How are your efforts on SI?
What libcuck policies is your country pushing?
What do Latvians think about the "Latvian future talks" on the media lately?
Balt/pol/- 20:30 edition, we need a way to fight multiculti
Other urls found in this thread:
ayo whad up
What do you think about Latvias future lately and the whole immigrant shilling on Delfi and Tvnet?
Protect mother poland against the triple jew
Gladiator matches between russian bydlos and kebabs in the riga fish market or on bastejkalns.
>Gladiator matches between russian bydlos and kebabs in the riga fish market or on bastejkalns
That would be beautiful.
Imagine how many issues we could resolve!
If Europe will not have right wing uprising in next 10 years we will get fucked eventualy just like every other european country.
How does Latvia feel about Poland?
>How does Latvia feel about Poland?
They integrate.
We have almost no history with poles so i dont care about them, they are way to relligion on my opinion but in a way thats a good thing at least they arent cucks.
Then we need right wing uprising.
Swedes will elect SD in next ellections and AFD in germany is gaining suport, if they dont fuck up it will be preaty good, its not as bad as people say.As for now we are safe.
Mfw it's this thread again
>That moment when we already have national multi culti
Well immigrants are out of luck.
Have our booze tourists caused any troubles yet?
Finns are too autistic for social contact. It's the brits that need to be napalmed
Daily reminder to get on Twitter and follow these Latvian Right wing/Nationalist accounts:
We need to introduce some meme magic for next year's election!
>government fags keep increasing their salaries
>the people don't get shit, become poorer and poorer
>always the same parties elected, hence no changes
no one will stay in this shithole country.
the native population will die out and eventually some niggers will come along to repopulate the land.
Zinot latviesu memes, tas nav reali. Cilvekiem veljoprojam patik burti uz bildem.
What are some popular celebrities / well known people who you just know are secretly /ourguys/ ?
Taisi savu OC
reporting in
>What are some popular celebrities / well known people who you just know are secretly /ourguys/ ?
A-europa izpilditajs.
nah finns are fine, brits are fucking horrible though
> everything is bad :DDDD
>Sdobb fighting it EBRACE NIGGERS!! ;DdD xDDD
Shut the fuck up faggot
>deputātiem palielinās algas
Vispirms uzzini ka tiek aprēķinātas viņu algas
>cilvēki paliek nabadzīgāki
Tieši otrādi, dauni
>vēl aizvien tās pašas partijas
Tev ir citas idejas, varoni?
Jānis Vanags
baltpol is like baltint but much much better without anime
the eternal "aryan" must be stopped.
You guys organise or have an own netchat?
Your countrys populations are so tiny, your small hangout could make an impact already if you do something.
Speaking of Estonians, does anyone have nudes of Kerli Kõiv?
I like how Sup Forums balts ba;ance autism and seriusness, its perfct right in the middle.
>Sweden and Russia is a social construct of Germany
Other way around, Germany was inhabited by Celts before Germanics from Scandinavia invaded it.
We will with time
The way I see it, the biggest possible internet influence could be through twitter, but academic marxists, advertising hipsters and their uni age followers dominate the debate, while /nationalisttwitter/ mostly consists of middle aged women who are seen neither as edgy or as smart to be worth following.
That's why we need to build around the vanguard listed here
These are too spicy.
Oh shit.
kārumposteri, LŪDZU ej atpakaļ uz rīt kā nekā uz skolu...
no, the old commie leftover trash and their shitspawns here are united and have 1 party to vote for, unlike the natives who have their votes split between shit ton of parties.
plus i'm against immigration and hate niggers just as much as the next guy, but that's my outlook on the future.
not very realistic, but that doesn't change the fact the population is on decline and anyone who gets the chance leaves.
and government isn't doing much to convince these people to stay.
better to live abroad than struggle to survive here with the laughable salaries.
>Implaying kāarums is not based as fuck
Half of them ar NA
Ej prom, kriev
>better to live abroad than struggle to survive here with the laughable salaries.
West are turning to shit either my balins.
I actually plan on becoming a member too.
Just have to make some big bucks though crypto trading to have enough to "donate" my way into top 10 of their ballot for the next saeima.
we do. join now. discord - zt75sa
>donate my way into the top 10
Aint gonna happen, my man.
newfagi neatceras veidenbaumu
neesmu krievs, bet tāpat labprāt ietu prom. tu vari palikt sapūt šitajā eiropas atējā.
drīz eiropas naudiņa apsīksies. sapērc roltoniņus un šprotu krājumus, lai var krīzi izdzīvot. :D
kek meme
>drīz eiropas naudiņa apsīksies. sapērc roltoniņus un šprotu krājumus, lai var krīzi izdzīvot.
oops forgot to tag you mate
kārtējais "viss ir slikti" un "valdība vainīga"
biju cerējis, ka jūs visi jau aizpisāties 2009-2012
pa lielam paši pie visam esam vainīgi, ne velti lv ir vieni no zemākajiem produktivitātes rādītājiem. cilvēki par vieglu darbu / nekā nedarīšanu grib baigo naudu. tas tā nestrādā.
tas arī savā veidā parādās šeit, it kā visi vēlas apspriest politiku, taču kvalitatīvu OC neražo un ne sūda nejēdz par politiku vai ekonomiku.
>tas arī savā veidā parādās šeit, it kā visi vēlas apspriest politiku, taču kvalitatīvu OC neražo un ne sūda nejēdz par politiku vai ekonomiku.
>kvalitatīvu oc neražo
vismaz ir vieta, kur šādiem "politikas lietpratējiem" smirdēt.
Mūsu mīļais padomju mantojums. "kāpēc man strādāt un censties, valstij taču viss man jāpasniedz uz paplātes!"
Godīgi sakot, nevaru sagaidīt, ka šitādu tipiņi vai nu vienkārši nositīsies, vai aizvāksies prom.
Tu jau mums esi pašmāju ģēnijs, tā šķiet. Ja nejēdz neko par savu valsti kā tik ko tev sputniklv, vesti un pārmaiņas pēc Delfi, tad pieturi muti.
I hope bydlo win-loss ratio would be 12:1.
We need ethnic nationalist uprising.
In the lines of 1987-1991
Elections are unable to solve EU problems.
>singing revolution and Helsinki 86
Nah mate, we need the stuff and people we had in 1917-1920
>drīz eiropas naudiņa apsīksies. sapērc roltoniņus un šprotu krājumus, lai var krīzi izdzīvot.
mūsu ēzeļi pat nezināja ko ar to naudu darīt, pat nepamanīsi kad nedabūsim mūsu NEETBUCKS
You need the metsavennad to come back and face Berlin instead of Moscow this time.
Only with guns.
latvia's cool I guess but the flag is ugly and boring, SSR flag was much nicer
This is true, actually.
If this can not be resolved peacefully there should be war to restore independence.
Ej dirst mauka
I have one.
>we need the stuff and people we had in 1917-1920
yeah, creation of states who's constitutions is based on the Wiemar republic really worked out...
THE ANSWER TO 1984 IS 1934
>100% lithuanian
ar as galu cia rasyti? kaip sekasi?
that's tight
>Stock image.
our flag is older then your country m8
In England in a room with 5 Latvians right now, Latvia is done, they all live here.
Only Russian scum and retards remain.
I like Eesti better.
Get out of commiefornia fag, and learn Lithuanian properly without that cuck accent.
>school children and students flocking to the army to die for ones fatherland
>every single Latvian ready to throw away everything they have for their fatherland
>yeah nah mate we don't need that