It's okay to be Jewish, Sup Forums

It's okay to be Jewish, Sup Forums.

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JIDF kys

we should unironically shill this so we get lefty normies to start hating jewish people more stir some controversy

In israel. go there

If you're mixedrace than you're automatically jewish.

Sorry not sorry.

It's okay to be Jewish, just not (((Jewish))).


The joos are the devil!

>It's okay to be Jewish, just not (((Jewish))).
The Talmud is where it all went wrong.

Are you of Jewish ancestry, OP. My mom is pure jew and my dad is of part Jew, genetically. They are conservative Jews, but I am an athiest.


gal gadot lookin good there

Think about this for a second, most right wingers even far right types like Azmador would probably just laugh at it would not be triggered by a poster that said
>Its ok to be jewish

but you have institutions like universities and media portraying the
>its ok to be white
sings as hate speech.

It really makes me think they are gearing up for a global genocide against whites.

The joos are using the nigger as a tool to enslave the white race.

Sage doesn't work figgit

Any mixed race should qualify to be called Jewish.

>That misshapen skull.
Can this bitch even walk, much less have a stream of coherent thought?

Every major country that jews have been expelled from has shortly collapsed thereafter

I just said that.


There's no reason you can't be Jewish AND in a mass grave.

QR code in pic related links to this vid:

War is unavoidable. Read:

If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.

If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.

Why jews make it easy to support Hitler:

Why antifa needs to get done by the authorities:

The Antifa "Professor" who advocates preemptive violence:

Keep uptaded on the storm:

Also must read sites:

Confirm QR is legit here:


kill yourself you fucking kike faggot

Pro-level copy pasta.

You're doing God's work.

Keep it up.

Jews killed Jesus and have ruined the world.

And sorry shitskin, but everyone knows that 1 drop rules are to identify those of the lower races, and it just so happens that in this case, it is wh*te """"people"""".


Why* """"peepo"""""*



also arbeit macht frei faggot


nice one

Jew here

no it's not

But its not okay.

Are you the same Austrian faggot that wanted to change the posters?
Hope you get back to leftypol soon.

I hope one day you will be not ashamed to show your flag. Also maybe understand when somebody tries to help you. 8gags TRS kike brigade seems to slowly get what you did wrong

forget it. TRSemites will never get it

You have an ethnostate. go there.

You know how many Arab Muslims live in Israel? They have Arabs in high positions.. Military Generals, legislators, politicians...

Then go be a jew someplace else. Get off the fucking media and banking.

You're going to lose. Just accept defeat and conform. It would be a whole lot painless if you just stopped resisting.

May be. But it is certainly NOT OK to act Jewish.

Acting Jewish is the Supreme form of virtuous behavior.



I agree. white niggers btfo

Its okay to be Palestinian.

Yea but it's not okay to be anti Israel because of it. Palestinians live peaceful in Israel just as Jews do. They serve on the Supreme Court, as Military generals, politicians, etc. Virtually no jews live in Palestine, though. Israel is a lot better to Palestinians than Palestinians are to Jews.

>It's okay to be Jewish, Sup Forums.

No, it's not.
You racist nepotistic kikes are stealing more than 1000% above your fair diversity quota with racist nepotism in top colleges and universities.

>Israel is a lot better to Palestinians than Palestinians are to Jews
Objectively false.


mfw Israel is a containment country

To add onto that the walls are to keep the Jews in not to keep the arabs out.

then we can bomb it


khazar milkers or gtfo



No. No it isnt.

You got kicked out cause your people are cancer
neck yourself
holy shit the longer you stay the less chromosomes you appear to have.
Give up. You are beaten.

Of course it is

>Give up. You are beaten.
It's okay user, don't feel sad or angry, not good for your brain


Heres another spicy one.

no its not, and get out of denmark you fucking KIKE

go with the time. Act il is the app for the casual pro Israel poster of today
>Pedesta in custody
>Sup Forums intel
please be true

>About the Sup Forums intel screenshot
This came from an extremely spiritual website as in, way fucking too much for a normies naked eye.
>Absolutely 100% Wat
Somehow these fucking spiritualists say we captured the "Cabal" and on our way into a currency reset. Which triggers the j00

I wanna be jewish and hoard lots of shekels
kikes of Sup Forums, share your ways

link to that spiritual website

There's literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

This is where I started
Operation Disclosure is a link on here which went here.

meanwhile this guy can't stop changing vpn

We know, they’re the ultimate shape shifters that get to reap the advantages of both being ((white)) and a ((minority))

this is a great idea desu

Thanks, but I'll rather wait for the official documents and him being behind bars before opening the champaign

1 post by ID
only you can stop advanced cancer.

Hey! Stop using our ideas against us!

kikes can't meme.
thats why the left can't.
its also why they left memes are just edited our memes.