ITT: Things you appreciate/admire about another nation. America: Patriotism and good chocolate.
ITT: Things you appreciate/admire about another nation. America: Patriotism and good chocolate
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>good chocolate.
Wut? Our chocolate is garbage.
Finland: Hockey goalies, Pete Kauppinen and Kiira Korpi
UK: lots of good race tracks and lax car registration laws
Senpai i just had one of those 3 musketeers bars. was lovely.
Try Fazer "Blue" Milk Chocolate. Truly the Nectar of Ukko.
Admire how they handle terrorists
You must be from a shitty part of the country, in Massachusetts there's a shitton of great chocolate to buy.
You’ve got neat castles
Australia: quality banter and shitposting
I wouldn't touch Massachusetts with Commiefornia's feminine penis and call it Canada.
I really like Brits slang
>good chocolate
You're joking right? Most of our chocolate is waxy shit.
Willingness to pay its people a fair wage for work.
Literally no different from what Hitler did.
Key phrase is "their people" and not shitskins.
Poland's stance on refugees.
Japan's friendly admiration of Hitler and the nazis.
National pride, adherence to tradition and colonialism/imperialism.
Kinda like how the west used to be.
>That flag
Obvious Chink is Obvious.
>good chocolate
Wut? Where does this come from?
>That flag
Obvious nigger/spic/jew is obvious.
What is it now, 52%?
If you liked those just wait till you try our cheese
Gonna have to go with NZ for the cool nature stuff
>implying they are better than milkyway bars.
>implying us chocolate can even compete with cadburys
Sort your life out mate
China: not putting up with leftist bullshit
>>implying us chocolate can even compete with cadburys
That's true. Getting Cadburys here is a rare treat. They're all over the place there.
UK: History and mind bobbling arrogance you cant help but to admire
Say what you will about Isreal but beating the shit out of 3 nations bigger than you in 6 days is impressive.
>used to have 10/10 women pre-rapefest
>funny as hell
>kickin jew ass
RIP like dis if u cri erytime
You're 92% Chinks. No room to talk. Also Don "The Grapes" Cherry will die in the next 7 days and the Leafs suck.
Antarctica. Hardly any people.
>implying anything is better than crunch bars
America. It's huge.
Heath bar master race
GOOD CHOCOLATE you have to be out of your fucking mind, american chocolate is the grossest shit out there, I'd prefer actual shit over that crap
But they are a nation built by losers that couldn't make it in their native lands? They should been erased from history and their genepool ages ago, instead, they destroyed a pretty cool culture and it's people. And in recent history, the entire. Fucking. World.
The only solution is to get rid of the burger (and their overlords in israel ofc). A global allience. Nuke (((america))) into oblivion.
India: music and the caste system.
>good chocolate
oh yeah, forogt about those
heath better than crunch but those two are top
Easy there Sven, you're gonna pop a blood vessel
Ethiopia: you are getting your shit together. You're a stablizing force in your region. You have a deeper Christian history than Europe. Amharic is a confident, pleasant language.
>strong Christian faith
>thousands of years of rich history
>seemingly endless land
>strong military that isn't taken to a extreme (like USA)
>continually screwed attempts of a one world gov. By the likes
>got totally infected with communism but managed to go back to its roots
>badass leader
Good luck with that buddy.
Most of our good chocolate (read: not milk chocolate) is imported.
>Galicia, nuff said
>Beer and women
>lovely Alps
>funny cunts
>anime and sushi
>women and fjords
>great women and food
>it’s white (lol)
>Beautiful countryside and women
Haiti: nice mangos, good cigars, great coffee, the best rum in the world.
And best earthquakes
>posted my fixed version of the gif
you can appreciate that too
why you hate mossad ?
indians weren't one culture, but multiple tribes. and we didn't force Europe to open the floodgates, that's all on your weak men
Japan: Cool folklore and architectural aesthetics
>Funny as hell
U w0t?!
Mongolia: y'all some tough motherfuckers. You have the most interesting history of any present day nation. Like the time a mad german general tried to resurrect the khanate and overthrow communism. Shine on you crazy bastards.
Denmark : My dad
The girls...
Aussies are bro tier.
I love Germans, they are intelligent and incredibly hardworking
Russians are fun, even if they all seem a little sad
Japan have had some of the best quality posts around
I love Sup Forums, I consider you all as friends :)
Afghanistan: you are the place where empires go to die. Even soldiers that hate you say that your people are true fighters.
Milkyway is the best, you do have a point. I'll take your opinion into consideration.
india: dank food, freedom to poo outside of the loo, and PAJEET
NK: Nuclear determinism
the star spangled banner is a cool fucking anthem.
our is pretty good to but only when you are playing it not singing it.
A society that initiated gun control before it was too late
>65% of people at my job got fired on Friday
>Most were ghetto and got let go for failed background check
>sitting next to the exit for when shit goes wrong
Russia: putin
Turkey: erdogan
Belgium: the Flemish
Anime, politicians and futuristic buildings
Disco music, pre-1990 Hollywood, cowgirls
Belgium: Our little brother. Always good to have them in dutch threads for good dicussions. They make the best beer and chocolate. They need to let us annex them already.
Denmark: Reminds me of the Netherlands. Nice posters and culture. Being as irrelevant as we are.
Jordan: an Oasis of sanity in a desert of madness. Surprising proof that benevolent monarchy is still possible in modern times. Your king is the shit, unlike the mafia crime family making up that OTHER arab royal family.
>Your king is the shit
>he belies in the circlejerk
Why can't Belgium annex you?
>the time a mad German general tried to resurrect the khanate and overthrow communism
Please do tell this story, I can't find it myself
Canada: I enjoy powdered milk.
He's basically if Sup Forums was one man.
America lynch mobs
Germany: Guns
Russia: Cheap ammo
Mexico: the food.
Armenia: Greatest bakers in the world. Your baklava is the best baklava. Don't let any Turks, Greeks, or Moroccans tell you otherwise.
>praises Mexican food.
>doesn't post mole.
That's pretty fucking awesome. As shitty as those times were compared to today, it was a more interesting time to be alive despite that. I could be in Mongolia following some lunatic in his quest to purge commies. Instead I'm shit posting on an anime board.
Fuck outta here, holmes.
Pacifico o nada
What a goddamn monstrosity.
Isle of Man: best motorcycle race
Ireland: girl blew me there when I was on vacation to watch the Isle of Man race
Nothing anymore
Kurdistan: you deserve to exist. I will not ask you to forgive our betrayal. We do not deserve it.
USA: gun laws, patriotism
Italy & France: food culture
Hungary: current government
GB: nothing