Anyone else going to stop paying attention to politics beginning tomorrow?
Anyone else going to stop paying attention to politics beginning tomorrow?
I'm tired any one tired?
I'm tired
If you're 16 years old or older, you should probably have grown out of video games by now.
people said this kind of stuff unironically on Sup Forums not too long ago.
What happens tomorrow?
all the gaslighting and talk of false flag psyop memes are testing your resolve user. stay strong. put down the controller and pick up a book
I hope that you're not genuinely stupid enough to give money to a company that consistently tries to fuck over its customers
Is this a new system or some kind of update to the previous one?
If I wanted to play games badly enough I would build a pc. You could build a pc 5-10 times as powerful as that thing for the same price.
>posting on Sup Forums past 18 years old
Seriously hope you don't do this, everyone knows you become to old for this place after 18.
For an xbone? Nah.
politics is too stressful.
deep state always wins, so I'm going to enjoy myself
>4k @ 30fps
Nah im good
>4k @ 30fps
Is this real?
fuck you console subhuman
reported. you have to be 18 to use this adult message board.
lol get a PS4, PC, or even a switch you fucking faggot. How dare you support Xbox. Get a fucking life. You cant actually be this retarded to support Xbox can you?
No, I only play games that allow me to be a little girl and have a little girl harem.
>implying Sup Forums is full of console plebs
jewish tricks are really getting stretched thin these days, aren't they
Yeah. It has like the equivalent of a gtx1060 bro. It has a fuckload of vram but that doesnt mean shit.
Got mine on pre order, I'm pretty excited admittedly. Always been an Xbox guy.
>Inb4 kys console peasant
>he still thinks PC gaming isn't dead
Dude, it's 2017, Trump is president. True gamers are consoleheads now. Get with the program, fag
But why should I get one if I don't have a 4k tv?
I may grab one down the road when I upgrade my t.v.
Should i get a PS4 or switch on Black Friday.
I stopped playing games and paid attention to politics. At the very least I'm able to back up my opinions.
>enlightened wizard user is best user
I love you
I'm starting to get tired too, though that might just be a lack of sleep from last night.
Switch is gonna have monster Hunter and xenoblade chronicles 2.
It's not even a choice.
what the fuck?
since when is some faggot paying 400 bucks for a black fag-box that's impossible to upgrade a "true gamer"?
I'd rather go fuck 5 expensive whores with 400 bucks if I had a choice between that and buying the gaming equivalent of an apple computer.
Fuck off, fucking murilard
Its faked 4k
No console with those specs or even a pc is doing 4k with similar hardware
You need a 1080ti to do decent 4k (which is a $700-800 graphics card) on pc
I'll stop paying attention to politics when commies do
Cant wait to play Halo 5 in 4K.
I'd get a switch, Shin Megami Tensei V and Metroid Prime 4 are two big reasons to buy.
PS4: no good games
Switch: Breath of the Wild
Not much of a choice
You fell for some weak b8 m8.
I'm 33 and play video games. While I agree with you this world is fucking shit and I pay a lot of taxes. I can do whatever I want within the confines of the law.
Its real 4k/60fps in Halo 5 and Forza 7 and others . Shadow of War is also native 4k but with ps4 graphics not ultra. Others use dynamic resolution like AC.
That looks really fun
Every time I've bought a Nintendo product, I only play one or two games and then it just sits there forever.
Nintendo sucks.
>microsoft consoles
make sure you get the accompanying game's loot boxes™ to go with it you filth
You think a hundred dollar whores is expensive????
>opengl up to 30% faster
>make a box for directx anyway
It's almost like they don't care about performance and only want to make money. I wonder how good the games will be...
Xbox one x masterrace. Fuck gookshitskin PS4 faggots
I'd say go with a glock instead
It's a little more expensive but much much better performance than the PS4 and switch combined
Yes, you can do whatever you want with your money since you're a grown man, but if you're a grown man still doing childlike stuff like playing video games, then prepared to get judged by a lot of people.
Seriously, ever since I hit 20 years ago, I can't bring myself to play a game for more than 30 minutes until I get really fucking bored.
Actually you can't. A graphics card itself now that is 4K gaming capable is $450.
>80 whores
$100 is expensive. Cheap is $10. Standard is around $30.
>western games
What the fuck
I am 40 years old and I started at age 5 on an Atari 2600. Video games is part of the entertainment industry. Did you grow out of books, interwebz, movies, sports, television, etc?
Lmao just because you live a shitty life doesn't mean i or others have to.
We all rot in the end and all your accomplishments one day disappear anyways. Ill spend my time how i please,faggot.
Fuck off nigger havent you stolen enough of our culture
This is my attitude. I'm good with 1080p for now. Later when the 4K HDR tv's are cheap as hell and my tv/monitor is getting old then I'll replace them and get a cheap xbox one x. By that time the S model may be gone.
>"skill based update"
>increase aim assist/magnetism on BR
>increase headshot dmg on AR and tighten spread
halo 5 is terrible and so are you
Clearly you have shit taste in games and don't even know what games are worth playing. That's no ones fault but yourself.
people who watch tv instead of playing games are fucking braindead
They'll probably come out with a new Xbox to surpass X before S is gone. PS5 by 2020.
It's been known and said that Microsoft sells xbox's at a loss of profit.
They make profit through other means
Also you cant fake 4k, 4k is 4k. Very easy to check lol..
>I'd rather go fuck 5 expensive whores with 400 bucks if I had a choice between that and buying the gaming equivalent of an apple computer.
If $80 a whore is expensive too you, you have herpachlamydiaids.
My GTX 590 can do 4k on low settings and it's worth $250, but you need a high wattage powersupply so it brings your total back up to 450...nevermind.
Can you explain what makes me a man? Is it my 401k, my IRA, my suv, the pussy I'm getting? You've concluded it isn't the video games, okay.
Stop playing video games and gain a masculine hobby.
Honestly I grew out of TV because there is nothing but absolute bullishit and lies on there and I could download the one or two TV shows I liked and watch them without a bunch of retarded commercials
It is.
This. Fuck Nintendo.
How can one be so dependent on how other people view him? Sad!
Also literally everybody plays video games nowadays.
Its a more powerful RX580 variant.
Judged by who moron, you got retards watching tv for 6 hours a day or spending 4+ hours on their phone for twitter.
You're just angry that you have to live a shitty ass life. If you dont like video games then fine.
Video games will become the next big entertainment franchise once things really get going in VR.
Gl working your life away to pay for a country full of mexicans who'd be more than happy to walk over your frail corpse.
>Yes, you can do whatever you want with your money since you're a grown man, but if you're a grown man still doing childlike stuff like playing video games, then prepared to get judged by a lot of people.
Are you still worried about what other people think? Grow up beta.
>Using a XBOX which just has cuck games on it
>Not using a PC and not playing warband/deus ex all day
t. roastie
Hillary will be indicted
>i don't like vidya games anymore so everyone who still does is a fagit
PC is a better long term investment. Console will be forced obsolete within a few years whereas with a PC once you have a good setup you can just upgrade it for years to come plus a PC can do other things besides gaming
The most expensive thing though is getting a screen that can display 4K
yes goyim plug back into the fantasy world, your race isn't being replaced
I run forza at 4K on a fucking 290x.
Na, adult though. Nothing wrong with some retro gaming but fuck yourself if you’re going to spend hundreds of dollars and hours playing the graphical Jew
I have a motherboard from 2008 which I use to play GTA V on medium settings in HD.
Actually it is the opposite. A pc game often causes people to upgrade so they can run it while a console can run the entire game library for many years to come.
A part of me agrees, but I really fucking love counter strike.
>Buying a 500$ console to play the same games on ps4 but without all the exclusives of ps4
>some retro gaming
My 60 dollar gpu can play almost all games in high settings at 720p.
this. maybe 12 desu
I just spent close to 4 grand building a PC so no, I won't get an xxboxx96xx
My fellow negroid, nothing like staging a last stand against insurmountable odds.
your opinion makes more sense if you actually have a ps4 and played some games.
>The most expensive thing though is getting a screen that can display 4K
Meh. If you are going for 120mhz yes, I got a 4k HDR Sony 48" TV for $800 and a GTX 1080 to power it for $800 as well. You can get a non HDR 4k screen for $360 at that size. But yes, high performance monitors are more expensive than tvs.
>caring if you get judged by others
woman detected
I usually don't. Everything that goes on has zero effect on my every day life so I couldn't really give any less shits.
The xbox 360 is your console then!
>not firing up NHL 94 on Genesis
>render in 1080p
>upscale image to 4k using post render antialiasing and various other effects
>not actually 4k because maximum detail is still limited by original 1080p resolution
Do you even graphics, brah?
Give me one reason why anyone in their right mind would even consider own an xbone
kek, as expected all of the responses to to this post are manchildren getting defensive about their toys.
Any "adult" who plays pretend with toys should be considered mentally ill. It doesn't matter if those toys are on a screen, they are made for children. Grow up.