so Sup Forums what's your opinion on sam harris?
So Sup Forums what's your opinion on sam harris?
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His philosophical arguments are interesting, his works on islam are eyeopening, a true advocate for non conventional way of not only viewing politics but reality as a whole. There is a great video about him IQ and the ignored effects it has on society.
I think he's great. I enjoy his arguments about religion, free will and to a lesser extent, politics. I like that he doesn't fit comfortably into a neat little box but he isn't a polemicist for its own sake. I respect him as a serious intellectual.
>yeah islam and christianity are pretty shitty religions
>no i wont talk about judaism and jews
In to the gas chamber
he need a shower
Based is right.
He's the man.
He literally wrote in one of his books
>The gravity of Jewish suffering over the ages, culminating in the Holocaust, makes it almost impossible to entertain any suggestion that Jews might have brought their troubles upon themselves. This is, however, in a rather narrow sense, the truth. […] the ideology of Judaism remains a lightning rod for intolerance to this day. […] Jews, insofar as they are religious, believe that they are bearers of a unique covenant with God. As a consequence, they have spent the last two thousand years collaborating with those who see them as different by seeing themselves as irretrievably so. Judaism is as intrinsically divisive, as ridiculous in its literalism, and as at odds with the civilizing insights of modernity as any other religion. Jewish settlers, by exercising their "freedom of belief" on contested land, are now one of the principal obstacles to peace in the Middle East.
Cucked out with "insofar as they are religious", but still. you want to live under sharia fags instead?
Based jew.
like most smart guys he basically is a giant hypocrite who refuses to admit he is wrong
His being a kike tells you all you need to know about his agenda
Doctrinaire liberal cuck
Jew with an agenda.
Did he also write about the Jewish role behind Communism? The Iraq War II?
The Jewish problem is a racial one
Nah, I know. Still unexpected for a Jew to admit as much as he did, and the fact that he's redpilled on nigger IQ.
Suffers from Trump derangement syndrome, and afraid to be honest about race realism, so he's pretty much useless.
Militant atheism is a force for multiculturalism, feminism and moral decadence.
a 12/10 intellectual
I hope the muslims will not get him in some foreign shithole
Obviously you have not figured it out. Pol/ does not need or want “leaders”. Leaders are just destroyed and/or co-opted by the Brown Shirt Media anyway.
Nah, another extremely intelligent person, with a talent for something, running their mouths like they know something about everything. Fuck him. Especially since he pushes the Russia interfered in the 2016 election meme, saying it is well documented. For all his intelligence, he is just another demagogue intellectual with confirmation bias issues when confronting the realities and complexities of human society on the macro.
the only reason why he's willing to talk about African IQ, is because it allows him to talk about Ashkenazi IQ and how superior he thinks it (and by extension, he) is, even if it means refeering to a debunked study that has been shit on by all leading genealogists.
t Muslim
Last I checked he was all on board with the muh Russia conspiracy B.S.
So, no, he is sorely lacking in the critical thinking department.
trump caused him to have a total mental breakdown. pussy
He's a joke in both the philosophy and neuroscience world. His PhD had a massive conflict of interest, and he's hardly contributed anything to NS since. He just got his PhD (research funded by his non-profit (((atheist))) organization) so he could shill atheism from a "legitimate" position as a scientific authority.
His philosophy is honestly laughable. It's edgy 13 year old level stuff. If you have any doubts about him being an utter retard kike Sophist that's just in it for the shekels, look how he went on and on about muh drumpf for months. He's no different than your run of the mill Crooked Hillary supporting closet Marxist Islam/Christianity but not Judaism bashing science worshipping theologically and philosophically illiterate faggot secular Jew. He's just a slightly better rhetorician.
It's always the secular kikes man. Always.
intellectually dishonest neocohen
He decries group IQ differences as raycis
oh yeah because religious kikes like Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager who are very religious don't shill against White people
>way of not only viewing politics but reality as a whole
yet he likes to refer to Jews winning lots of nobel prizes in that context
>IQ studies are racist
>but you know, Jews have higher IQ than everyone else ;V)
No he doesn't.
i have a soft spot for sam. He was a big part of my journey to get where I am today, but he isn't the intellectual giant i thought he was. don't hate him though. agree with the yid ITT that he has trump derangement syndrome. that was a big turnoff.
Sam harris is eloquent, patient, and willing to own up to mistakes. That's the kind of person we would want variably coloured sasquatches to look up to. It's very easy to say that he's an intellectual mongrel because you don't agree with his views or that he gets rolled by greater people, but the level of rationality he's able to demonstrate is more than most, certainly better than people who tout fiercely their academic credits as a basis for unrelated arguments. Nothing to merit disparagement as far as I know.
Anyone know other podcasts worth listening to?
Exactly this. The most important part of being an intellectual is to stay calm and listen. Never seen him yell at someone he's talking to.
Can't really condemn someone for not having the same political views as long as they are rational because you could be wrong too. I just wish there were more people like Sam Harris on both sides of most issues.
I've always heard he's like this great intellectual or whatever, and I've listened to him talk tons of times and his podcasts.
Can't listen without falling asleep, guy has never said anything smart or interesting in his life. Total faggot.
Oven. One of the worst kikes out there and possibly in the universe. He may be the one man reason why sapce niggers won't come down here.
>Sam harris is eloquent, patient, and willing to own up to mistakes.
WRONG, Sweden yes.
wrong what?
Disingenuous kike.
He is doing the same thing Marx and Trotsky did, trying to obscure Jewish racial tribalism by blaming Orthodox Judaism. The religion doesn't matter, it is just one part of their ethnic survival strategy. Atheist Jews are willing to shed it in order to throw off the scent and engage in a new form of crypsis while still dominating Gentiles. Judaism is barely a religion anyway, it has no transcendent properties and is as materialistic as the atheistic communism/socialism that largely replaced it among yids in the West.
Yeah Sam Harris is a cry baby, he’s also a light weight - afraid to debate Stefan Molyneux, instead throws shade while hiding. Beta af.
Cernovich does not approve of Harvey Weinstein. Sam Harris grew up in Hollywood, loved Weinstein.
he's a kike and you are one too
This is exactly what I'm talking about when people debate. Although I wouldn't call Sup Forums a place for debates, at least be more specific than WRONG. It will make you less contemptible.
I liked his works on hypocrisy in modern organized religion, loved his essay "lying", plus he calls out islam for killing apostates, but he went full philosophy retard in his books "the moral landscape" and "free will."
Moral landscape is a giant fail in trying to extract ought from is.
Free will is just determinists philosophy 101, a.k.a. there is no "factual moral basis" upon which to punish criminals.
Any determinist is retarded since human will is required to interpret causality.
He gets lost in his own rubric.
He's okay when he's got a guest he agrees with, but his "debates" are unlistenable
I believe that physics leads to the conclusion that the universe is deterministic and we have no free will, but you can't really accept that as a philosophy because choosing our actions has the assumption that we can choose them. It's interesting to think about, but irrelevant in the end.
left wing jew faggot
>muh based
yeah, like bill (((maher))), amirite?
I think he's sexy as hell
People think he's brilliant because. He. Talks. Very. Slow. Ly.
But he's a friggin' libtard. Cannot be that smart.
he is another jew building arguments for tikkun olam and jewish supremacy without ever mentioning it by name
Bit of a bore but is willing to call out Islam so not a total loss.
Not really qualified/trained to criticize his philosophical and religious beliefs; but I think he is naive to think the primary solution to stopping radical Islam using moderate Islamist to speak out against the radicals.
Malala whatever the fuck her name is, can't do shit to solve that problem and he is naive to think people like her can.
He is one of the better "content creators", makes a good podcast with interesting guests and interesting discussions.
He genuinely seems to try hard to be intellectually neutral and be open to new ideas, he is not afraid to tackle controversial topics and give a platform to unpopular ideas. He likes to tackle the big picture ideas but even he has not yet approached the subject of population growth.
Conservative estimates (almost all based on birth rates in Africa developing countries continuing to see a decline in birth rates) say that by 2050, the population will be 10 billion and 12 billion by 2100.
Life is going to get very shitty for everyone and practically nobody is willing to even talk about, nevermind suggest solutions. Your children and their children are fucked.
Liberals by temperament are smarter than conservatives. That is, they have higher IQs on average.
Of course it doesn't mean they are right about everything. And it certainly does NOT mean they have more wisdom and moral judgement.
Those numbers always assume that current trends continue, but if the population continues on that trend then there will be negative feedback like starvation especially in third world contries.
All you need to know
sophomoric "philosopher", trust fund baby, drughead, fake "scientist"
disingenuous globalist kike
i used to like him back when i was 15 and read all his edgy atheist books. then 12 years later i learned that races of humans are different and researched deeper and deeper into the JQ. now when i listen to his views i realize he belongs in an oven
pic related, the glasses are made out of race realism and JQ
The man Sargon tries and fails to be.
those are very conservative estimates. They rely on birth rates in developing countries falling to less than half what they are now and birth rates in the west continuing to fall. The high estimates have population hitting 18 billion by 2100
You need will to interpret the laws of physics as deterministic.
FYI, the big five personality traits don't measure for IQ, despite having Intellect as one of their aspects.
Liberals are higher in this 'Intellect' aspect, but that doesn't equal IQ.
This post again.... Scott Adams BTFO out of this fag.
I don't see why physics wouldn't lead to the conclusion the universe is deterministic. What's a reason why it wouldn't be. Genuinely curious about this because you haven't dismissed me as a cuck or some other shit.
Here's another way to think about it.
The first layer of conscious experience is sensory perception. The second layer is will to interpret.
The past and future don't actually exist as things seperate from the present, the past is just memories interpreted into a narrative in the here and now, the future is just extrapolated possibility in the here and now. What underlies "now" is the will to intepret sensory data.
This. When I heard him debate Scott Adams I lost all respect for him. Before the debate I did not think that highly of him to be honest.
I am aware of that. I am claiming they have higher IQs on average.
There's also the qestion about where the consciousness comes from. If the consciousness comes from interactions between neurons in the brain (which i believe) then those interactions are governed by physics as well.
What if I told you both sides sucked?
consciousness seems impossible is the universe is deterministic
I don't think about him at all.
Also they are governed by life experience correct? If you go by that logic.
THIS. Ultimately, It's THIS. He undermines the west with his atheism and he enables the endless war in the Middle East (yes he was against it at the start) but his justifications help keep it going.
Fedora rehashes ancient arguments to get rich, because Jewish. That's Sam Harris.
I think that will is impossible (as in choice), but not consciousness.
You experience your consciousness before you can interpret causality.
I dont think its relevant, but there is zero data supporting the notion that conciousness is merely a physical phenomenon. Human capability for complex abstractions trick you into thinking that is likely the case, when all phenomonological experience implies otherwise.
I actually believe they can both be true, but the existence of will is more true.
Dishonest kike who lived off mommy's Golden Girl bucks for 40 years
maybe i phrased it wrongly, when i said consciousness i meant the you, your self awareness
Humans have stages of mental development and if any stage is interrupted it could fuck up soneone.
I don't think that we can know either way if consciousness is definitely a result of physical phenomena because it's not testable (how would you test that?). My position is just based on what I think is more likely. I don't have any solid reason to believe it.
But about time one of these atheist fags spoke out against Islam
Pretty much this. I have my view points on this issue as well but I can't factually defend my views.
That's also what I meant. I think that the psyche, consciousness, self or what ever other term can exist in a deterministic universe. It's just that those consciousnesses would feel the illusion of choice in a deterministic universe when they are just observers in the end.
One of those stages in healthy individuals is realizing that believing the universe is strictly determined is a choice.
That's because it requires faith to believe a metaphysical interpretation of reality like determinism.
I prefer to run my decision making based off my personal experience.
So you have faith in your personal experiences?
Yeah, the philosphy I believe is called Absurdism and that's a main tenant. You have to choose that you will live even though the universe doesn't give a fuck either way and there's no transcendent meaning in life.
Also, it's too hard to make a point and keep up with all of these replies.
Of course, this is how I feel towards tia issue. Humans are complex creatures.
Exactly this. Every decision like if the universe is deterministic where there can't be evidence either way is just a decision based on faith. It's very far from religious faith though.
So you don't believe in free will? Also that has nothing to do with the stages of mental development.