Why does France produce so much more interesting Right-Wing or broadly political theory and writing than any other Western European country, possibly even America?
I almost get the feeling that in places like Germany or Britain much of the French (New) Right's ideas might not even be allowed.
De Benoist and Guillame Faye alone have written more interesting stuff than anybody else I can think of outside of meme environments on the internet like NRx.
Why does France produce so much more interesting Right-Wing or broadly political theory and writing than any other...
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They owe it to everyone for ruining Europe in the first place.
Sometime's God's Work must be done in the Devil's Own House.
Because french oldies ain't braindead unlike the americanized youth.
France is also home to a lot of degenerate writers
>Marquis DeSade
>Albert Camus
>Jean Proudhon
Yes but so is every country, who cares about those they aren't special.
Right-Wing Writers though are pretty unique, especially good ones with novel ideas.
france produced the most disgusting postmodernist writeres every
Have you read that book?
What's it about?
It's covered far better here than I could do it.
Is it really a surprise? The cultural and political currents that define Europe and the West more broadly often first flow from France. From the earliest forms of Frankish feudalism, to the centralized state of Philip Auguste, to the enlightenment to the French Revolution to the Paris Commune; the wider political movements of Europe originated in France and spread from there. I mean, this has been considered the most powerful and wealthiest Continental power for centuries and Paris has been considered the Jewel of the World since Constantinople feel. Even the trend of the migrant crisis and troubling demographics that loom over all of the West has already past it's nascent stage in France. And thus, the reaction to the rotten fruits of modernity and post-modernity will take it's roots in France. Even the American Alt-Right's visionary and spokespersons, Richard Spencer is well informed about the Nouvelle Droite and has spoken about the writings of Guillame Faye with Jonathan Bowden.
In much the same way as Germans, they're a bunch of useless agitators who do nothing but navel gaze and stir shit. Draw up a chart of European countries showing activity of political movements vs. actual empire achieved and you'll see some shit.
thanks, have yet to finish reading that review
Seems he has some very uncompromising positions on modernity and egalitarianism. From what the review tells me he might be similar to what Rolf Peter Sieferle thought about our times.
>Is it really a surprise? The cultural and political currents that define Europe and the West more broadly often first flow from France.
I'd say Italy actually. Even England had produced more enduring trains of thought than France. The French outbursts are quite violent but short.
Couldn't get past the first 30 pages of that book. Boring.
I apologize for misleading you. I couldn't get past the first 28 pages.
It's because the French have always been excellent critics and deconstructionists. Now they're just applying that talent to the neoliberal dystopia.
NRx is a fraud. Nothing about their politics is original. It's what some have called "nondemocratic progresivism."
Chantal Delsol is the greatest philosopher of this century.
>try to order this book
>never printed
>straight-to-kindle shlock
I would love to read it but not until it is printed. There are plenty of fascist printing houses.
>Why does France produce so much more interesting Right-Wing or broadly political theory and writing than any other Western European country
they have become minority white
Are you a fucking nigger?
Dude, here's the thing
1) there are a lot of interesting right-wing thinkers outside of NRx that you consider to be "fraud"
2) NRx is not a "fraud" for one simple reason: Moldbug's invention of the concept of "Cathedral." No other movement or thinker has something equivalent. I was very blue-pilled despite reading some right-wingers -- until I came upon the concept of Cathedral.
3) If you have not had university education or taken graduate-level courses, the idea of Cathedral is not "live" or "present" to you, and for that reason you will think that it's all a "fraud"
Don't forget pic.related
>If you have not had university education or taken graduate-level courses, the idea of Cathedral is not "live" or "present" to you, and for that reason you will think that it's all a "fraud"
To expand more on this -- this is why so many people outside of university bubble (who are right-wing) are prone to anti-Semitism -- they know (correctly) that something is up, someone is manipulating something, but they don't quite know what it is -- they look at universities and banks, see that these places have lots of Jews in them, and think "aha! it must be (((them)))".
Now this is naive because what's happening is that all large institutions are inherently prone to corruption. Maybe if we didn't have Jews there, it would have taken them longer to become corrupt -- but the point is they would still become corrupt even without (((them))).
The last good French writer was Montherlant
freemasonry had to come up with clever ways to disrupt the church and that tendency became ingrained in french thought
>2) NRx is not a "fraud" for one simple reason: Moldbug's invention of the concept of "Cathedral." No other movement or thinker has something equivalent. I was very blue-pilled despite reading some right-wingers -- until I came upon the concept of Cathedral.
The entire concept of Cathedral is just putting the cart before the horse and claiming it's an incredible new revelation in political philosophy. The fact there have always been elements in society that are driven to pursue an egalitarian societal vision doesn't mean there's a direct linage from the ones in the past to the current ones today. It's as absurd as trying to draw a line from the NSDAP to the current CPC regime because they both have vaguely similar ideas on how a society should be structured and what the individual's role in that society is. NRx just reads like a coping mechanism for a Jew that can't bring himself to admit European Jews are a caustic element in European societies and have been for centuries because that's how their own segregated society is structured so he's invented his own bogeyman and tried(and failed) to sell it as a real alternative line of thought.
France never put these ideas in practice so our far-right intellectuals have a lot of leisure to fantasize about it.
More seriously it's just that political literature has a long tradition in France.
Also german literature is dead for obvious reasons and british have lost leadership of their own culture resulting in being ideologically crushed by americanism, all intellectuals they produce are instantly "corrupted" by US questions, british don't think on their own anymore and it's very obvious for outsiders.
France on the other side remained independent in this sphere (at least for now), especially since rejection of american ideologies has always been a banner under which rally both the far-left and the far-right.
Italians produced more art than concepts past the Middle Age and England has always been the spiritual bastard of France since William set a foot there, hell it's not an accident if liberalism is an anglo-french invention, the history of both nations is almost symetrical from Antiquity, if Britain was a peninsula the british would be considered as french as bretons .
Stop posting brainlet.
That's a good read btw.
goy please
check out samuel francis' leviathan and its enemies and his other works. These predate Moldbug
LOL. I can't believe you niggers are still around!
I have an education, I am aware of "the cathedral." What you sperging moldbergs don't seem to fucking understand is that the USA was founded on liberalism. It has always been liberal. That is the state religion. Kike Moldberg did not notice that. It has been written about by literally hundreds of people over the last couple hundred years.
You think you're so educated cause you got a graduate degree from a marxist? well I think you're a fucking tool. Almost every single "nrx" douche I have ever communicated with has been Dunning-Kruger in action. It is a little hideout for smug graduates who think they are in on a big secret. It's pathetic.
You'd have to be a total dipshit to think someone needs to go to a marxist sex camp ("college") in order to know what "the cathedral" (dumb name) is. They could just... oh I dunno... turn on the TV?
Yeah and good luck telling people not to notice jews.
>unironically advising people to read smith as a beginners book
Why? Its fucking long and hard; wholly unsuited for beginners
the father of phenom rhetoric? yeah get rid of this faggot and then maybe we can talk