This is a Christian board, here we believe in Jesus Christ, our lord and saviour. If you do not like that you are free to leave!
This is a Christian board, here we believe in Jesus Christ, our lord and saviour...
Why is he black tho
why're white people worshiping semetic sandniggers?
Because he's not European?
Jesus, mozart, beethoven and hitler were black.
>jesus gracias fulfills 1000 years of jewish prophecy! 6 gorillion jews can't be wrong! lets show those jews and worship 'em!
Where's black Santa? If you're going to do it do it right..
anyone who isn't european = black
Flawless logic.
Why did you put a picture of Muhammad up then?
Yes pretty much. Some southern 'europeans' do fit in that category too.
It's not as cute without a picture of redpilled cat
This is advanced shitposting, I'm onto you kiddo
try and keep up i'm here to teach the world and the cosmos, those watchers in the sky and in your mind.
is Sup Forums really ready to speak to heaven though?
Most of these clowns got less light than a new Destiny character
Kek. I created exactly this text some days ago. Finally, there is a meme from me.
May Jesus bless you.
It is not any one person's decision to be honest
That shit was so funny I had to repost.
You're right but what's the point when it falls on deaf ears? The lizard brain is too dominant.
Were Mozart, Beethoven and Hitler living in the desert of Israel? No.
Yet, Jesus was born and living there - and around this time in all likelihood he was dark skinned.
Santa is apparently living in the Antarctica, while Jesus was living in the desert.
There are actually people who absurdly imagine Jesus to be a White man. It is like WE WUZ, but in the opposite direction.