Trump's Latest Approval Rating Lowest Of Any U.S. President In The Last Seventy Years

>Trump's Latest Approval Rating Lowest Of Any U.S. President In The Last Seventy Years

How anyone can support him anymore is beyond me.

It's a joke.
His presidency I mean.

What did he do

Isn't that circular logic?
>Look his approval ratings, they are so bad.
>How could you approve of him?
>Don't approve of him because his approval ratings are bad.


Don't take the bait you worthless faggots


Sorry but we don't trust the (((polls)))

It is Jewish logic.

>still believing in "approval ratings"

the polls are written by hardcore Democrat political operatives, the questions are asked by radical leftist college kids, and the samples are chosen with the deliberate intent to give the Democrats good responses so they can money off their "le trump approval ratings low!" newspaper ads.

Not to mention the issues inherent within all polling--people are likely to give the answers the pollster thinks they want to hear, and people will still vote for a president that they don't "approve" of when the alternative is a literal demon like Hillary Clinton.

>worked for a polling company

In this episode we went to an urban area and polled brown people on their opinion of drumpfs presidency so far. You won't believe the results!