Well, this didn't last very long
Other urls found in this thread:
>You Group
what did you mean by this
What did they ban it for? They usually tell you.
for spreading awareness of the anti-white marxist shit all around us
only 1 solution:
fake and gay
Now start one called "it's ok to be black"
Run a spellcheck before shitposting, r-tard
>my joo nose is activating
Is Latanya caling for violence against a racial group?
Iss it sssuing timess?
2nd this
Latanya is cheering violent white genocide in South Africa
Day of the Rope fucking when
> white guy doesn't want to be white
Oy Vey we succeeded in subverting the goyim
Not subtle enough.
It's ok to be muslim. (the new leftist pet) woul work better to mock their double standard.
It's just some nice schadenfreude in the ende, they don't have the iq for self analysis.
"You group"
OP is doing a good job proving whities here on pol are actually dumber than the minorities they hate for having something as meaningless as IQ numbers, ironically lower than theirs.
Is a landless kike like me.
lolwhite culturally.
Literally this.
I love how they say "because everyone knows white people are oppressed" sarcastically and don't understand the irony of that statement whatsoever.
GTFO kike shills
It's okay to be white.
That's the only thing you need to post anywhere. There is no phase 2.
The opposite of "okay" isn't "beaten, enslaved, and raped".
I guess they won't be satisfied until whites are all put into camps and tortured for the sins of their fathers...
>people who think like this who think like this
why are women (leftists) so fucking stupid?
Because white men have let the kikes manipulate them
Shill kid, we're not discussing a phase 2.
Meme evolve and branch out when they are successful, and then they became stale by overuse.
You have quite the low IQ if you think you have any say in what is inevitable.
I wish it wasn't so, but we're not an obscure place anymore.
Hello, Donald.
Chiil, kid**
>what period in American hisotry were you opressed, beaten, raped, enslaved
>You group
is this a failed shop OP
do you think you could literally deface and vandalize public property with posters that read:
"It's Okay to be Brown"
"It's Okay to be Queer"
"It's Okay to be Muslim"
"It's Okay to be Trans"
and not only avoid any charges but instead receive mass praise from the media.
Relax, goy, we're just making the meme more diverse. No reason to feel threatened. We're all friends here.
t. Fucking kike shill
When such "things" are ok....
damn you got Insta-zucced.
Kike shill? Are you retarded?
Fuck off nip this doesn't concern you
I love all the projection posting about low IQ
If this fucking nigger is into xxxHolic I'm gonna shit myself in anger. HOW DARE SHE RUIN THAT MANGA WITH HER SJW CANCER REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
guys i think we should add a couple of these to the posters, maybe a few rare pepe's too!
and a kekistan flag! SHADILAY!
>we want to ensure that facebook remains a welcoming environment for everyone
>except white people
>(You) Group
white people will be permanently deleted
white goyim will be permanently deleted
So? White people are disgusting degenerate creatures.
god fucking dammit
If it's okay to be white, why do they have such an issue with that simple statement?
If it's not a problem, just disregard it. Why do they feel the need to fight it? Something deep inside of them must get triggered, they seem to have internalized something.
And judging by the last sentence, they seem to blame whites as a race for something or the other there. Thinly veiled racism detected.
Sup Forums was used as a tool to sharpen the blades of googles jigsaw
a red team as they call it in cyber sec
Found a group called "white genocide 101" One of the members is white and have white children, someone please report the guy to the child protective services. Pete Samhammer JR
>at what point history were you...
Uh, when the fuck were YOU enslaved, you whiney little nigger? Get the fuck away from me before I hurt you.
Meanwhile the California Wildfire Starter group remains.
What if I want the other half of the playground as well? :^)
Hey goys no white unity allowed but let's continue to rile up the negro horde what double standards muh white privilege be ashamed ok thx bye
I dont fucking know how in the hell you americanons, can tolerate this fucking subhumans without kiling them in the most horrible ways as posible.
At least here our gypsys stay with his mouths shutted up.
You need to kill this fucking monsters other wise the civilization wil be destryed, enjoy barbarism.
>*moves to white country asap*
You're a special kind of stupid
>When have whites been enslaved.
How about the Arab slave you monkey.
Clever insignia, its a shame it doesn't benefit "everyone"