>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Trumps and Abes double date 11/4/17
>Pres Trump signs Donald+Shinzo bffs4ever hat 11/4/17
>Pres Trump meets w/bff PM Abe 11/4/17
>Pres Trump departs Yokota Base to meet PM Abe 11/4/17
>Pres Trump speech to troops in JPN 11/4/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arriving in JPN 11/4/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania KINO departure HI for JPN 11/4/17
>WH Video: Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania visit HI 11/4/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania visit USS Arizona Memorial 11/3/17
>Pres Trump Briefing @US Pacific Command 11/3/17
>Pres Trump Arrival Ceremony @US Pacific Command 11/3/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in HI 11/3/17
>AF1 Landing in HI 11/3/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania departing from DC 11/3/17
>Pres Trump speaks before HI trip 11/3/17
>Pres Trump will fix it! 10/31/17
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>American Hero
>The Renewal of the American Spirit
OP pastebin:
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't fuck boys.
Tick tock
Only Kushner and Jr. left before Trump himself.
BOOM! --> "Leaked Documents Show Wilbur Ross Concealed Ties to Putin Cronies"
"Trump's commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, is doing business with Vladimir Putin’s son-in-law through a shipping venture in Russia"
Don’t forget to vote on November 7th Virginians
Polls are neck and neck, so every vote will matter
If any anons want to help, jumping on social media would be useful right now
Here are some of the hashtags being used:
#VAgov #Gillespie #GameOnVA
More Dems on the #Northam tag
#NYCTerroristAttack, #SundayMorning, #TCSNYCMarathon, and other trends you might find useful in the Virginia Beach, Norfolk, and Richmond areas would be helpfull to target too.
Polling locations can be found on
If you type in your voter info
And just in case:
Expect voter fraud and manipulation. If you are voting, keep tabs on illegals and people being bussed in, especially from DC.
>The 2011 declaration by Russia that it would stay in DST all year long was subsequently followed by a similar declaration from Belarus.[70] Russia's plan generated widespread complaints due to the dark of wintertime morning, and thus was abandoned in 2014.[71] The country changed its clocks to Standard Time on October 26, 2014 and intends to stay there permanently.[72]
I wonder if Barron has a cute tummy. I bet he does...
What do you call a close relative you sleep with? a nap-kin
I won't be gay this thread but I'm not going to sleep
>I'm so glad we overthrew the patriarchy
>now nobody can shame me for eating my foot flakes
Sup Forums pls go
What do you call a qt?
A non
> commerce sec is part of campaign and capable of collusion
RMS approved
>wilbur ross story appears randomly on many sites at the same time
shill got their marching orders
Wilbur Ross failed to disclose Russian business interestes with Putin's immediate family (son in law)
Other parts in Paradise Papers:
>A key aide of Canada's PM has been linked to offshore schemes that may have cost the nation millions of dollars in taxes: Paradise Papers
>£10m ($13m) of the Queen's private money was invested offshore: Paradise Papers
If I catch you being gay even once this thread you get the chair.
Let's get comfy
Besides a high white/low black turnout scenario, there's also the scenario of a moderate turnout for all races but with Northam losing a significant portion of the non-white vote to HYRA, which would also cost him the election.
>unironically quoting that streetshitter
Gave me a chuckle.
Gave me an "aww".
Yes, we saw you post it last thread lol
who would ever think a multinational business man would know other world leaders....kys
fuck that hurt my eyes!
And then she finally got a good dicking, and decided, "Maybe I could be in the wrong here."
Some other stuff in there.
>leaked to a German
It's meant to muddle the Clinton uranium scandal accusations and possibly create a headline for Democrats to rally under.
I thought you get strapped to a bed and then shocked for gay treatment Japan
I actually expected Flynn to go before Man-The-Fort
>invested in the same company as Putin's son-in-law
Oh, fuck, that's almost as damning as that time Trump ate a sandwich with Russian dressing on it!
And I had to mess up the link order. I'm sleepy, but still.
Non-whites mostly vote Democrat, so I doubt it. Hydra would be more likely to pick up Bernie supporters
>Indian Space Research Organization
>launches something called SCATSAT
Mueller doesn't have the fucking balls for this. The swamp wants the investigation to end immediately. They don't want to draw anymore attention to the crimes of the DNC or RNC. If this keeps up, they will start indicting people on uranium one.
Oh look some last minute shilling before Mueller begins exterminating the Democrats
You'll be getting sudoku.
>invested in the same company as Putin's son-in-law
Wow thats it? Talk about Clickbait. i was expecting something illegal.
Complete nothingburger. The scandal is that he did not divest from the company and that he did not disclose it to the Senate when being confirmed but if you look at the company, it's a shipping company that ships material across the sea. One of their clients is a Russian oil company that is headed by Putin's son-in-law and two Russian billionaires tied to Putin that were part of the US sanctions list. Complete nothingburger.
>company Ross owns has one client that is a Russian oil business
>this means Ross is compromised, a Russian agent, and should resign!!!!
Nothing he did was illegal. The talking point is that what he did was unethical. Since when was subjective ethics the standard for confirmation?
Funny, the charges are talking about the failed Erdogan coup.
Is this fuckin' shitheel really saying "We cheated; so what?"?? These assholes didn't just cheat, they cheated, lost, then pitched a fucking fit that STILL is holding up the entire process of checks and balances and getting anything done that Trump was elected to do.
>before Mueller begins exterminating the Democrats
user, I too hope for the best, but lets not kid ourselves...
>Non-whites mostly vote Democrat
I don't doubt that, but even a small shift in the black margin would help us immensly.
It's illegal to be in close proximity to a Russian. In fact, Mueller is investigating me now due to me posting in this very thread with a Russian.
>Never heard of CBoyardee
I got friends in VA to early vote for Gillespie and straight republican ticket.
Mccaulife was a real disaster.
I predict Mueller will end the investigation as fast as he possibly can now. You think he wants to prosecute dems for uranium one?
>2 days ago
>"we have no evidence"
>"we magically have evidence"
I'd be worried, if I wasn't totally convinced that no one in the Trump camp actually did anything wrong. (Except for Kushner, maybe, but I don't like him.)
Can someone explain what evidence we have to believe Mueller could ever be /ourguy/ and go after any non trump people?
Last I checked didn't he hire a bunch of democrat Clinton employees?
I still don't buy the Mueller is secretly /ourguy/ meme.
>doing business with companies located in an oligarchic country
>People surprised when the people you are dealing with are related to Putin
>mfw investing in a company that has a Russian client is supposed to be bad now
Go to bed! If you don't you are resisting a-rest.
Correct. The magic number for dems is 90% of the black vote. If they're routinely around 85-87% they lose damn near everything forever.
>liberals say Trump is both a nazi and Russian in the same breath
Burger education
you should never trust a swamp creature to do the right thing.
he's got a point..
> implying the report is 100% true
>Mueller exterminating democrats
You can't just make shit up.
You're alright leaf, thanks for help
How is everyone doing?
She's beautiful!
Now that I have a phone that can watch webms I can catch up on all of the vids I was missing out on while on the go. Looks like it wasn't worth it
This, again I'll believe it when I see it
Now that Cuckerika Mogherini has declared that she will personally arrest Trump, how long before he renews demands for Yuropoors to meet full NATO financial obligations?
>everyone gave him (you)s
Who are the real idiots here?
Its another establishment-led leak designed to fuck up their opposition. Same thing as the Panama papers revealing Russian and other rich people having tax havens everywhere, yet someone not a single American made the list.
Hoping against hope, since he had a friendly sit-down with Podesta and LARP'ers are now claiming he's about to arrest one of his best friends.
> Be 14 year old girl in the UK
> Get raped
> Report it
> Get arrested for 'racial abuse' of your rapist
> Go to mental hospital
> Get raped and impregnated by your rapist in the mental hospital
This doesn't look like a man capable of energizing anyone
I don't believe in reptillians, but if they were real this man is one. Its like he's pretending to be human.
'Trump will keep his promise to move the embassy to Jerusalem'
>"He also has to deal with reality as he finds it," Zell said, explaining why the embassy has not yet been moved. "The reality in the Middle East is that the Iranian threat, both on the nuclear level and on the geopolitical level, is so serious and so dangerous that it requires a coalition of the willing, of Israel and the Sunni Muslim states to resist the Iranian attempts to achieve hegemony over the region."
>"In order for that to happen, in order for that coalition to form and to be effective, we've got to give an opportunity for Israel and the Sunni states to get together. For that to happen we don't need to move - this is what the president has decided, and this is what Prime Minister Netanyahu has decided - we don't need to move the embassy right now.
Lock her u-
>drumpf is a facist nazi taking orders from russia's putin who wants to rebuild the soviet union
if anyone is interested
>let's sleep together
B-baka! It's not like I want to sleep with you or anything!
>You think he wants to prosecute dems for uranium one?
Yes. Tucker's source said he was already on that road. And his source has been accurate and revealing so far.
They usually win it by D+87, which means 93.5% Democrat, 6.5% Republican. That margin decreasing to D+85 or lower would hurt since blacks are the second largest voting demographic.
>his country just launched a satellite called SCAT-SAT
Except this has NOTHING to do with Russia.
Flynn didn't file FARA for Turkish lobbying (NATO ally, mitigating effect).
Is forgetting to file FARA a felony, or a misdemeanor
>We were only pretending to be retarded
I wish all poos were as based as Dinesh.