge public opinion of a president the same ones that said he had less than a 2% chance of winning the election?
And then there's this. We are most sefibitely moving left.
Identity politics is far more important and valuable to the Left than anything so coarse and crass as economics.
Don't care