I hate Sweden
I hate Sweden
If the other countries were on the other side helping, the entire boat would flip over.
He should be sitting in the water
Have you even been in a boat?
are you retarded?
also this
I love Sweden in its current state
You should hate Denmark. They're the ones letting them in in the first place. We threatened to close the bridge and they begged us to keep it open so they could keep filling Norway and Sweden with muslims.
me too
Actually, Germany is to blame here. Fuck Merkel. We could have closed the borders and made it extremly hard to get through the EU. We have the resources and the power in Europe. But we simply didnt. Its like watching a crash in slowmotion now.
Welcome to the club, we are still working on fancy T-Shirt designs but for now please take a cookie.
How about we stop hating each other and fix this? if you all had the Dane mindset we wouldn't even be in this situation anymore. They keep wanting to get to Sweden. If you did like us they wouldn't even want to get there.
Fuck off Sven you were the ones who literally called us Nazi's for closing our border. You want these sub-humans fucking take them you cuck.
are you saying we control norway? "we can only close our borders to third world scum if it wasn't for the swedes who control our policty!!1"
give us your oil money, you don't have free will apparently
>muh swedes
aren't you the cuck tho for doing what the swedes tell you to do? are you exactly like norway, you can't control your borders because of swedes? damn you must be weak and pathetic
No, YOU fuck off Mads.
God damn sandniggers destroying scandinavia ;((((
Oh, we are gaining control don't you fucking worry. I'm not pissed off because I think we can't do it, I'm pissed off that it took at least 3 years extra since you gave the lefty open border cunts ammunition.
you invited them, who are we to turn away your guests
Close it then? Why the fuck would I care?
We all have undesirables in our countries that want to take in more Arabs, we should focus on stopping them instead of playing the blame game against other Sup Forumsacks
There are two men in a boat and the boat tips over. Why didn't one of the men get his hair wet?
plɐq sɐʍ ǝɥ
this. It's tiring fighting amongst eachother when we all have a clear enemy.
You have any ideas on how to do more than we already are, go ahead. I will unironically listen. Not saying I will agree, but listen I will.
tunge i svart anus
Won't closing Norway's borders mean that all the milfs in norway won't get laid anymore?
nigger what
in this picture sweden should be seating in the water, drinking.
I have no idea, but it's obvious everyone who visits this place is against immigration.
We can sit here and talk about who's the most cucked of us or we could unite and try to find solutions to our common (((problem)))
I only have a single complaint.
What the fuck is Germany doing on the same boat as Scandi countries? Finland, if anything, should be there.
Fuck (nig)Germany.
Well, work on becoming a admireable member of local community/clubs that way people will respect you more when you talk about immigration. It sounds childish but it's true. Not to mention if you slowly and carefully work on redpilling even like a local boardgame/tabletop group you will still have somewhere from 5-20 people on your side. Marching with cardboard shields and banners is too extreme for most normies and easy to spin for the opposition. I suggest if you want to do that have at least 150-200 members that show up. Note though that it's at lot easier to convince people if they believe your on their side. Is it scummy, yes, but so was fighting with guns against dudes with swords, but that didn't stop them, the guys who survived picked up guns and those who didn't died.
lol what? denmark is a mess
We love you Sweden
this post deserves a (You)
I don't know you. Please go away.
>refusing anyone even slightly brown
they're not people
Most Norwegians I know are already red-pilled, the problem is the academics and leaders which haven't been in tune with the average citizen in 40+ years.
Our leaders have become puppets and our media is controlled by (((them))) so it's really hard for people with common sense to gain any power or influence.
I love the fact that he keeps the hat: a good muslim first, a cat paw taste public masturbator second .
But i'm here just for the whale meatn not the bussy
Not that Brown
t, a Tunisian
Im planning to move to one of these Nordic countries and belittle the populous for being a bunch o cucks who owe me reparations due to their oppressive sovereignty preventing my ancestors from fishing in their waters.
Pretty soon i will be setting up shop thanks to my beautiful money.
i can also offend them with my conservative views,still i prefer to live around nordcuck Eskimos who are half potato nigger than the diversity that has made my hometown one of the top 3 heroine overdose locations in my country
I think if it hadn't been for Merkel, Europe would never have realized that the africans already here multiply like a virus, and far fewer people would look at the question honestly.
Maybe Merkel's jungle fever was a good thing
People in Oslo are definitely not red pilled. So many commies that live in ring 3 lower middle class with 100% white neighborhoods. People living with niggers and muds hate their place, and the rich says everything is fine. Fuck Oslo ugliest city in Norway, shitty architecture and terrible food and people
Well then your on to phase two. Starting to infiltrate places and slowly either helping/working for/working with/becoming redpilled academics/leaders. If all the redpilled people are just working class it ain't gonna work out. Still you gonna need to be even more extra careful if you want to penetrate the lefty cunts strongholds. Good advice is to agree with tons of their shit and then once in a whilel go "hey I read somewhere" if they sperg ask them why they are mad after all your their friend. Once you start playing power games like that you end up getting really underhanded, but ultimately we are trying to create or at least restore our part of the world to be better for our children.
Shouldn't that be hydrophobe?
this picture is too unrealistic to be believable
i mean, a working norwegian, seriously?
>Comits the first terrorist attack in Danish history
>Tons of people die in a fire, even more lose their home
>"M-muh fishing rights!
Fuck off anglonigger.
Wasn't thinking of Denmark ist going to be enriched once German gibs dry up
Denmark is located between 2 countries that give better freebies to third worlders but it collects enough taxes to feed many of them,
i was thinking maybe i would take my >95% white self it Iceland.
Nordic women are natural cucks so the lady's will spread for that
I hate my country simply because no fucker has any sense of social cohesion nor consequences of actions taken over more than a fucking week.
You're right. Should be a partysvensk doing the job for him, then going back across the border to spend that cash.
I feel like I have been surrounded by blind people for such a long time. Maybe its because I'm from Asker.
I'm really glad we got a conservative government though.
Not everyone weights half a ton.
This place is gay.
>i was thinking maybe i would take my >95% white self it Iceland.
As someone who is originally from Iceland, please don't. You clearly have a nigger-tier attitude and you seem to be too much of a pussy to stay and try to fix your own country. If I go back and visit my family and see some British beta autist there, I'll know it's you and then I'll drown you.
yhea norway is pretty much reverse america
instead of worrying about immigrants stealing their jobs, they worry about immigrants stealing their welfare
Yo fuck sweeden. But fuck every country. There is no perfect country ever country has it's downfalls. Some country's are better than others. So what's the point of even trying to make a country perfect if people will always be mad?
Sir are you on drugs? I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the thread
Oh work and pay taxes to keep our government going.
Or let it fail so people can actually learn from the mistake (Notice how the post soviet states swung to the right)
The UK has about 800 people per square mile Iceland has about 9.
so being able to afford land is a factor, i do like the fact you must first become a citizen to own it in Iceland.
There is literally no way you could positively identify me but lets talk about how tough we are and how we are totally gonna fight.
Besides Iceland takes in refugees anyway its just not collecting enough taxes to get more
>tfw japenese culture is the only alternative to marxist relativism
Yeah I am on drugs. I will kindly leave this thread now. I get a little bonkers when I've had too many Flintstone gummies.
So you are going to abandon your own country and now you are trying to justify/rationalize it.
>tfw japenese culture is the only alternative to marxist relativism
Coz japanese is white race
Like you abandoned yours?
I call it capital flight and boycott,
punishing the UK by taking the money i earned and eventually the inheritance i will receive in the future and using it to build something i can use to be self sufficient.
the UK will eventually overcome the issues with the government but only a period of suffering brought upon it by the policies they push for will do that.
I didn't abandon mine. Mine's completely safe, doing well and good so I came here to study. I'm going back when I've finished my studies. You know you will never, ever fit in on Iceland, right? You don't even speak our language mate. You will always be an outsider
You do realize it is possible to learn a language?
There is actually an entire industry based on this.
Probably not moving to the capital or the area in south Iceland where the "refugees" were settled but you dont have a say in this anyway
If America was on the other side of the Earth, the entire Earth would flip over.
We took in 5 african refugees and 13 syrians, that's all the non-white refugees we have taken in and all we will take in.
If you move to any other place than Reykjavik you will have every villager thinking that you're a weirdo. You will probably never be able to speak our language without sounding like a complete idiot, most brits can't even manage to learn Danish, Swedish or Norwegian, and Icelandic is much harder.
>you dont have a say in this anyway
Well I will be doing my best in the future to make sure no foreigners enter our country. That includes defeatist losers like you.
Isn't Norway a faggot country ran by women too though? I've heard people refer to it as "Sweden-lite".
>being this fat.
You forget about how for a time 1 in 10 citizens of Iceland were polish.
wow it must be soooo hard to get in
>Illiterate Mohamed and Tyrone are ok but don't you dare bring money and a STEM degree
Oslo is bad, but that's about it.
>You forget about how for a time 1 in 10 citizens of Iceland were polish.
Not citizens, dumbass. 1 out of 10 people on the island, because they were guest workers. You're really stupid. Also the first thing you mentioned was some sick sexual advances on Nordic women, that's why I don't want faggots like you coming to my country. You direspect us by thinking it will be like some kind of sex-tourism and you think our women are whores? Well, what do you think Icelandic women will think of a man who was so weak he couldn't even stay in his own country?
And no, I'm not saying you will fail to get in. But you will 100% fail to integrate, and you will always be considered a weird outsider. Try to talk that shit about Nordic women being "cucks" when you are in an Icelandic village and you will find yourself with a lot of broken bones you spineless person
iceland is notorious for having the most slutty race mixing women
You're falling for memes. Couldn't care less about your non-existent knowledge of our country when you link to fucking quora articles. Maybe the swedes were right about you danes
If i did interrogate well and didn't mock you your progressives would cite me as proof of the "melting pot theory"
and if you killed me for being a dickhead they would demand open boarders to atone for this sin, you cant win.
i already am surrounded by people who aren't English and barely speak English anyway not fitting in is something im used to.
money talks
>i already am surrounded by people who aren't English and barely speak English
Yes, and the same thing these people did to your country, you now want to do to mine. Your reasoning is nigger-tier and your disrespectful attitude really fucking pisses me off. What do you look like? I hope you realize that as a brit you will be a manlet on our island.
DF from Denmark is planing to build a giant wall seperating us from Germany. Look it up.
Your move Sweden.
The people most naive about immigrants tend to be the ones who have never lived near any.
Iceland has lots of people like this, do you know what that means?
The Nordic languages (along with Dutch) are the easiest languages for a native English speaker to learn. How could you not know this? d'you think a Chinese person would be able to learn English as easily as you did? gotta work on your common sense Sven, you're smarter than this.
I will tell all my friends that there is a British creep who has moved to Iceland only to molest girls and children. I will tell them to beat the shit out of any brit they see.
Do you know how fast words travel on an island of 300 000 people?
Moi mitä kuuluu.
Hafþór is 206 cm tall btw. Pic related some Westfjord lads next to him. How do you think you will feel walking around here, britcuck?
I'm very aware of that, but it doesn't change the fact that brits just can't get rid of their awful pronounciation of R's as well as their accents when they speak Nordic langauges, making it almost impossible to understand them and especially to take them seriously. Plus, Icelandic is much, much harder to learn than the mainland languages.
Good luck scoring with the Icelandies, they only fuck their relatives.
This is illegal you know!
Also people dont attack random people because somebody cried wolf unless they are retarded like half Irish retarded
Are people from Iceland racist in your opinion or conservative?
how do they view foreigners?
They had to force Irish women to go there because their wives wouldn't even blow them
Icelandies are refugee welcome cucks. You haven't ever visited Reykjavik?
Racist yes slightly in the good way but cultural marxism from the mainland is spreading rapidly. Soon we will be like Sweden and Norway if we don't act.
Odd, Icelandies are beautiful. They're like the Elves of Middle-earth
>t. Amerifat
ok I'm out I hope this spineless castrated britcuck reconsiders his shameful ideas
Are finns nordic?
>have population of 300 000
>welcomes refugees
Top kek, RIP in peace.