> I ned muh guns to defend meself from da gooberminte, hue hue hue !!
I ned muh guns to defend meself from da gooberminte, hue hue hue !!
more like this is me
good luck the government get better memes son
>the military will never defect under any circumstances
US soldiers are some of the most well trained and most loyal soldiers on the planet. They wouldn't abandon their posts and run at the first sight of trouble like Iraqi soldiers.
300 million people with guns VS the rest of the military that didn't defect.
Killing Iraqis is one thing, but their fellow citizen?
Actually this is me
Fpbp based jake pauler team 10 bitch dab on the haters man
lol no. Americans value their personal identity too much to be loyal to their command. China and NK are the countries that have the insect like hivemind that produces die hard soldiers. but it's okay because we have superior tech.
>$50 billion per year "Intelligence Community"
>Muh Russian Hackers and social media post destroyed American Democracy
Keep in mind that "Russian hackers" and their social media post completely ran circles around the $50 billion per year "Intelligence Community"!!!
All this Muh Government is too big to be corrected bullshit is all smoke and mirrors controlled by a offices full of old farts pulling levers behind the curtains Wizard of Oz style.
>jet plane opening door.jpg
To be fair, I use guns more to defend myself from niggers than the government
Those are also citizens you moron.
How did that work out in Vietnam ? Or Afghanistan ? Haha muh gubment
It's not about you or individual reasons, it's against the argument (legalized) guns can be used to combat the government.
Honestly, I think those that dismiss this argument because the "little" citizen is powerless and will lose, is an even stronger argument that the right shouldn't be removed.
>muh prufessional traineeng
The guy on top would win. You can't see it because you are a concrete thinker and can't see higher causal chains. The Iraqis are even dumber and lazier than guy in pic and still beat us.
>Trying to compare mainland USA with Afghanistan and Vietnam
>Quality Leaf education
That's not the government, that's soldiers. Most soldiers would probably be on the side of the people in this theoretical situation.
The only way a conflict happens between the people and the government is a conflict of right and left wing politics. It'll be the blue left versus the red right. And the red right military will not aid the left in defeating the right, the government is at a massive disadvantage.
>Implying enforcement would side against citizens
>Assuming that enforcement would betray their country
>Not showing the other gun owners.
The numbers of Gun owners in America outnumber the soldiers by many times.
Thanks for agreeing with me
This is what will happen when and if door to door gun confiscation happens.
It won't be soldiers. It will be your local police. Get the guns or lose your job and everything. They have families. You honestly think they would say "fuck you"? When a man has to choose between feeding his family and revolting against a higher order, he'll pick feeding his family. They won't be happy taking your guns. But their families are more important to them than you or freedom. That's the sad truth.
>from da gooberminte
Fewer trannys on our side than in US military
Except I already own pretty much everything they have in the bottom pic
Uhm, user, as a veteran, may I point out that the vast majority of combat, tactical, and strategic planning skill and experience rest outside of the military at any given time within the United States. See there are far more ex SF, Rangers, SeALs, FR, EOD, and that is just the combat arms etc, etc who have integrated back into civilian life who have been seeing what has happened with police militarization, political corruption, and the tech & financial oligarchs. It is around a 10 to one, with the larger force being the more experienced force and also knowing the exact training and methodology of the smaller force.
You've fallen for a meme not based on reality, but based on the optics presented to you by mass media, as part of a system of control to and make sure no more 1776s happen (which they can, and will). The U.S. military turned against its own citizenry would be a disaster, for the military, as the one is an extension of the other, not the master of it. The reason the U.S. military is as powerful as it is is BECAUSE of the citizenry that stands behind it and support it. It also is the basis of that citizenry that unites that military, which would fragment near instantly upon it being turned against the citizenry.
Cops in the U.S. are another matter. Them fuckers have been so brainwashed into believing they are 'the line' against order and chaos that they'll goose step right into being slaughtered by vets when the coming civil conflicts start erupting on this trajectory the country and society is on.
y tho
if a group of goat fuckers can BTFO of navy seals on the side of their mountains then............
Oh you silly libtard.
Gun owners aren't going to fight the government if civil war breaks out.
They're going to kill you.
>A few hundred
i mean, a mac 11 would be pretty fucking sweet even just for a collection
>no-one has posted the japanon with a reply to this yet
i need to save it for these threads
Knowingly feeding a troll.
We have been at war for how long with armed goat herders and basement bomb builders. If the US fought itself in a modern setting the war would last decades and no one would win. Except the rest of the world. You jelly motherfuckers.
>they'll goose step right into being slaughtered by vets when the coming civil conflicts start erupting on this trajectory the country and society is on.
This unfortunately. I wish cops had a more libertarian streak in them
>Ignore American revolution
>ignore Vietnam
>ignore soviets vs Afghanistan
>ignore FARC rebels in Colombia
>Ignore USA vs Afghanistan
someone post the nippu response to this
>not being part of the LOGANG
ayo fuck team 10 nigger
Reminder that there's tens of millions of "you" and only a couple of thousand of the "government".
MANY of us wore those uniforms. It's not like you just forget train that intense.
The point isn’t that you would be able to win if the government sent its full force after you.
The point is that you are armed well enough and able to defend yourself long enough that the incident surrounding your arrest would be too public to ignore.
If no one has any weapons it’s trivial to arrest someone and drag them away without anyone finding out what happened.
Reminder all muh gobberment threads are shills and leftypol do not bump do not reply to shills.
>Comparing USA mainland to countries that are large jungles/deserts
>High quality burger education
My fucking nibba
>t. basement dweller
Absolutely, definitively destroyed. I don't know why this faggot keeps making these threads after that reaming.
>lol you can't stop the us military with your ar 15 omg
>lol us military can't even win against a bunch of dumb goat herders in the middle east omg
well which one is it going to be today OP?
Give me a tldr version
>100 million firearm owners
US military striking its own citizens would lead to world involvement/ gov. destroying infrastructure is a bad thing= US citizens would win and gov would loose.
>can't read it
1) Incorrect
2) Incorrect. Look at Syria.
found all the underage faggots
They needn't worry. Police officers have generous union benefits including life insurance. When they are shot obeying unconstitutional orders their families will be taken care of.
Yes, the orders will be unconstitutional. Leftists love the 2nd Amendment because it gives them an enemy to fight against and let's them continue to raise money. The 2nd Amendment will never be repealed. It's sacred.
read the post you mong it takes 3 minutes
Burgers are so dumb that they cant connect their problem with militarized police protocols with excesive use of deadly force to the fact that the police is facing too much armed oposition due to silly gun laws and overreact acordingly.
They are getting no freedom, only easier getting pew pew'd by tyrone or an over cautious cop. "Gun culture" does not do shit about preserving your freedom.
Who is the real "higher order" in this situation? The government with its liberal socialist/communists, or 130+ armed citizens ready to coup over the 2nd amendment. If the 1st/2nd amendment is changed, the american way is with the people, and the government has defected. Its an American revolution.
IF the door to door scenario to confiscate weapons does happen, its a suicide mission. The moment the door gun confiscation is declared, its a declaration of war.They shouldnt be scared of someone shooting them at the door (where they would be able to send unlimited resources until that house is under control), they should be scared of a small militia picking them off from 700 meters away. How many people are going to be willing to go door to door, when the squads keep getting killed?
The best and absolutely most outstanding Soldiers, Marines, Airman and Seamen come from the South. No other region in the US has produced more Medal of Honor Recipients or bad ass kick down the door Special Ops than the south has. I would say over 90% of those guys would defect and join their fellow Patriots on a march towards DC. It wouldn't even be a contest the Beta Cuck Military Service Members from the West Coast and North East Coast would run away in fear.
>muh government owned, high powered weaponry
top zozzle m80, fucking love this meme
I think you're forgetting that the same group that joins combat rolls in the military is the same group that you are proposing to use the military against.
>shit thread
>expect people not to shit post
*dabs on u*
your average citzen in your average neighborhoods will give them up when faced with police. There are families involved here. most people will not subject their children, families, wives to blowin away the poilce from their front door.
I can see that there is a beautiful man inside that fat
You needed a bit of help from France and Spain... Just because muskets werent enough maybe?
Now the tiranny wont use deadly force against the population to control it. Its not needed and not even convenient at all.
good luck piercing his fat layer with .556
Both the crown and the revolutionaries had the highest grade of military equipment ... dumb fuck. They both had muskets, battleships, and cannons. The latter two being provided to them by the French of course. I'm not even American and I know more about your countries history than you do.
>implying you cannot get a jet
>implying there would not be foreign allies of insurrectionists willing to provide them with high-grade material
m8 plz
You don't have a clue about any of which you just spoke about.
>They shouldnt be scared of someone shooting them at the door (where they would be able to send unlimited resources until that house is under control)
You are reaffirming what I said.
shit, I misread. Sorry.
you'd best be trolling
Not knowing that 5.56 is mm for .223" caliber.
Did you crash that spaceship on Mars?
I am an AVG citizen
I have no problem pulling a trigger.
Your precept of reality is your own. Your own idea of the precept of reality and what and who is involved is your own.
Not in this day and age. Foreign countries would not risk WW3 by intervening in an American Revolution 2.0. You'd have to be clinically retarded to believe otherwise.
OP just read this please.
You understand that the US is a world super power right? Comparing the US to Syria is like comparing a gold vain to a lead vain. Which is more valuable? Obviously the US. We have a tremendous amount of resources and a huge piece of land that is called the US.
There are multiple other world powers, allies and enemies all staring at this country 24/7 and if anything did go down, saying that troops would stay by the government in the killing of their own citizens, you don't think that most of the military would defect to the citizens? You don't think the US citizens would cut off main highways supply lines, cities, food sources, destroy valuable power grid and infrastructure, then just to top it off, the media about what is going on would circle around the ENTIRE WORLD twice within an hour. From there multiple world powers, enemies of the of the US gov and allies of the people would get involve to have some kind of influence on the citizens, gov and different factions, or on the off chance send in troops to help citizens or gov. It would be a shit show and probably the start of a third world war. After the dust settles there would have been millions dead and the US would bulkanize where multiple other nations would now have an influence on those new nation states.
You really think the gov would win?
You misread @...shall not be infringed.
Boot lickers senpaitachi will be raped and executed by Comstock militias
sure, dude. Sure.
Listen man. That's why I get guns under the table. They can have my ruger. Most people aren't pulling the trigger on door to doors. That's a fact. I have fantasies of doing it too man. The truth is, it's not reality and I have a wife to look after.
Tell me why. Why are you shot like rats there at burgerland every day like if the US was a 3rd world shithole? Some by Tyrone LaGhetto, some by Cletus Whitetrashpride... And them by Sheriff Wyatt Herp?
It's not surprising that North Africans would have misapprehensions about gun ownership, crime and law enforcement in the US. Ideals popularized in American media are highly unrepresentative of the lived experience of American citizens. Criminals and legal gun owners are almost completely exclusive sets of the population. Gun owners, as a class, are several times more law abiding than law enforcement officers. VICTIMS of US gun crime have an average of 7 criminal convictions. If you fear being shot by the police, it's because the police treat people with a documented past of criminal behavior differently than other citizens.
the point he made is right though. Shooting them at the door is a big mistake. They would be able to send resources to your house, until you and you're family is finished/under control. They need to be taken out from an unclear position that is not tied to you or your family, where they cant send backup, for there is no specific place to send backup to.
Read this
>implying Mexico wouldn't take the opportunity to flood the nation with "fellow revolutionaries" for a stake in the new territories
We aren't. 80% of gun crime consists of black and hispanic gang bangers killing each other for sport in gun free ghettos controlled by gun grabbers.
You are legitimately mentally ill.
>I have a wife to look after.
post feet pics
It still needs to be a point made, and I agree with you. At the door is the wrong place to shoot them. You're right about everything. The place to take them out is NOT at the door.