What happens here?

What happens here?

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Folks eat chebureki with chopsticks.

Russia is becoming very diverse, and it must, otherwise it won't survive


>The Chinese are invading Russia — not with tanks, but with suitcases.

>Alexander Shaikin, in charge of controlling the Russian-Chinese border, said on June 29 that 1.5 million people from China have illegally entered the Russian Far East over the past 18 months.

>It’s IMPOSSIBLE to know the exact level of Chinese migration into the Russian Far East; Russia has not run a census in over a decade. But by all indications, a significant river of people is surging across the border.

>The Moscow Carnegie Center, the only organization to launch an independent study, claimed that there were about 250,000 Chinese in Russia in 1997. The Interior Ministry has claimed that there are 2 million. Other estimates place the Chinese population at 5 million.

>Regardless, the Federal Migration Service fears a flood. The service has repeatedly warned that the Chinese could become the DOMINANT ETHNIC group in the Russian Far East in 20 to 30 years. Such an occurrence would require an annual influx of about 250,000 to 300,000 Chinese, LESS than one-third the rate that Shaikin currently claims


russian fema camps


mu b-based putin

BASED Finbro!


Bears and snow

Secret tokamak fusion energy array that has been sabotaged twice and set back almost a decade. Finally went on-line 3 years ago, but still operating at minimal capacity. Hoping to unveil this revolutionary new tech by 2020, but forces don't want it to happen.

Nothing extraordinary

It's very cold place, no suitable for rice making.
That is the reason that Japanese and Chinese had little interest in it in the past.

Pure Asians, West Russians are only partially Asians, but in far eastern Russia you can actually find real legit Asians.

Cold, long roads, poor infrastructure, no jobs, comfy nature, endless grasslands and forests, etc.


Big secret Russian orgies

based finngolian UFOs

>based finngolian UFOs

They have been genocided by racial mixing, many people who say “I am Evenk” are blonde and all of the native languages except Sakha, which expanded at the expense of others during the Russian imperial times, are on the verge of extinction. These people are not pure Asians anyway but mixed with ANE, like Amerindians. It is ironic that the people everyone thought were most extreme Mongoloids are actually most closely related to europoids. well anyway it doesn’t matter because they are going to all be mestizos with slavs and other soviet transfers (there are georgians and gypsies in okhtosk and now in Putler’s russia, uzbek migrant workers north of arctic circle). very sad!


> muh russians =non white

show us your flag kike

footjob suicide forests

Trap orgies

This was completely debunked.

The mammut park, trying to revive and recreate mammuts. pleistocenepark.ru/en/


Looks like Nunavut





There is absolutely nothing wrong with good, old genocide. Especially if your are killing non-whites to settle their lands with someone better. Imperial Russia had a good idea in getting rid of Circassians.



That's a small military base








you took these? looks comfy af



>you took these?
Nah, these are just photos of Chukotka from VK.

Wow thats an amazing picture




Goldmining deep frozen placer deposits. The Magadon produces 20 times more gold than Alaska, and it is the same size. That is what funds Russia.


Also as another user said this has been debunked



ever watched The X Files?
it's all true and it happens there

Well, I'm done

This. All of those who are not of pure Baltic, Finnic, Northern Slavic or Scandinavian blood will be put under apartheid like nonwhite subhumans they are after the inevitable uprising

Chukchis doing the same thing AK Nates do, nothing

thanks for your dump Sergii, looks almost comfy


it always were like that.
read a book when youre in school navalnydrone

too bad soviet union destroyed that with their "identity preservation policies"

Eskimo kind of people, space launch site, naval base, and volcanoes.

Nothing, so it's prime land to purchase from Russia to create a new white nation.

Russians are white but you can actually find Asians in the Far East of Russia because the Russians didn't kill them all when they conquered it

The difference between diversity in Russia and in the west is the Russians have it as a result of conquest and the west has it as a result of being slowly conquered

Literally nothing

these remind me of the planet exploring in Mass Effect 1 where there's just nothing in every direction

>it always were like that
For starters, learn English my dear hapa subhuman. Secondly, Russia used to be apartheid state. Thirdly, never before Russia had open border policy with any of those subhuman stand. Fourthly, Putin supporter = nonwhite or bydlo

Moreover, if those smelly Turks were not driven off Sochi would end up looking like another Grozny. Would anyone in their right mind had hosted Olympic games in fucking Grozny?

Photos of Ussuriysk

Ussuriysk, a city in Primorsky Krai in the Russian far east.


A railway track in Ussuriysk

Close up of a railway track in Ussuriysk

Nunavut, Nunavuut and Russia endlessly claim Siberians should own Canada and the US "Our Land". Luckily the commies lost the argument to science and the Solutrean hypothesis. Russia imported thousands of Yupik for the Great-Hunt. Today they own the "native" corporations in AK, and are called "indigenous".

A railway bridge in Ussuriysk

You want to genocide this??!?!

Another view of a railway bridge in Ussuriysk

i dunno but its prime land for colonization after ww3

Empty land, quietly being populated by undocumented chinese immigrants.

Death to all nonwhites. That’s the way of the Slav

>no jobs
wew lad

what about those from baltic nations? lithuania, latvia, estonia?

Kamchatski crab happens here
Have any of you fags gone outside and had Kamchatka crab ? Stuff is delicious

Ok, ok, we can pretend your Russian girlfriend is 100% European for a little while don't worry. But anybody who dates a Russian male should be considered a race mixer though, including Russian women themselves.

Russians are white mixed with asian.

well I agree, but you should start south of the Caucasus desu

Nice Circassians you found there mate. Pic related is the real deal. Some are even more subhuman looking.

Sekret training to annex Africa

Your map highlight also includes Vladivostok, pic related

Chinese colonization

And Khabarovsk

>Russian are white mixed with asian

from afrikanda?