Map Thread

u know what to do

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if u dont have this exact map except the blue spot, u are a brainlet shitskin

Wtf is this?
Where is Malta and Cyprus and why Turkey is on the map?
You don't have schools over there stupid toilet cleaner?

Thx Greekanon

Killing Denmark?

My map
>Like everything except large cities



Poland why do you hold so much hatred in your heart?


>Tfw forgot the kill it with fire.
Everything red means kill it with fire pretty much.

My brother was in your country not too long ago. He wasnt built for your weather lol.

Go away kike
Perfect map

its actually pretty warm for november, 7c outside today

Was around last winter.

>kill it with fire



It's been month i've seen this template, i still dont know how to edit it

2 posts by this id
one was for the template

Drag and drop it into paint then use the lil drippy tool to grab the colors and color it to your hearts extent.

Thanks for all the above kill it with fire ones lads, much appreciated.


I'm on OS X.

Fuck me
I miss the day when i'll return to windows.

>loving eastgermany
>only liking the czechs
But why?


I'll try with gimp

You're a fucking retard if you like eastern germany, can't wait for all the old fucks to die there so they can be replaced by real germans




still better than the socialist retards living there

I visited almost all countries in europe. this map is based on how local girls treat me. did they like me or hate me?

Save sexy latina girls :)

W-whats wrong with Norfolk?

>all these jerks hating turkey, only because of social pressure.


Good luck bud

fuck you

Are french women racist ?

East germany is generally hated by west Germany for beeing racist though. Just wanna point that out user.

I know but most people from the east are white trash to begin with

Ive got like 3 polish families in my street now. We give you people everything wtf dude

they are not openly racist but they think they're superior to us deep down and they're not impressed by type of guys like us.

I like Bulgarians you people are always nice to me.

Kinda true, But anything against the muslim hordes will help Imo. You need cannonfodder too you know?

Found the kik

They really treated you so well in the east?

Commie canadians? no thanks


true true
also if you didn't already know poles are the mexicans of europe, leeching off of government gibs me dats and having no respect for the locals

Hon hon hon merci froppy

generally eastern european men hate us but their women on the other hand are very warm because they think their men are useless trash

personally I had no problem with men there either

This is pretty much true. Though i admire Poland for their nationalism and xenophobia. But still the ones that move here are usually either very rude or straight up criminals. We got now one shady group of male polacks in a house and 2 families with white kids so thats fine.

I would rather have white trash than merkel you commie shit stain.

wow a map that isn't shit

Very interesting. And i can imagine eastern girls in general to be very kind. Their men not so probably. But good to hear that even a Turk there gets treated fine then idd be fine too as a Dutchie.

Yeah the polaks love Norway. They come here to paint houses for 5€ an hour. Not that I mind the cheap painting, but they are annoying as shit.


On your pic western women are racist, and eastern women are coal burner ?

But yeah, we people the french are racist, but we hate admit it. Even some of our leftists are racists, but they dont want to admit it.
And when it comes to election, french are like "ok i might be racist, but i dont vote for a racist candidate"


then stop doing that mate

Hon hon hon thanks

You're a real Dutchie alright. Vlaanderen hoort bij ons xD

>love Holland/kill it with fire


because we pay him shekels for work, whilst also him being to lazy to work?



calling them racist and coal burner might be too extreme but yes I agree with your idea. french are not ideologically/politically racists but this is more like everyday random racism. it's something like culture racism.

eastern euro women have no concept of race reality but they prefer non-eastern euro men. of course this is a generalized personal observation.

"Map Thread" = Jew Thread = Divide and Conquer Thread

Did you just visit the capitals or?

I visited some rural areas too but I mostly interacted with people in big towns so my observation is based on big towns

Interesting map

this one you mean

i totally agree with you map OP


I get the idea yeah. It's more a "biological" racism i guess.

But how are polish/slavs girls kek ?

I'm french, studying medicine and in 2019-2020 i think i'll be able to go to Hungary/Poland with the Erasmus project.

That's pol in a nutshell.

I thought it would be the other way around.


>if you don't have this exact map you are a filthy jew loving commie that promotes degeneracy

Both are slutty, both love to fuck
Hungz girls are sluttier yet more failthful
Poles girls are less slutty, but do more anal.

You gonna have to be well behaved with pole girls, gentlemen like. While hungz you gonna have to be strong and confident



>tfw Königsberg's gone forever


Fuck off leaf.


This guy.
This guy gets it.


Why all the hate towards us?
We just had more balls than you :^)

Not hate, just dislike because your country is a mess.

>turkey and africa only dislike
Sven-Malte-Sören, I...


Fair enough.
I'm legit tired with all the southerner moors here. This country is way too centralized.

I would turn America dark-green if they let Alaska become independent

>your country is a mess.
At least his country is real.

what is brazil doing in the middle of yurop

Ahh, someone's already done mine for me