It's actually not ok to be white
It's actually not ok to be white
I will cut my dick off with a razor blade if you say gay shit like this again
wow user you are so wise. im really impressed.
Stop larping, it’s not ok being a cuck like you
I check my privilege everyday
Even digits confirm you are nothing more than a faggot larper
Great idea, Aryan brother. This'll bring all the goys to the yard.
Systemic racism is something we need to address guys
I imagine this genderqueer skillet-sexual slapping these all over he/she/they/thom'st 's University.
Can you guys have a real conversation about this
White People are the scourge of the earth
>choping off the organ you need to reproduce and make more white people
>white people smarter then niggers
pick one
You should post this on /leftypol/ they'll be all over it.
>replying in a slide thread
what is pol
LMFAFFAAOO seriously though white city people are cool though.
>Threatening to cut your dick off if your enemy says something mean
No wonder whities are in decline
Look at this thread
Idk if this is a false flag response to iotbw, but if it is it's a good one. Put these next to every iotbw poster and watch the mental gymnastics about who's racist start spiraling far out of control
black people sucks
Is there anywhere I can buy a pack of these stickers.
You sound like a fuckin racist
White ppl sucks
Suck a koalas dick mate
Remove us and watch civilization turn to shit.
Sources- Africa, Middle east, Mexico and much more.
You're witnessing the effects of white supremacy and colonialism buddy
OP please keep saying that in front of moderate white people. Make sure to mention that you're a Democrat.
Keep up the good work, you're really helping the white nationalist cause with this attitude.
Luckily white supremacists and nazis always get regurgitated by society and boot stomped
So I can say and do whatever I want
Anti Semitic trash
I know, nothing is stopping you from telling moderate white people that it's not okay to be white. Please do more of this you fucking retard lol.
Is that what you call getting your asshole pillaged/
Put them up. Seriously, do it.
Good job OP. Make sure to post this in high visibility areas with lots of white traffic.
You better post those around. You'd be getting baited into doing the exact thing you shouldn't be doing. When normal white people see that they will understand how terrible of a person you and the left are.
They should say "White People Suck BBC". There are some white people (sluts and cucks) who do it, so it's a completely accurate statement like "it's okay to be white", and anyone who chimps out over it is just a racist bigot.
I hope someone does this shit lol
I love how white people don't care about this thread. Ignoring the signs.
They don't know what's coming
make a good example then and kill yourself