Article is in Lithuanian but basically Austria is reducing refugee payments to 277.6 Euros and Lithuania is increasing it to 518 and like 600+ for under 18s! How can Austria be more woke when it comes to this subject then Lithuania (my country)??? I am pissed!!! If Austria keeps European countries to save themselves from the savage invaders??? I now Austria is more Central European but I say Western because they are rich as fuck...
John Gray
At the moment it is all talk, no action. Dude you post has been in charge for the last 8yrs.
Let’s see if they actually do shit.
Kayden Barnes
I would rather them have some talk then none! They just started and the new Austrian I am hopeful will deport every single muslim and non white!!!
Matthew Barnes
Lithuania gibs them 518 euro? WTF What do unemployed Lithuanians get?
Adrian Kelly
unemployed lithuanians get nothing!! the pensioners get like 300 some 200
Christopher Rogers
> and Lithuania is increasing it to 518 and like 600+
Holy fuck i know you hate yourselves but this is too much a rope and soap is a lot quicker and cheaper.
Jacob Johnson
If I paint my face with my shit, can I come to your country and get gibs?
Austin Nguyen
Dude no!
Sebastian Bell
Asylum seekers and refugees here have to stay in centres and are given only 20€ a week.
James Moore
>If I paint my face with my shit, can I come to your country and get gibs? But you are shit, you are here instead of doing something productive.
Owen Edwards
my salary is 600 euro
Carter Nelson
I am pissed as fuck at my country Lithuania cause of how we vote they fucking voted in a Centrist farmers party and a European union loving conservative party!! I voted far right for the nationalist party which only got 2 percent! Maybe we need some cultural enrichment so we can wake up!! I am pissed
Christian Kelly
Same here. >Well it seems that potato niggers aren't that different after all.
Xavier Campbell
You have too many Lihtuanians in western countries that allow these cucks to get power, besides almost everyone that has studied abroad(in west) for an extended period of time is a subhuman commie. Just do something about it Linnas!
Brandon Jackson
I see niggers even though rarely in my city and sub human darkies!! they are students but still wtf why allow in these savages? and we give them cheap study fees? like 2800 euros or something!! motherfuckers!!! We should be charging 20k for the burden of having to look at them!
Brody Cruz
Alexander Hill
The vast majority of asylum seekers here are bogus and shouldn't be here in the first place and when they're told they have no right to be here then they keep launching appeals against the decision costing the tax payers money and lining the pockets of unscrupulous traitor lawyers. When we had an economic boom in the 00s Nigerian scum started coming 8 months pregnant to drop their niglets here and get staying because of that and live off welfare and the tax money of people who owe them or their kind nothing. We had a referendum in the early 00s to stop anyone born here getting automatic citizenship and the people voted by 82% to stop niggers and anchor babies.
Isaiah Bell
Also Lithuania is not anti-eu as of now...we have always been ruled over by some motherfuckers like the ussr and now the eussr
Charles Roberts
>Woke as fuck >Still occupied in Südtirol >Letting your monarch live as a private citizen >Letting the EU, the institution you founded, tell you what to do
Connor Kelly
>any number higher than 0 >woke
Levi Lewis
Forgot to mention that you have to be the child of an Irish citizen to be born here and have automatic Irish citizenship.
Oliver Davis
one big positive about Ireland is that you have the highest birth rate I believe in all of Europe and since you are currently a very white country that means it isn't muslimes having kids via taking your country over by doing so.
Thomas Carter
Yeah, that is the real problem. Per capita, Austria got like the most illegals in world after Sweden.