Right of Return to Germany

I have German great grand parents who spoke German and moved here from Schleswig and Prussia. Because of this, I could apply for German citizenship under the right of return. Should I? I am a blonde haired, blue eyed man who's father was Danish. Or is Germany too far gone and no western country is worth moving to as they're all fucked?

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Germany is a third world shit hole now and unless afd starts getting more leverage in upcoming elections and go full fash, it’s essentially pointless.
>inb4 muh 56%
As long as you stay out of nigger areas, most areas are pretty fucking white. After all, at least you won’t end up looking like two face if Iraqi Jackie decides to throw some acid on you.

why would you want to

Wait so i am anglo can i do the same thing?

To be back to the country of my ancestors and back in Europe, where I belong. To be better connected to my cultural heritage. But, yet again, I think I won't as German culture seems to be about cucking yourself and genociding your own people. Even though America is fairing no better, at the moment. It's a shame, I'd want to go to take pride in a German identity to find out everyone is ashamed of it and wants to erase it out of irrational guilt.

Where is a German user when you need one to describe how it is over there.

If you really want to be safe, go to Austria, Switzerland or Czech Republic. Germany will run red with blood 'ere long.

apply for citizenships for sweets gibsmedats and free healthcare

What's it like there?

Are you fully Northwestern European? If not - you have no place in Germany

Yes actually, like I said, I'm blonde haired and blue eyed and my dad is Danish and my Mom is German. I'm from the Midwest so this isn't all that uncommon. Heritage wise. My mom's grandparents spoke German.

you need proof, that you have at least one ancestor, who had german citizenship. so start digging out your and their birth certificates.

Well, if you want to apply for german citizienship and actually move there, you should condider living in Germany first. If you were born and raised in the USA and never actually lived in Germany most germans will not consider you to be an actual german. If you want to "connect to your german heritage" I would suggest you live in the northern part of Germany. Most germans are not ashamed of german history, except the holocaust, and in my opinion we do not try to erase it.

>German great grand parents
Were they forced out? If not you have no shot. That right is reserved for Jews and oppressed Germans in Russia and other places. There is no such thing as Prussia or Schleswig anymore. My ancestors all lived in Kingdoms, Empires, or occupied lands and thus I have no citizenship right according to law.

What if he goes there and burns his passport. Can't he just refugee-in?

well if he is the average burger mutt, this might work also.

you are wrong. ius sanguinis is still in practice.

Depends on where you intend to live. Easily one of the highest living standards in the world, still 1000x safer than the US, bordering the most gorgeous countries in the world.

Doesn't it need a line of German citizens though? Usually a relative gave it up when they naturalized in the new world.

Well, genology and dna test suggests otherwise. Im mixed in regards to some dna being from Scandinavia and more than half being from Germany. But I'm still fully Nordic.

What's the best place to live in Germany where it's pretty, well off, and not flooded with immigrants?

every state in the ex-gdr, also rural areas in bavaria and lower-saxony

No, germany is fucked


Former DDR

The conditional on that is that you have to keep out of every major city, except you want to visit the middle east with less bombings and a bit more green.

So, could I apply for citizenship if I was born in August of 1999 and my great grand parents were German citizens?


>Die Bayern haben einen neuen Himmel. Das legendäre Hacker-Festzelt auf dem Münchner Oktoberfest, das sich „Himmel der Bayern“ nennt, präsentiert sich auf der diesjährigen Wiesn in völlig neuem Gewand.
>Die künstlerische Freiheit, die er von seinem Auftraggeber bekam, hat Reinstadler aber auch dazu genutzt, einige typische Alltagsszenen der Millionenmetropole aufzugreifen. Da findet sich der Verkäufer des Münchner Obdachlosenmagazins „Biss“ oder der Rikscha-Fahrer ebenso wie das händchenhaltende Homosexuellen-Paar. Und schräg gegenüber auf der Empore spazieren verschleierte Frauen durch München. „Dahinter steckt keine politische Botschaft“, sagt der Brauereiboss. „Zu dem modernen München gehören eben auch Frauen mit Schleier. Wir sind eine Weltstadt mit Herz.“

Eine degenerierte Satansrepublik seid ihr, die sich von Sodomiten und Muselmanen auf der Nase herumtanzen lässt.

ok been reading about it. you can claim german citizenship, if you have one parent, who has german citizenship. only exception is, if your ancestors lost the citizenship between 1933 - 1945 to due racial laws etc. then you can still clam it, even if your parents didn't have it.).
another possibility is adoption, or naturalization.

Do it. While there might be problems in Germany, they are alot less than the USA. Dont buy the Sup Forums memes. Find yourself a nice qt german wife and make a big family. Its economically very stable and the people are friendly. Hard work is rewarded.
Best of luck to you OP

Dual citizenship is pretty good.
t. US/German citizen that gets to shill both Trump and AfD

pick one. heißen nicht umsonst isarpreußen.

>uses Munich
rural Bavaria is different from that multicultural themepark hell

>shilling Trump
not after 2016 and we have too much foreigners already

I'm born from two German immigrants you Russhit. Both mom and dad are ethnically German


Do it OP. Germany is beautiful

nobody can apply for german citizenship unless their parents retained citizenship. Unless your mother fucking great great grand parents reapplied for german citizenship, AND german citizenship for you (they didn't) you can't just magically get it 150 years later. No leave my board you

Good for you, zionist mongoloid. And both of my parents are Germans living in Germany. That’s the difference

Enjoy paying double taxes, you will need to pay taxes to the USA and Germany. Also fuck off we dont want Heritagefags here.


>Because of this, I could apply for German citizenship under the right of return.
pfff. don't dream about it.
my grandmother that just passed a couple of years ago was from germany. throughout the years our family tried to get german citizenship they has told us to fuck off, and we have tried since the 90s

>our family
We already have too much mongrels broski

AfD want to forbid dual citizenship so enjoy losing your american one if you want to stay here.

Fuck off, we're full.

> White potential Aryan immigrant
> flooded with millions of shit skins because you don't have enough of your own white kids
yeah, you definitely have enough of my kind. I wouldn't belong.

I hope you get killed here if you come here.

>i'm white

Why? Is everyone in Germany afraid to be proud about their heritage and history? To embrace and protect their identity? Is being proud of Germany socially taboo these days? Don't even want white immigration?

fuck off, achmed

> Blonde
> blue eyed
> genealogy proves pure European heritage
ok, got me. I'm not white for being a mix of European nordic people while a person born in Greece, looking identical to Arabs, is white.

You're most obviously not, because you literally need subhuman

we dont want arrogant amercians here who think they have the right to call them self german becouse their great great great grandfather once visited germany. You dont have the right to call yourself german and you should not come here. If you come here I can assure you no one will see you as a german, you will always be american and you will never get friends.

I actually have to agree with this German, yankee.
You shouldn't be a plastic heinie.

Why does it seem all white nations are fucked.

>Is everyone in Germany afraid to be proud about their heritage and history?
To embrace and protect their identity?
Is being proud of Germany socially taboo these days?
No. It is not just """"taboo"""" it is racist, evil and makes you LITERALLY Hitler.
Don't even want white immigration?

Modern Germans are assholes, fuck em.

They don't want anymore whites in their country, but they DEMAND muslims.

If Europeans ever wanted to come to America, I would open up the red carpet for them over the fucking spics.

we just dont want arrogant americans who think they have the right to apply for citizenship becouse their grear great grandfather was german. Also the concept of "being white" isnt a german or european thing, either you are german or not, being white doesent change the fact your are a foreigner.

this post is literally pic related
I'm gonna tell you why you have no place in Germany (apart that you are an inbred mutt with jew/negro/indio DNA):

70 years ago , not only you but also your grandparents contributed to the genocide of Germans, you basically destroyed the world for the jews, you were their instrument.You supported those who bombarded, melted, raped and sunk German children and women, and also starved unarmed soldiers to death (who had surrendered btw). Not only that, but you also voted the jew who did this (eisenhower) twice into presidency, shows how proud you were of his work.

But what happens now? the jews have betrayed you like they always do, and now you see your mongrel jew/mestizo/nigger infested country has no future at all. So you are acting all "Please Europe take me im white etc". Meanwhile you were enjoying life (careless of any problems your "European brothers" might have had because of you, i.e German genocide from 1945 to 1948,Persecution of German soldiers around the world after ww2 -many came ot argentina and were later kidnapped by the CIA/mossad and sent to isreal for execution) German division and now German genocide again, except its not as bad as it is in the US)

You deserve to die in your melting pot shithole of a country, nothing good has come out of it and all americans are mediocre (and mutts). You deserve nothing at all, only a slow painful death among mestizos and niggers


thank you argentina you are speaking my words.

You don’t speak German though so your type of thinking is different to ours

t. ahMed

based,truth has spoken .

finally someone speaks to truth. Even some of us burgers hate these heritagefags

You should vacation in Germany to get to know the place. Your childish ideas may not match reality. Find out for yourself in person.

BTW if you don't speak German you are just a tourist at best. Again, go see for yourself. If you rely on Sup Forums you should KYS so your spergtardation doesn't defile Germany.

Well, of course, I was just putting the idea out there and trying to contemplate if it'd even be worth pursuing. I'd, of course, try to learn the language first. Once I felt relatively decent at German, I'd go visit 2-3 times. I'd try to see all the major areas of the country but I'd really be interested in seeing Dresden. Then I'd make my decision.

Also, the sins of my forefathers have nothing to do with me. Btw, zero of my direct ancestors participated in WW2, just farmed in the Midwest.

They changed the laws years ago, and made it much stricter to get DE Citizenship.If you read 116(1) a little closer, you'll discover that it only applies to you if you are the spouse or descendant of refugee or expellee of German ethnic origin. You are not so you dont have the right. So please fuck off and stay in your country.

Also, in order to become German, you need to demonstrate close ties with Germany (and Great great grandparents migrating from there will have you laughed at). Additionally, you will have to pass a German test. Normally you have to also live in the country for 8 years and you will probably have to renounce your US citizenship as well.

Germany is trying to become the next usa. But in the wrong way. Germany is allowing all the middle eastern refugees to come to the state. Building houses to them giving them tax payers moneys. Germany is thinking this refugees can bring new ideas and new work power but Germany's future is not stable. There are 600.000 "registered" syrian refugees in Germany and most of them are young and acts like punks.
And i need to say Switzerland is the safest place in the europe. You can consider that too.

Foreigners can get Swiss citizenship after 12 years of living in Switzerland

How white is Switzerland? What's their immigration policy? What's their political landscape like?

> be white
> get laughed at for trying to move to germany.

Sounds right. Im sure all those brown bulls will fill your women's heads with "fresh ideas".

The fact you can even talk about this shit like it should have any merit or value is sad.


Germanys problems havent even really begun yet

To obtain regular naturalization a foreigner must meet the requirements laid out by three levels of government: the commune, the canton and the Confederation. Federal rules are straightforward, to a point: the applicant must have lived in Switzerland for 12 years (less if you spent your adolescence here), abide by Swiss law and order, pose no threat to the country, be familiar with Swiss customs and (here’s where it gets subjective) be well integrated. It’s usually down to the cantons and communes to tell federal authorities how integrated they think an applicant is. Most cantons and/or communes require you to face an interview to prove your integration and knowledge of Switzerland where you could be quizzed on anything from the number of lakes in your canton to which days are public holidays and the names of local traditions and festivals. In some cases a communal residents’ committee gathers to vote on your application, so it pays to keep in with the locals.

yet again i tell you to stay the fuck out of europe you american mongrel.

I've been living in Germany for the past 3 years near Aachen... pretty nice but there are part of America I miss. Also going to the hospital in Aachen is like going to the middle east. The food is Good, you won't find anything spicier than fucking paprika if that a problem. Kabab shops are like the Mexicans of Germany. Fairly safe, car jacking and break ins happen in waves and you can't defend yourself otherwise you'll be prosecuted. But nothing to worry about. People are nice for the most part. Learn German obviously or in the beginning using basics will help a lot towards others helping and show you're a fucking potato. Recycling is fucking huge, and a little bit of a pain at first but you get use to it, along with everything being closed on Sunday (besides food places) or like in my case you can go to Neterlands if you really need something. Driving is fun, but taxes and inspections are a bitch. Food is cheepish. Gas is like 1.20€ a lt. Housing where I'm at is like 250,000€ for an ok sized/quality house.

germany is and always has been a racemixed country

*clap clap clap*