Is it realistic for porn to be banned in my lifetime?
Worldwide I mean
Is it realistic for porn to be banned in my lifetime?
no, microdicked amerilards and europounds won't give up porn and fuck real women
lol no
I never understood how people are willingly fucking their own lives.
You're an absolute fucking retard who blames his own stupidity and lack of ambition on factors external to himself in order to avoid having to face his own inadequacy.
It's necessary OP. You will thank yourself in the future. Currently on nofap day 1 and I never felt better.
projecting much bro??
I'm... gonna need a name here.. purely for research you know.
I'm not the one trying to ban porn. OP thinks it should be because he lacks the capacity to have any self-imposed discipline.
It's possible but not likely. I for one would like to see pornography made much, much less accessible.
Yeah, for children it would probably be a good thing. But a ban is ridiculous.
(((they))) want children to be incidentally exposed to hardcore porn though. why can't the filth be banished to its own domain to make it easier to filter out?
You are an absolute fucking retard for assuming things.
I do not even watch porn myself.
But it is one of the worst enemies of the west.
It cucks men, turns them into total low test pansies that buy into the pansy political views.
How can people grab a rifle and fight when they grab their cocks instead?
>why can't the filth be banished to its own domain to make it easier to filter out?
Yeah this should work. As long as everyone could get a domain under the porn TLDs at reasonable price I think it might be a good idea.
There would be a great purge moving all of the porn over there and terminating domains that don't complain. Man there would be butthurt kek.
And there would be some sites that allow porn but aren't porn-centered. Like here. Lots of people would revolt over this puritanism.
Problem is that forcing them to switch domain name would be a huge problem for their existing users and links. They could still be allowed to have redirects from their old domain to the new though. If the new domain is filtered it would still be blocked.
What counts as porn though? Have I posted porn yet? There weren't any tiddies or baginas yet. Who would decide that?
Is there anything on this planet that you cannot do or get with money.
No such thing as banning anything honestly. Look how well banning North Korea from having nukes worked out.
Sometimes the black market created by the banning of an object or service; in turn makes that service or object more readily consumed and available.
kikes already run the world dumbo you could answer that question yourself
>why can't the filth be banished to its own domain to make it easier to filter out?
Because it would be completely impossible to enforce
Also if you don't want your kid to look at porn, just don't let them have unsupervised access to the computer, you fucking retard.
>But it is one of the worst enemies of the west.
>It cucks men, turns them into total low test pansies that buy into the pansy political views.
No it doesn't
>How can people grab a rifle and fight when they grab their cocks instead?
One at a time?
What exactly is the cause of men being total vaginas nowadays then?
something in the water?
>What exactly is the cause of men being total vaginas nowadays then?
Intentional and unintentional social conditioning, principally by female-domination of early public schooling and breaking up of traditional family units, resulting in a larger and larger percentage of boys being raised without strong father figures, if any at all. Additionally, acceptance movements for alternative lifestyles goes hand in hand with rejection of personal accountability. It is no coincidence that most economic leftists are socially liberal as well.
Please stop projecting, it's fucking annoying.
You don't even know what the word means
Who was Genghis Khan anyway
Not saying it's the same as wanking but some of you faggots are pushing it too far.
A healthy sexuality for a man implies a lot of domination. Something that the preachers of death are against like the christcucks and eastern religious are against. The cucks are a result of these death cults turned secular and materialistic. It gives them a reason to be there.
no, everyone needs to stop using it and protect their children from it's influence. No other way.
how many women in porn are taken advantage of or are addicted to drugs or are mentally unstable?
I stopped watching porn months ago and its one of the best decisions I made
It is realistic for porn to be regulated to a point that no one can afford to watch it anymore.
nah dude, as likely as internet getting banned in your lifetime
Most likely desu. Maybe in three of four decades if not less, even now people are waking up to the damage it causes. Besides everyone is growing more conservative by the day.
>even now people are waking up to the damage it causes
You mean retards on /fit/ are "waking up" to the fact that if they don't jerk of 3 times a day they have more time for other things
>Besides everyone is growing more conservative by the day.
Conservative is not an axis. People are becoming more racially aware and misanthropic towards naive "love" based politics, but that doesn't mean that people are becoming more reserved in regards to their own behavior. Not that most people shouldn't, but there are far more important issues to worry about than masturbation, principally hypergamy and homosexuality.