Brit Anons get in here We Wuz Kangz

If you aren't familiar with Alan Wilsons research stop what your doing and watch now.

So why are they suppressing our true history?

Connor MacLeod - not british
William Wallace - not british

Stop stealing Scottish history and claiming it as your own

All Europeans of the British isles are too a greater or lesser extent related - only an ignorant 'patriot for prpfit' like Martin Sellner or a hood nigger would deny this reality.

I for example have a Scottish last name but am as English (or try to be) as they come. England is the land of hope and glory for European people.

its nothing to do with the scotcucks tho?

Arc of the covenant buried in wales lad!

There were two king arthurs, one cucked the romans and one cucked the saxons

Bro you should probably kill yourself or go on a holiday from being hyper political and "always connected " via that CIA info mine most of us carry (phones) around all day.
No. You have no idea about genetics and the scientific reality of different groups.
Watch and support SurvivetheJive on YouTube. He is an Englishman living in Sweden (its not terrible everywhere there, yet) and he made a video called 'the early neolithic famers'. The ENF spread agriculture from ancient middle east to Europe and mixed bloods with the natives, more so in the South. I'm a brain let and didnt read his sources and thought that Paki/Arabs of the middle east today were our genetic ancestors - we are not Arabs. They are invaders to the 'fertile crescent' at least in Iraq (ancient mesopotamia).

>So why are they suppressing our true history?

>land of hope and glory for European people
my sides

>Be Brit Paki rape baby hybrid
>Realise that pisslam is shite
>Struggle for an identity that's acceptable to this beta cuck lifestyle we live like literal mice in THAT Stanford university experiment.
>See legend being taken literally and not for symbolic allegory, myth
>WE WUZ kangz equivalent ensues
>Brit paki doesn't realise this is a pro European version of 'New Age' bull shit which intentionally obfuscates reality through commercialised half truths.
Eg. 'Positive attraction' think it and you will have it - blind hope. In reality the factual full truth is called 'Self Actualisation' - you look for what you need/want and you plan on how to take it.

You probably drink bleach for being so naive, I wager you're below 18 so stop posting shite faggot and mature a bit. Daft cunt.

Yeah i'm a bit disconcerted by the jewish aspect (really just the OG christians tho) - but they weren't the talmudic ashkenazis.

Basically a celtic - christian master race really.

This guy has obviously rattled MI5 and the freemasons anyway.

he meant wales

>Daring to insult a guaranteed pure breed European man
>Being so fat he shits himself everyday
See pic related corn syrup addicted mischling-Gollum scum.

thanks MI6 for not refuting a single piece of evidence

Bro the early history of the church is so based. No really.
That nigger "Saint" Paul tried to keep Jewish tricks like male genital mutilation but others (possibly Mark/a different disciple/figure) said HELL NO. This is little known because the kvetching penny pinchers that suck blood from their own kinds babies cocks would be *literullly shaking fought noighhh OY VEY*
Pic related is the type of inbred slag that just lies for the sake of it, justifies this as some kind of rebellion against those that aren't deluded (the 'gentiles'). Ironically after THEY had Jesus killed, the Romans fucked up the Pharisees for good and destroyed their 'synagogue of Satan'. The Jews are mostly poor, powerless weirdos but the rich are we WUZ typed of the worst kind.

Remember current Jews worship the devil like child rapist Talmudic Pharisees. The Israelites according to scripture worshipped God directly and didnt like statues because they were essentially Orthodox Christians. Considered art/statues as idol worship.

Not worth my time. Its all 'New Age' shite, share this "evidence". No those several hour shite doesn't constitute proof, as unlike you I have work in a few hours and would like to relax and post for a bit.

I'm not sure what you are trying to argue against, this backs up your claims of brits being orthodox christians in no way is it new age?

How can you refute the physical artifacts retrieved? And the documented family trees? Read his books maybe if you want to pretend to be an intellectual

you might be able to relax some more if you pull your head out of your arse lad

Every time a big firework goes off I think Im getting blown the fuck up by isis

clearly terrorism works tbqh

No I'm "anti intellectual" whilst sort of unironically being on a break from uni. I simply want people to look for themselves, one doesn't need a degree eto succeed or think critically but a degree helps in life - apparently.

Also my bad - I in no way meant that Brits were the original Israelites/Jews that converted to Christianity in the ancient middle east that was at the time still European in places and ethnically Jewish in others.

>What are forgeries and """"" good lies"""""

I'm pretentiius, but I enjoy it - I'm deeply unhappy and it gives me purpose to be a cunt.

Your move lad.

Oh well, I like the cultural significance of sacrificing guy Fawkes as a traitor but muh 5th November is based on bull shit.

Today (hypothetically, I'm a gold boy CIA/GCHQ monitors) would you accept a fat, ugly Catholic (those are baseless ad hominems King James may have been alright) King today? I sure as hell would kvetch if a Scot like that Cunt Alex Salmknd the round head dwarf.

Mfw every cultural institution/holiday has been subverted by Marxists and I'm eben starting to """" deconstruct""" shit. That meme about looking into the abyss is true. Of course I don't """" deconstruct """" in public or polite company.

British means from the British Isles, you dumb faggot. You can be Scottish, Irish, Welsh, or English and still be British.

*took the once English throne in a once English city like London.

>Chinky/colonial peasant that sucks Trudeas spic bastard toes for his welfare
Nah SENPAI. It is a "were all the same LOL" term in its original use - it became a term of endearment later and at best was a lazy term to describe diverse European peoples on the Islands.

>He takes every term literally
Fuck off, I'm possibly being pedantic but I'm English and no way "British" any cunt can be called "British". Any Nigger from the Empire cna get citizenship in my ancestral home due to rich Jews like the Saloon family ("""" business family""" behind the opium wars, cohen-cidentally Jewish) like vague terms such as "British" as its convenient and easy to social engineer low IQ turds like you Mr Bugman Gollum chink.

Shut up cunt, im trying to watch the bill

Re runs?

You sound like exactly the kind of guy who would genuinely get a lot from just watching the first link. It is legit very interesting and just re-affirms the UK as gods country, quite literally

>yo dude shut up i watched a surive the jive video so everything you know is wrong

Yeah mate. Do they still make new ones?

Unfortunately not. I think they tried to revive it, essentially "reinvent" (recycle/steal) the formula for the original but blimey was it a good show. That was the last time a really gritty show came out of England.

Do/did English/European shows really have an influence on Australian Anglos? I wish you could come home. UnlikeAmerimutts strayans are almost 100% pure from nigger native admixture - who would fuck an Australian Negroid? They literally looking like wrinkled piles of shit.

He provides various sources in the viceo "contents" on YoyTube. A video is a good starting point, ENF is unequivocal proof that race is not a social construct.

Tore, you Paki scum. You will never be European. On the off chance you are European, traitors get it first.

>Being so low IQ it implies I think one YouTube video from a highly educated, well read full time history videographer of great English stock is infallible
Survive TheJive does this full time, he has a masters degree in ancient history. He write his thesis and made a documentary on European paganism in the British isles.
>Shill that sucks Mussie dick
Don't you have a bull to prep whilst $0.01 is transferred to your account?

Not so much now i dont think. But when i was a kid we watched the bill, father ted, men behaving badly, keeping up appearances, mr bean, the vicor of dibley, the list goes on. Mostly comedies i guess, but the odd drama and a shitload of brit cartoons.

Well, good tidings my Anglo brethren.
Please watch ENF (early Neolithic farmers) on SurviveTheJive YouTube channel this video (search ENF on YouTube) references academic sources PROVING the very reality of race in genealogical tests - "race is a social construct" IS bullshit.

>being this triggered
