Why is American culture so hollow and based around buying stuff ?
Why is American culture so hollow and based around buying stuff ?
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They buy stuff to feel better about being a mongrel.
we also are champion farters
What should it be based around?
why does germany adopt muslim culture?
It's also based on television schedules
>Why is American culture so hollow and based around buying stuff ?
It didn't used to be this way.
It became this because people are too shallow to create and pursue their own interests.
American culture is more of a framework than it is a culture. Culture in general is supposed to be an instructional on how to live with your fellow man, but American culture has never dictated how you should live your life. That's up to you.
It's become so hollow because the people living in it have become hollow.
because it lacks aristocratic history and proximity to classical aesthetics. Notice that Germany lacks painters, sculptors, opera and drama writers comparable to those of romance Europe too
At least they don't have to get one hundred permits to buy and sell shit.
because we aren't commie faggots
Because capitalism and have the money to buy stuff.
People have gone dry, they live and breath on social media. Some people try to inpress everyone else with the latest "X product". That's why there's what we call "Hallmark holidays", basically holidays led for you to go out shopping for gifts.
Not really forced into it tho. Time off for holidays are nice. A good portion of people don't even celebrate most holidays where I live. I can't remember the last time I did anything special for Easter, Christmas, Valentine's day.
Not true. We had it, but we sold it all away. The book (not the movie, it is not so good) All The Pretty Horses is probably the best assessment of the death of America you could read.
Bread & Circuses. We're rich, spoiled nation full of crybabies who are told consumerism is best ism. Give us are Szuchuan Sauce, porn and iPhone X and we don't make noise.
Do you know why Suburbia and the "American Dream" of living there exists? It was a ploy by the Military Industrial Complex to spread out the labor force-aged Americans when Soviet bombs were not plentiful or accurate so there would be a post-attack workforce still alive to build shit.
We're a nation of hypocrites, consumers, and whores. Worthless except as users of disposable products and materialism.
We fucking suck and can't even use a fucking Oxford comma.
I would give you a C- for such a thesis
enlightenment liberalism was the founding principle of america, this is its logical conclusion
I hope they'll make an Elvira housewife bot
The truth is that nobody is forced to do anything, Willhem. America produces thousands of idiots, yes; they also produce some of the brightest minds in the world while "racially pure" Europeans have been displaying an increasingly mediocre intelligence on average. Unfortunately most people are mindless drones but some make the most of what the country's political and philosophical grounds offer.
very good read
Edward Bernays. Here some required watching.
>hes going all out jpg.
Good choice, you Commie fuck.
Is she that crazy bitch from Jesus Camp?
I normally use every opportunity to shit on the U.S. but to be fair it has a rich history and culture.
Why did you pick a fast food joint and SUVs?
Why didnt you pick a civil war reenactment, Thanksgiving, Texas stuff, Chicago style pizza, philly cheese steaks, hunting and fishing int he beautiful nature you guys have etc.
The constant need to point out the negative makes you see only the negative.
Pretty much this. Edward Bernays and the 'public relations' movement were a big part of it post WW1. He described the masses as irrational and subject to herd instinct—and outlined how skilled practitioners could use crowd psychology and psychoanalysis to control them in desirable ways.
You are a gentleman.
Sounds like the exact same as China.
>hollow and based around buying stuff
same as Western Europe but with less Arabs and more Negroes.
Well...I've traveled around the world quite a bit, lived in the US for 20+ years, and it appears that the US is the only country that considers greed a positive quality. You are taught that you are supposed to try and screw over your fellow man and if they fall for it its their fault.
Now in terms of buying stuff and status symbols, wouldnt you say that Switzerland is pretty much on the same level as the US? Just as vain and materialistic?
Don't you have exotic food over there?
American only? Really?
ikr, amerimutts are walking talking product placements. No wonder their women are so easy to get blacked.
I was banging eurwimmins before your flag even existed, kiddo.
The US has forced its wasteful and materialistic ways upon the masses via (((Hollywood))) influence. What were once peaceful and agraian societies are now all enamored with the latest I-phone and designer jeans. its sickening really. I saw it first hand in Argentina back in in the mid 2000's. Argentina had a pretty solid cultural identity. Tango, classical music, asado, yerba mate...that was slowly being replaced by pop culture, mass produced brand name shit, fast food etc etc. Its fucking sad to see. The US domination isnt only militarily. Its also culturally thanks to (((Hollywood))) and (((corporations))). You wonder why the rest of the western world has become so cucked? Its because they have been consuming the liberal cultural Marxist shit right along with Americans but they were more suseptable to subversion due to being from more homogeneous countries with less crime and more interpersonal trust. See, they werent trained from birth like Americans that everyone is trying to screw you over so you'd better screw them over before they get you, they were instead taught to trust authority and their fellow man and this is where it has led.
It's okay OP, I hate my country as much as most people (and not in the libtard kind of way).
Because they are cultureless fat degenerates.
Pretty much every else in the country except for maybe about 2 or 3 states
It's literally just money worship. The only morals that hold true is ones profit, and it's at the expense of all else. Anything you want no matter how depraved is perfectly fine as long as you have the money.
>Chilean """"""""""culture""""""""""
Well, we're kind of like china the way I see it. They don't make other countries pay for their shitty products, and we don't make third world countries buy iphones, which are chinese madr, btw or polo shirts (prob made in indonesia). Nor do we make anyone watch snl or cnn. People all over the world are just dumb and make bad decisions.
When was the last time you were glued to a theater seat? I know many Americans who see right through Hollywood, it is also fair to say that Hollywood doesn't represent America as a whole. Conservative American culture is as able to be flawed as any human construct, but it has proven its worth through history. Don't focus on the bad Leaf, it will get to your liver.
God, family, tradition.
Not Satanic materialism and consumerism.
It's still better than communism you lefty German fuck
American Culture, which is exported almost everywhere
>Modern clothing styles
>Literally 90% of movies, TV, and music
>Pretty much any consumer good
>Video games
>Most of the internet culture is American
Modern culture is a thing, kill yourself
Why does USA adopt nigger culture?
This plus control of education, media, government, and this is the result of democracy as well. Our founders created more of what's considered a timocracy (land owner voting) but faggots have ruined it over the years and the banks and middle men have drained the rest. It's continuing to be dismantled as we speak, Obama already did a bunch of damage with judges etc. We got extremely lucky dems didn't get a supreme court judge. Long game is still flooding us with low iq people more apt to fall for base desires, which means the end of (((democracy))) and the beginning of a full on tyrant. Plato and Socrates called it.
Because you lost
Euros mad we have good take out and cheap too!!!! Gas is less than 1.00 a quart and we barely pay taxes compared to them. Mad we all have Jeeps and Trucks, they see we have freedom. We don't do the cafe thing like them. We work we go home and chow on KFC and watch TV and clean our guns. I love my country wouldn't trade it for the world, and I'm a shitskin for Pete sake.
>based around buying stuff ?
whih culture doesn't do this?
Down south all Americans still cook and only eat out on the weekend. Here up north in Michigan we have a lot of English ,French white trash from Kentucky. There the fat people. Always with soda and burgers. And the Germans who are the majority here are naturally big and somewhat fat. But people who live in expensive suburbs are all fashionable and slim and Germanic, they eat out at fancy sit down restaurants like Europeans.
Because drugs are illegal
>we dont make 3rd world countries do things they dont want to
Bomb Iraq
Build a McDonalds in Baghdad during the 'rebuild'
You were saying burgerbro?
>Trying to do NoFap and live a happier fulfilling life.
>Sup Forums reminds me how delicious slutty and pale skin Larkin Love is.
unironically this, they only care about material stuff, no one has ideas or anything they'd die for
I was in Berlin less than a year ago. You guys have fast food everywhere as well. There was one corner in the middle of Berlin that had 3 Burger Kings within line of sight looking down 3 different streets. I've never seen that in the USA.
>Implying German culture isn't based around buying stuff
>under US occupation since 1945
>expecting there not to be American fastfood resturants on every corner
Its part and parcel for bringing 'freedom' to countries 'liberated' by Americans. Along with it comes degenerate pop culture.
Because you can get rich convincing people to buy things they don't need.
Its not even remotely to the same extent. American culture IS consumerism. Buying the latest products as status symbols. The only other country I've visited that was even remotely on the same level was Switzerland. There is you dont drive a $500,000 car and wear a Rolex you're considered poor.
REEEE, racist! It's called "Wintermarkt" now.
>Why is American culture so hollow and based around buying stuff ?
Hollow? Well, sometimes.
Based around buying stuff? It's great for our economy but not every American is what the fake news of Europe makes us out to be. If you ever visit here, visit our small towns and rule areas. Many (if not most) of our cities are a disgrace these days.
The bean has got you there, leaf.
People shit on lardmericans, but I can tell you the average European is just as shallow.
Because the federal government has become too big. There's a reason it's a bunch of states and each should have their own strong cultures but partly because of the overreach of the federal government (although it isn't the only villain in this) people have a stronger connection, which is weak, instead of a connection to their state.
It's only New Yorkers that seem to give much of a shit about their state and their culture.