I'd always pictured my ancestors ploughing the green fields of the great land of England. INSTEAD I find my predominate ethnicity is fucking irish. FUCK CONNER MCGREGOR FUCK IRELAND!!!!! I am only 20% English, so why are my teeth so fucked up? They cost me $9000!! So fucking pissed, what's worse is I am only 61% Irish and a mishmash of everything else in Western Europe, ffs :(. My bloodline is alcoholic pissant country who was Great Britains cuck.
FUCK!!!!!! Ancestry results, instant depression
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Irish people invented music. Niggers stole everything from them. Irish women are incredibly hot. I think you're in pretty good company
at least youre not some greasy nigra
sorry to hear that. how come irish are known for being notorious pumpkin thieves?
The Brits are mixed people in the first place, so no wonder.
If you still have an Irish name:
Your Irish Ancestor could have been a soldier for France or Spain.
400,000 Irishmen Joined Frances' and Spains' Armies between 1700 and 1750
I know that feel.
Ireland is a beautiful, pure nation. Be proud, motherfucker.
No fuck you OP you fucking mongrel.
Don't forget that most Irish men in Ireland are now faggot as well, the only thing stopping it from being Sweden is the Sea.
The database is 95% sure my family/ancestor lived in Southern England, whilst the town they located in Ireland is possible. So from the union of the Britain and Ireland onwards my ancestors were in England before being shipped off to Straya
>A Brit with French and German blood running through his veins
Is that the ultimate form of hell? What did you do in your past life user?
sing it with me:
In the merry month of June, from me home I started, left the girl Tuam , nearly broken hearted...
also joyce and yeats.
Possible, pre 1800 my only link is Ireland (and one of the crap provinces) from 1800 the Southern England thing shows up, it seems likely one or some of my relatives moved to Southern England when allowed under the 1800 agreement.
>wanting to be cucked britbong when you are patrician tier irish.
foolish, desu. go look up all the accomplishments of potato bloods.
>Irish people invented music
Gonna need some evidence for that claim.
>Irish women are incredibly hot
Yeah, no. No, no, no. Some are, most are fat and ugly.
Many Irish volunteers fought for the British Empire as well. At one point 51% of the British Army was made up of Irishmen.
Sounds irish
literally nothing wrong with ireland
>honestly tho brits are more subhuman. They are jank and ratchet assholes with a fancy accent but they are savage and need to be gassed plus they are chimpithizers
>we voted for brexit
>1 yr 6 mo later nothing
>Falling for the DNA scam which gives different results for triplets.
It's alright m8, Irishness is a cultural problem, not a genetic one. Many Irish have been successfully domesticated over the years and they don't pass on the traits associated with being backstabbing crybabies with no more right to life than a tick.
I know that feel user, I know that feel
Also, post 'em if you got 'em
I get the feeling that you’re jewish
Don't fall for these meme tests.
It could irish, but it could very well be just west english ancestry
emu nigger stfu, the Irish are about as white as fucking milk, we just have that retarded citizenship by right of birth cancer that allows niggers to claim "IM IRISH TOOO!!!!!!!"
>tfw Welsh master race
shhh. the hibernian conspiracy only works as long as the irish are underestimated
I don't even like alcohol. i do like dairy food though and apparently southern england is famous for it, what your ancestors eat affects your taste
Best part was my family's oral history, that said we were 100% Irish and proud of it, I kek'd when I got my results
Daughter being raped by backstabbing muslims,
son has never been of the xbox,
wife has never been off the neighbour
>"The Oirish haff a cultooral problem"
I am 6% Scando, what was there interaction with Ireland? pre 1800?
If the Irish grew wool at least you'd have one use.
what Im getting from it is that Irish people are jews, which is fucking bullshit, its just another way for pol too not realize that if we truly want the white to survive then we need actual unity. theres no way we can survive if we exclude people based off country and not race.
>I am 6% Scando, what was there interaction with Ireland? pre 1800?
Do they teach you nothing in school down under?
>no use
but we do have a future
Of course your ancestry is fucking Irish you abo fucking reject!
Your whole nation was formed of transported convict, at a time where convicts were also sent into the navy or army. Only criminal potato-niggers are too stupid to even put into a musket line to absorb bullets.
All English and Scottish. Based ancestors didn’t poison the gene pool with dago blood over here. Feels bretty good le 100% face
Ireland for the Irish
Germans and Americans are as welcome as Turks
everyones a Jew when it comes to self-preservation, the non-kikes died in the very first war
Irish are best. Irish expats are the most pro-white anti-Islam people around. Native Irish people however are mostly lefty marxoid cucks.
Fuck. Off.
What makes you wish for English ancestry and decry Irish?
KYS faggot, you deserve to be English.
Enjoy your gay Indians.
Irishmen aren’t white
I have a job Britbong, I can also buy a new car quicker than you, eat better afford rent and my current city doesn't have a Muslim mayor.
Vikings invaded Ireland and settled but they got btfo by Brian boru, after that they integrated into Irish society.
You're Strayan and you honestly thought you were more anglo than celt? Wew. Did you just ignore the penal colony history?
Why is gopnik pepe Irish?
That's not true at all Mr Goldberg.
Most music is Pentatonic scale, which is from bagpipes, n sheet.
I doubt this very much.
With the way Muslims rape Britons, you'd think Britons were farm animals too.
worry about your own house m9
if you black them, they win
I agree. Ireland for the Irish is best idea, fuck the brits in our country, fuck the African niggers and the packies
>muh hairytuge
We don't have that since 2003 after the referendum where people voted by 82% in favor of getting rid of that right due to niggers taking advantage of it. Nowadays you have to be born to an Irish citizen rather than just being born on Irish soil.
got bad news for u m8
>worry about your own house m9
Teashop > Mayor
this board is just satire. You should never be upset because of stupid things such as ancestry. You are who you are
>(((white))) race
No ethnic nationalism
Anybody know where Sutherland lives?
I heard his area needs extreme diversification
how do we solve the IQ?
I don't know one side of my family, there's pictures of my great grandfather and mother in London in 1918, I presumed there was a rather large chance I was British, alas I am slowly coming to terms with Ireland. It would seem the 6% Scando probably dates back to the invasion of Ireland. ALSO, I have striking blue eyes, perhaps they're centuries old, even more incentive to not to Asian girls who constantly come onto me :(
Obviously from criminal stock
never knew. fucking good, but some of these FUCKING IDIOTS around me still call these girl who was born on Irish soil and parents from iraq "Irish". fuck all that.
> You are who you are
b-but i thought only americans were mongrels?
West brits are the real enemy, they shit over everything irish and we'll never survive if that cancer is left here.
northern Irish people are mongrels as well
It makes no sense.
White unity is just another jewish trickery. You see, the jew will just make the concept of whiteness more and more vague until anyone that isn't pitch dark can be considered white
Actually most likely all english back to glastonbury. Just gets confusing past 1600 or so about the surname
You do know that the earliest "bagpipe" type instrument was English and is only just over a thousand years old?
Yeah damage was done though and every nig nog here is either a bogus asylum seeker or anchor baby. The government never took heed of the peoples views towards immigration even though we showed them with that referendum what we thought of fucking multiculturalism. I find that Irish people are generally anti immigration.
Packie Bonner is alright
the only people who use the term white are Americans because they are a mix of all sorts of people thus leaving them with no real identity the Irish on the other hand are a separate ethnic group like every other real European people.
No, half breeds aren't white and pol and the alt right will never consider them white, it will always be for pure whites.
if you change the way you look at things it is not a problem anymore
i remember being called a racist cunt (by a teacher) for picking on the token black
>social paraiah
now im the guy that called out the nigger for being a dumb lazy draft dodger
the truth has set me free lads
of course it is too a cucked up bong. who's that north african cock treating you?
You know most Irish have blue eyes including my self its not a exclusive Scandinavian characteristic.
the British Isles are honestly the same shit different sub-tribes, in fact French and Britons are two sides of the same Germanicized Celtic coin
No there not. The two sides have hated each other for centuries and rarely mixed even though Ulster Scots are our close genetic relatives and many are Gaelic Scots.
you can't be serious, here a story that happened to me
I see all people as mongrels
I'm in the north, you tit. Do you not remember Pascal Bonner, the national goalkeeper
not really here in northern Ireland everybody is split along ethnic lines, the Irish stay separate from the ulster-scots even the polish immigrants don't mix very often.
Look up "Pascal bonner" and found nothing, so what are you talking about
Calm down. At least you are not a nigger. Well, at least you are not an actual nigger. I think the majority considers the Irish white. And I'm not talking some piddling 52% majority either! Some surveys show them at 70% white, 10% "nearly white". So its not the end of the world.
Where does the geo flag dilleniate Ireland and UK?
Sorry about that I found out I was 12%jewosh
>human beings
Thanks to Cromwell and Arab slavers the Irish are fucking every where.
Best race reporting in
user maybe they are different. And the chads sperm staying in the uterus isn't a meme
He's the patron Saint of Imaginary Sportstars isn't he
>Bongs think Bonner was a real person
Mr. Blobby takes it around Fr. Ted, Saved by a ubermensh GK
alright then.