"They don't know what it's like to bury a child, I did, Seth Rich"
what did she mean by this Sup Forums
"They don't know what it's like to bury a child, I did, Seth Rich"
what did she mean by this Sup Forums
It was just an employee killed in a random murder, goy.
why aren't people talking about this more
The floodgates are open goys. Trust in God.
i love it, DNC has to choose
>absolute crazy women who spouts baseless conspiracy theories ran our party during 2016 election
>we are the most corrupt political organization in america and tried to steal the election with collusion and force
This isn't anything new.
We've known about this the entire time at its obvious to anybody what happened.
The nigger buffalo is just affirming everything.
Everybody knows they just don't care or are the sheep that the psychopaths on the left have brainwashed.
Quote is around 6:40
She didnt even mention seth rich.
Sage in all fields.
What u talkin bout
Is she one of the good guys who were being manipulated or is she just another rat trying to jump ship?
are u stupid ??
She clearly says Seth Rich at 6:39 you fucking moron
copy link for quote (6:34)
....................................................is her hair purple?
Holy shit, she actually did say Seth Rich.
Wait a second. Was Seth Rich a nigger?!
Something has changed in the last few weeks. She's trying to save herself.
she appears to have a conscience and clearly rebelling against the Clintons. the way she mentions Seth's name and the use of "bury" is interesting.
who gives a fuck. listen to her. the whole story is coming out.
bad shill, very bad. pay will be docked and your employment status up for review! quote is literally timestamped in the video you just click play and she says it 'they don't know what it's like to bury a child, i do, seth rich'
no, but he was part of the dnc that she was the head of
this woman is obviously positioning herself for the 2020 elections
wtf no seth rich
welp there it is
Doubt have to bury them if you eat them. Idiot.
How long before libshits start calling her a Russian stooge?
>Literally name drops Seth Rich
And leftist will continue to ignore this.
the first day
Yep it's official this woman is a conspiracy nut. Should've known that the moment she joined the russian propaganda about 'clintons stole the primary'.
Seth Waz Kang?
The seth rich hype was a few months ago already. For some reason every trace always ends in the desert.
fat rail bump
vastly underrated post
way ahead of you
bit of column a, bit of column b.
Bury a child
Brazile signals the Dems she will not be thrown under the bus and reminds them she knows where the bodies lie.
The crazy thing is even through all this she can't let go of or break out of the 'muh Russia' propaganda. She admits that she recognized the validity of Hillary's sickness while at the same time talks about receiving emails telling her that it was Russian fake news. For any rational person this should be an awakening to how easily they have been duped by buying into this false Russian narrative that is literally being used for every D failure or misstep.
I guess the money, power, adulation, and influence of racial politics is impossible to give up for the lesser prize of class, dignity, and credibility.
eh this honestly just seems like shes talking about going through a terrible tragedy within the office while the bigwigs like hillary completely ignored it because they are psychotic baby eaters
pic related
come on black people
wake up, like donna
become good again
i hate black bad people, worse than jews
i like good black people, better than whites
this is a koan
Meh. Post infographic of the 16 missing black kids that was not investigated.
God bless her. I believe her. All the SJW's and LEFTISTS dislike her because she's honest and black.
Spoilers: Because It's True
Is the left ever going to stop with the "Because I FEEL that means I'm automatically right on everything" bullshit?
Only right-wing conspitards talk about Seth Rich, she's politicizing his death, she should have respect for his family.
Isn't that the script?
what else do they have?
Without "You dont understand so you have to believe me" their rhetoric makes no sense
Yeah I can't believe every member of Congress, the entire military and state apparatus, and both parties have been duped by this "false Russian narrative"
the evidence is everywhere btw, just look at the twitter account of any Republican who is running for office and supports Trump, you will see dozens and dozens of Russian bots in their followers list, it's very easy to do
you still smell like your mums smelly pissflaps desu
I'm pretty sure there are people at the DNC who have some experience in buring children
>she actually said it
Absolute madwoman
I haven't seen anything about D-Bra's book or Uranium One or CNNBuzzfeed Dossier on Saturday Night Live or Late Night White Guys so there is nothing there.
Why didn't Snuffalopogus say "wait, wat?!?!" I did.
And it's driving away people in droves. At some point they have to realize it just isn't working.
>Seth Rich
I like to think he got moved into witness protection.
Nothing to see here. Don’t investigate the missing Virginia children and NCMEC.
Oh no, Russian twitter bots stole the election and now the Russian twitter bots are running our country by replacing the entirety of the Legislative branch and controlling the military!
You realize how dumb you are or maybe that's the problem, you're moronic enough to not be able to understand that fact. Also nice refutation of the obsession with the Russian narrative when the crazies are being shot down by Donna herself.
But maybe we can find solid ground and agree that the only way to stop this is to completely remove twitter and facebook to destroy the iron grip the Ruskies hold over us through their devastatingly effective bot army.
>russian people having opinions on US politics means something
nobody gonna talk about what she said at 5:16? no? none of you have any interest in seeing that? im the only one not taking crazy pills in this thread? ok
She said his name.
What's wrong with you?
Are you one of those Shariablue shill faggots?
This is much more than trying to sell her book
She knows something and she is scared shitless
Wonder how much shes being paid by trump
No she's just a low-cunning Aunt Jemima covering her black ass.
>I am all for making an example of a suspected leaker - Podesta email
What did he mean by this?
I support the D Bra
>But maybe we can find solid ground and agree that the only way to stop this is to completely remove twitter and facebook to destroy the iron grip the Ruskies hold over us through their devastatingly effective bot army.
This. If Russia can elect Murican president by spending few thousand dollars and using two niggers with 100 followers, than it better to remove twitter/facebook completely, because just imagine want would happen if Russia spend like 10K dollars on it.
It's almost like everything we've been reading on here for over a year is all true
Not a rat I bet. She is just trying to distance herself so she has deniability and can maneuver to stay in some sort of power position. None of these people are actually stupid per se, but when you have a pack of sociopaths as your cabal things get weird. She probably thinks she can weather this and stay on top.
She's speaking figuratively. She was DNC chair and Seth was a young DNC staffer, making him her figurative child. She had to manage the party through the controversy of his death and give condolences and such.
Draw whatever conclusions you like about his murder, but you have to be autistic to think she was speaking literally in this interview.
I guess Donna Brazille is going to accidentally shoot herself 3 times in the back of the head and then go skydiving. What a shame. So many people do it these days!
Shits hitting the fan and she is saving her ass
You sound JTRIGgered
>Guy's she's only speaking figuratively
>She didn't literally bury Seth Reth
no kidding?
i dont think it's about saving her own ass. pocahontis straight up said clinton rigged the primaries. i think this is part of a broader democratic party strategy to sever ties to the clintons and their corruption. donna "i keep my blinds closed now" brazile's book is their way of telling hillary to step aside.
Something has changed????
Podesta's are being arrested. 11 Saudi princes are arrested.
>but you have to be autistic to think she was speaking literally in this interview.
never mind the fact that assange has been strongly suggesting that rich is the leaker of the DNC emails. the podesta emails and the DNC emails are often conflated under the same "russian hacking" umbrella. maybe the really did hack podesta and rich leaked the DNC emails. brazile bringing up rich's death (a supposedly unrelated murder) in a conversation about DNC corruption is not something to be dismissed.
>she appears to have a conscience
no, she doesn't
Don't any of you stupid fucking children start posting "Donna Brazile is a patriot" bullshit like you do with Seth Rich. Brazile is the lyingest, dirtiest piece of shit nigger on the planet. She's just trying to keep her Aunt Jemimah black ass out of prison.
Sounds like a book to throw shade at Hillary Clinton in order to restore her tarnished name.
I just take it as an indictment of the clinton machine as more liberals basically respond with "yea I'm corrupt and shit but DAMN"
Brazil-ay gonna go states witness, she is signaling to keep herself safe
1post by this Sup Forums pass ID.
really activates my almonds
She seems like a normie who tried to play the game with folks waaay above her level and is now running with what she thinks is a way out from being their useful idiot.
Won't work.
Normies when will they ever learn
shit you got me
Now the news is saying it's all trump saying she said it was rigged.......Can this shit just stop for a fucking moment and at least try to have a narrative" no matter how fake" at least not change every ten seconds.
Thanks for this, I guess