Brit/pol/: Open Reach edition

>Minister denies computer porn allegations, Damian Green, a key ally of Theresa May, says claims by an ex-police officer are "completely untrue".

>Woman jailed for luring vulnerable young girls into the clutches of an Asian sex gang is attacked in prison after fellow inmates 'found out what she did'

>Fireworks display injures 14

>The International Development Secretary held undisclosed meetings in Israel without telling the Foreign Office while accompanied by an influential pro-Israeli Conservative lobbyist, the BBC has learned.

>Jewish group demands apology after Harriet Harman repeats Holocaust joke live on BBC

>Rebel MPs ramp up plot to oust Theresa May after her 'week from hell' amid turmoil over Westminster sex scandal

>Police arrest second boy, 16, after 'pizza delivery driver is sprayed in the face with acid and blinded in both eyes for his £2,500 scooter in horror attack'

>4 men charged with sexual exploitation of young girls in Newcastle

>Invasion "only way" to disarm North Korea
Links acquired from

Other urls found in this thread:

first for hitchens is a kike agent
>Paradise Papers: Tax haven secrets of ultra-rich exposed

A huge new leak of financial documents has revealed how the powerful and ultra-wealthy, including the Queen's private estate, secretly invest vast amounts of cash in offshore tax havens.

what's for dinner, lads?
pic related

Stop watching Porn

>Head of state so cucked she has to hide her dosh offshore
How did we get here?



Better be halal m8


Fuck me all these fireworks i feel like im bataclan or something


courtesy of fb

>cayman islands

It's a British overseas territory, why shouldn't she invest her money in banks within her own realm?

>Its another anti Blairite

Friendly Reminder cunts,

1. Longest period of sustained low inflation since the 60s.

2. Low mortgage rates.

3. Introduced the National Minimum Wage and raised it to £5.52.

4. Over 14,000 more police in England and Wales.

5. Cut overall crime by 32 per cent.

6. Record levels of literacy and numeracy in schools.

7. Young people achieving some of the best ever results at 14, 16, and 18.

8. Funding for every pupil in England has doubled.

9. Employment is at its highest level ever.

10. Written off up to 100 per cent of debt owed by poorest countries.

11. 85,000 more nurses.

12. 32,000 more doctors.

13. Brought back matrons to hospital wards.

14. Devolved power to the Scottish Parliament.

15. Devolved power to the Welsh Assembly.

16. Dads now get paternity leave of 2 weeks for the first time.

17. NHS Direct offering free convenient patient advice.

18. Gift aid was worth £828 million to charities last year.

19. Restored city-wide government to London.

20. Record number of students in higher education.

21. Child benefit up 26 per cent since 1997.

22. Delivered 2,200 Sure Start Children’s Centres.

23. Introduced the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

24. £200 winter fuel payment to pensioners & up to £300 for over-80s.

25. On course to exceed our Kyoto target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

oh dear, I wanted Sup Forums
But somehow I ended up on brit-bong faecesbook

Half of them aren't even positives

I just came to tranny porn self inserting while wearing a vibrator in my ass and I squealed a little when I came. Seeing cock go inside trannies is so hot. Slightly jealous of them

It doesent make me gay though right since I don't go out and get fucked by trannies for real tho

What a working-class "meal"


>Half of them aren't even positives

You will be watching BBC porn before you know it

abigail shaprio

I just read that now, Jesus Christ typical lazy bastard Scouser moaning about having to work till 6.30 pm.

You forgot open the flood-gates to scummy migrants on your list cunt.

>I'd be incredibly concerned about a representative of the people who wouldn't engage in a tradition meant to show respect and reverence to citizens lost to the government's own politicking.

So would I, but that's not necessarily what not wearing a poppy is about. I don't think either of the World Wars should have been fought - yet if I attend my local memorial service I will be fed a lie about how it was righteous and they were fighting so that one day the nation could be filtered out of its ethnic heritage and diversity & inclusion classes would be mandatory at large employers - exaggeration to an extent, but this myth tacitly occupies one end of the yarn of the nation's 20th Century history, with Blairism at the other. The association is so strong with the poppy now, that whilst it may not 'technically' be linked, it is taken as a given that this is the case - and so to wear the poppy could be seen, by some, to endorse that viewpoint of history.

This is a legitimate position to hold, and I do not consider myself to be dishonouring the dead or anyone who died in the World Wars. Yet if I were a public figure and I did not wear a poppy, I would be hounded by the supposed 'right wing press' and foaming at the mouth individuals as not being patriotic or respectful - when nothing is further from the truth.

This nation needs an almost 'secular' way to remember the fallen - we need to remove the motivation for war away from remembering those who fell in them. Lines and services that include such blatant political dishonesty are not welcome and I do not support them.

At the moment, private donations are your only way to (semi) accomplish this. Perhaps this is enough - but seeing the feigned distress of the political classes at people who they secretly despise is abhorrent and not something I will participate in.

He's not wrong, teacher workloads are mental these days. You're in from 6am at the latest, you leave from 5-6pm, you've got to teach oversized classes at the speed of their thickest student, you're not judged on how high your classes' attainments are you're judged on how much they've increased since they joined the school (so if they start of high attainment you're fucked), and in working class areas you also have to play social worker to collapsed families where the parents are either doped out of their minds so they won't look after their kids or just outright beat the shit out of them.
PGCE was a mistake, I've wasted my life.


Fuck, I thought you were trolling me because of the botched link in the other thread

>as oppose to a paki meal

What the fuck did he expect. Teaching is a woman's job

Lmao. I'm 23 and I'm still at uni cause I took a gap.

I’ve had enough.

>if you're not poor then you're paki
Lol wut. Pakis are overwhelmingly poor

Looks fun.

>This is a legitimate position to hold
Wouldn't suggest otherwise, I'd just not hold it myself. I can entirely see your point, but I'm more inclined to side with this guy I don't want to give up on this tradition. I hold out hope it can be returned back to its original state.

It's what makes it so funny

I enjoy bbc porn on trannies
Sometimes I wish there was a state run program to turn me into a whiteboi sissy slave

>A huge new leak of financial documents has revealed how the powerful and ultra-wealthy, including the Queen's private estate, secretly invest vast amounts of cash in offshore tax havens

when we gonna impeach the queen lads?

>The absolute state of millennials
Who's based gen Z here? (1995–2014, obviously over 18's)

Capitalist kikes will defend this.

This is nothing less than widespread cuckoldry. Normal people have to go out to work and pay their taxes while the super rich (who make their money off the backs of YOUR labour) get away with everything scott free.

Fucking hell, the isles is in need of a good old fashioned starvation again.
You bongs have fucked it up, way to go idiots.

>Over 14,000 more police in England and Wales.
Who aren't allowed to do anything now because they risk violating people's human rights. Cheers, Tone.

You’re a bigger degenerate than me. I want to fucking hurt you.

Would John Oliver be successful here?

Reminder that Britain is Celtic Pagan soil and most of you are Saxon Christian occupiers

>mfw even the queen knows that taxation is theft

Gen Z is 2000 and onwards.

What's up mate.

>Sometimes I wish there was a state run program to turn me into a whiteboi sissy slave

Id say this is bait but we all know this is a real thing for some people , before i quit porn even i have thoughts down those lines . Get help user

>PGCE was a mistake, I've wasted my life.

Every single person I know which did a PGCE after uni has quit teaching, I think a lot of them did it to have another year dossing around being a student.

Yet if they quit they don't have to pay anything back to the government, its a complete joke.

127 DEAD.

The Queen shouldn't be taxed, she should be levying tax, friend

Thanks Cameron and May

I can't help it. Seeing fags all dressed up and fucked is so hot
Especially when they have no balls or are post op

>tfw seeing a post op vagina cum
Uhhhhh how I long for the ultimate emasculation. No longer able to jerk off, forced to penetrate my neo pussy


Teachers work hours are retarded they work 12 hour days
and ALL the work is unnecessary, (teachers are quite unnecessary)
Most of their work is checking/grading, which if the kids worked on computers would be automatic
also getting lesson plans together, which if it was done on computer would be already set

>people using this as a stick to beat the queen with
She probably didn't even know, and if she did I don't know if she would even be able to do anything about it, she wasn't even allowed to fly the correct flag above her estate.

>I don't want to give up on this tradition. I hold out hope it can be returned back to its original state.

So do I user, but it will be a long wait indeed.


I'd quit if I had marketable skills tbqh
I'm not just quitting and going back to being a uni scrounger, I'd rather go off a bridge

The State isn't allowed to use the fact that it's the State to gain an unfair commercial advantage.

Same reason public sector bodies have to charge VAT, otherwise they'd be able to undercut the private sector by 20% in everything

>t. John I

Bloke on the bbc now has the "just" hair.

Every single one has helped our nation tremendously

*Hard working legal migrants

Human Rights are all our rights

Iraq has WMD's

Stop LARPing Gethin

*Had WMDs

I'm high functioning
Porn doesent affect me unless I'm in the mood
In which case I get all excited and sit on my dildo and look at trannies getting fucked

If you’re who I think you are, please stop. This crosses the line.

>teacher have no marketable skills
this is the problem right here

>Lord Ashcroft, a former Conservative party deputy chairman and a significant donor, may have ignored rules around how his offshore investments were managed. Other papers suggest he retained his non-dom status while in the House of Lords, despite reports he had become a permanent tax resident in the UK

The absolute STATE of whoever wrote this story
>literally could've picked anyone to baitout
>Picked the one person who is the physical embodiment of rich tax-dodging tory

Me too desu the stress is making me fucking crazy

Sounds pretty shit lad. I always thought teaching was a cushy job as well.

I'd blame New Labour first, seeing as how they're the ones who passed the Human Rights Act, in line with their manifesto pledge, which gave people grounds to fuck police officers (and other public servants) over based on rulings from fucking Strasbourg

Randstad Canada is one source though, Gen Z is an arbitrary cut off and many different people argue over when it begun.

"Those who can't, teach..."

And Tories never fixed it.
Good job.

h-how does a post op vagina cum?!

>The State isn't allowed to use the fact that it's the State to gain an unfair commercial advantage.
This is the most absurd thing I've ever heard. The very existence of the state is counter to this point. It has an inherent advantage as it has a monopoly on force. Everything it does is an advantage to itself based on the usage of force.

>What is the EU
>What is nearly every government since mid 20th century

I'm not a fan of Blair but most Conservative and Labour governments since the mid 20th century have overseen mass immigration, including May & Cameron who have both overseen record breaking figures.

Life is a dead end road.

Well I'm choosing their definition, as I don't want to be associated with millennial cuckoldry.

I dont know anyone here
What's wrong with a little bumming and cumming? :3

Australia's McCrindle Research Centre defines Generation Z as those born between 1995–2009, starting with a recorded rise in birth rates, and fitting their newer definition of a generational span with a maximum of 15 years.[25] A 2014 report from Sparks and Honey describes Generation Z as those born in 1995 or later.[26] Author Jean Twenge describes the iGen as those born from 1995–2012.

It used to be. Then society broke down, yoofs went rabid and the population boomed.

I really like chicken tikka but packaged chicken tikka? in a pie of some sorts?

Is it any good?

What comes after Generation Z?

>those who can't teach, teach PE
i used to work at a school, and this is what the teachers themselves said. top kek

Can you not try to get a job at a nice upper class or semi-rural school?

where is million mask march


Theresa May and Ruddcunt sacked them all

Generation Y not
Starts going back I hope

Never mind, google says they'll be called Generation Alpha

Because by the time they came into power the precedent of deferral to the Strasbourg Court's rulings (which was always meant to be optional anyway) was set.
Hopefully the Brexit separation might allow for it. I'm not overly optimistic, but who knows?

You know what. I don’t give a fuck anymore. I am just about done trying to be moral. Do whatever you like.

It’s all pointless.

Tell us your troubles mate, sometimes it's good to just vent.

The body can still produce spermless semen, basically pure water cum comes out

It's so fucking hot. I'm am jealous of people who get sex changes

Generation SS


I am happy for them, especially the 40% who neck themselves. Kys

Don't the testes get removed though? Why would there be any semen after that?

2009 was 8 years ago. They're already alive.