Is this 56% meme Real?
Is this 56% meme Real?
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you mean 51.8%
you mean 42%?
Yes. Just wait and witness the rage of the mongrelized animals unfold ITT in due time!
This is what you typical white american looks like in comparison to a nigger
>Is this 56% meme Real?
56% Real
Not really. All these images appeared and started being pushed at the same time. It comes across as very inorganic and co-ordinated.
It's also fully in line with their other proven tactics: divide and conquer. They don't want international solidarity between the white nations. It's the exact same thing as the "is X white" shilling they do.
They also hide behind meme flags and always stick to the same script, like proves so elegantly. Very sad and very transparent.
yes very real. it's not even a meme coming from a mixed race american and other americans iv'e seen. every "white" american has light brown skin and brown eyes which is considered white here. so yes it's very real.
looks like weinstein
>Not really. All these images appeared and started being pushed at the same time. It comes across as very inorganic and co-ordinated.
>It's also fully in line with their other proven tactics: divide and conquer. They don't want international solidarity between the white nations. It's the exact same thing as the "is X white" shilling they do.
>They also hide behind meme flags and always stick to the same script, like # proves so elegantly. Very sad and very transparent.
more like -1%
More like 30% and yes its real.
Here we go!
Roall, and you're not white, piratepoor !
>le 56% face
it is unfortunately.
By decreasing that percentage is the only way they can ever hope to take back another election, so it will get smaller and smaller. And our cities will get more and more crowded with more dependents until eventually there will be no one to work and supply said taxes.
proud hywte man desu
wait where did the 14% go
I don't see a difference.
-1% White
>le 41% face
draw that up for me at first i hated it but now im feeling it
No, It isn't It's only 48% now.
for me it's el goblino
This is for Sweden and the future of europe.
Is this a shill campaign?
It is for the whole of the Western European world.
check for gravitational lensing
>itt europoos cope with their own mogrelization
no burger
it's the truth
Yes, all Americans are mongrels, which is why it's silly to think that race matters in the States. We're all the same in the end.
not so fast Hans solo
Hwhite man coming through
Are you trying to make ur memes finnish? They aren't funny.
May I have Kek's blessing.
they arent suppose to be funny amerifat
just face it, youre not as important as you think
Some of these are well drawn and they all spawned in a short period of time, not sure this is organic. It looks like we have a dedicated anti American group here.
I'm afraid so
>hide behind meme flags.
Like you?
Anyway, the meme has been around for a while. But it fucking exploded right about the same time the manafort charges were released. It’s an interesting coincidence
so since i rolled 0 do I rule them all
The only white american I've met looked arab
Eh there's a lot of nasty looking mongrels but it has as much to do with diet as it does ethnicity.
god bless
You spend a lot of time thinking about us don't you?
Also interesting how all these started showing up around the same time, i wonder who (((paid))) for them
RH neg = master race
Doesn't matter what country you're from as long as you don't have money blood
I'm pretty sure the nigger's white genes (and fat) are what makes him look like the guy on the left.
someone started it and more europeans hopped on
doesent american education teach you what a Trend" is?
When someone tells you that the left can't meme just take a look at this thread and realize that person was correct
What about micropenises? Its NOT OK to have an orange limp micropenis.
hello fellow white people
>what is white flight
It could be 20% and it wouldn't imply anyone is mixing with each other.
Remember who makes these your not white threads. Also the Turk is an Israeli BTW just thought people should know.
Yeah that is why you are protecting europe and NATO... oh wait
56% is referring to the number of whites compared to nonwhites, not the genetic admixture of the average white there
there are perhaps more mongrels than any other white nation, but also because there are more white people than any other white nation
it's a meme, for now at least, don't get divided and conquered by it
>All these images appeared and started being pushed at the same time. It comes across as very inorganic and co-ordinated.
the essence of the meme is that burgers will cherrypick the dark 5% of say, Italians, to call us arabs, or the 5% of Britain to call them muhammad, but then get all flustered when someone picks their stunning(and probably underestimated) 44% and call them mystery meat
I’m so New I’ve never done anyone of that. You all seem like hypocrites. Considering nobody has said Europeans are not white.
newfag redditor fuck off
newfag plebbit grandma
don't feed into it, Europeans just found a meme that triggers most Americans and are rolling with it for fun, it's actually pretty funny