Do they matter? What have they accomplished that they can be proud of? Why do they think they are superior to whites? Why do they believe they wuz kangs when they never were?
Let me ask you a simple question:
On an individual level, very, very few lives matter.
Blacks just matter less, on average.
The don't matter,they didn't do anything profitable for the society like whites and asians did in the past and still continue to do.
They are good to be used as slaves and their women aren't worth of the white cock.
Blacks are futile,but because we live in a wannabe equal society they are being treated well like:the muzzies ,jews and the women.
Only to liberals, so they can call you a racist.
Ah i see now, thanks for clearing that up.
Nope a million nigger lives are worpth less than 1 puppy. That is how little black lives matter
Blacks die at the hands of other blacks at such a high rate that it’s impossible to make the argument that they matter to anyone based on logic alone.
Like all lives, only those that actually benefit society as a whole, matter.
Race does not matter. Nobody needs to exist. Nobody matters. Stop creating new people. Just shut everything down and die. Life is stupid.
Of course they do, but the African American culture has widespread horrific problems in it that need to be publicly addressed. I have had many good black friends, some of my best friends, and they are bigger nationalists than I am. They fucking HATE niggers. There are problems with every community, or country, or neighborhood, or family that need to be addressed and they usually are. But whenever you bring up the fact that many black children are born to drug addicted single mothers, or that 7% of the population commits 60% of the violent crime, suddenly you're some racist piece of shit. Being labeled a racist is the worst thing you can be called in western society. So no one will talk about it.
Up is down, right is left, common sense is insanity, welcome to liberalism folks. Enjoy the ride.
No lives matter intrinsically.
Black lives don't even matter to Black Lives Matter.
If they did blacks wouldn't kill each others in droves.
BL do not matter to Blacks because they shoot each other to the tune of about 100 per night in the US and a similar number in Africa
yes of course. all lives matter.
Black Lives Matter.
The Organization and it's cronies do not.
New Studies show cops are actually more likely to shoot whites. So I think white lives matter more
>Do they matter?
Better questionnis what did whites ever accomplish without oppreasing others. Whites ddidn'tbuild the railroads without yellows and by killing reds. The US was founded by thise who needed reds to survive and them built on the backs of others. It could be said the hands that did the work were the important ones.
Every man is entitled to the dignities of life, liberty, and property, granted they do not infringe on others with respect to this.
In this regard, yes, black lives - and all lives - matter. But it is up to each individual to make something of his life and to support himself, and strictly voluntarily, to support others.
get it through your thick heads!
This shit is fucking lame!