We all know that pizzagate is real. We all know that when Trump got into office he passed an executive order about international human trafficking. Did you know that the largest child trafficking bust in US history was this month? What if you owned a tech site that aggregated news? What if you were a filthy Jewish kike who was hell bent on censoring the fact that these arrests and busts were occurring faster and faster and it was obvious some kind of trend was occurring?

1. Go to
2. Search for "human trafficking arrests" or "trafficking busts"
3. Click "view all" stories anywhere on the page

404 sorry user you can't do that!

Google is censoring the aggregation of trafficking busts so normies can't see the trend. Oh silly goy! That one bust in New Jersey was just a fluke. It can't be related to the 12 other huge bust this year! It's okay GOY, you don't need to see a nice aggregation of all those stories!!

Other urls found in this thread: trafficking bust&lr=English&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiR6YPflKjXAhUG9WMKHQLqA3wQqgIIKTAA


why do i see a bunch of human trafficking busts
u got a virus boy

Justice bump

You didn't click this and you deliberately didn't follow instructions because you are a Jewish kike how bout that cash me outside

oh the view all button in the news section
wow this is interesting


nice try kike


This is all a show to make you think something is happening. Nothing is happening. They can keep this up indefinitely. Want change? Publicly incapacitate their puppets.

Also, fuck this sensationalist bullshit.

that seems kind of strange

What the fuck


>Searched for "human trafficking arrests" or "trafficking busts"
>Got a ton of results
>Censorship is lie

Pizza gate is not real. Pizza gate is fake news. Alex Jones tier fake news.

Have a bump.


thanks for finding what im looking for google!

This happens for any search, not just "human trafficking arrests."


doesn't happen to trump stories.


this is typical kike shit



Stop using fucking google retard. Try a search with StartPage - which still uses google - and there are numerous headlines listed


>ape trafficking
>niggerball shit
>actually human trafficking
>actually human trafficking
>drug arrest

you missed the joke friendo

Oh look a Nazi flag, definitely not a shill HELLO FELLOW NAZIS

This is a slide thread.

oh look i got one to work.

You spelled trafficking wrong and there are no results how bout dat cash me outside

that was the point. google auto-corrects for you but if you misspell it then it lets you do it, strange.

DHS Blue Campaign Ad:

Unfortunately Google seems to censor everything that is related to any kind of human trafficking story. I have had to switch to Duck Duck Go because of this.


I glad if this is true it is happening and Trump is taking out these fuckers. One of the worst things about delving into podesta/child sex and murder/ satanism was feeling helpless in doing anything about it. The corruption was all the way at the top and it felt like no one was able to lay a hand on any of them.

Shill detected. You'll get yours, kike.

i would read an entire book about just that picture

i dont know what you mean

goto news tab and click 'view all'

crime is racis

Wow user, I see a bunch of stories just from a general search, and if you click the news tab on google, there's more than 30 page of them.

leafs don't know how to follow directions, they just blow around in the wind. It's beautiful.


works on my phone
not on my pc

but Mueller has enough evidence to charge Michael Flynn

These kikes will pay


Don't ever indict me or my son ever again.

>human trafficking arrests
>using google

>Using Jewoogle in the first place

i hope you have 2 beautiful children you love and adore.
i hope both of them end up having a painful type of cancer that you aggressively try to treat but to no avail. so you would have to sit there and witness your children wither away painfully before your eyes until they succumb to their illness and leave you with nothing but holes in your heart as you try to live on fighting the urge to kill yourself
have a nice day you memeflag cum receptical

Click one of these and see what happens

Human trafficking arrests would be good if Hillary was the president.
Trump is the president therefore human trafficking arrests need to be ignored since he said he was going after the traffickers.
Trump doing anything good needs to be dismissed.

Came here to say that whoever is shilling this and is saying other threads are slides is both a faggot and a retard

this post was grade A disgusting.

guess which "view all" links don't work on this page.

spoiler: the ones that connect Hillary to Russia.


I always did say that we are guarding and building a wall around the wrong border. trafficking bust&lr=English&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiR6YPflKjXAhUG9WMKHQLqA3wQqgIIKTAA


user i think the view all just puts you on a site for recent news. works with bank robberies for example

What is the point of coming on a post like this where nobody cares what the shills say? Do you get paid per word now instead of for how effective of a troll you are? You'd think at some point the bots would be retired in favor of someone with a human brain.

>no recent human trafficking busts.

works for bank robberies but not fucking children you say, sounds awfully like kikes run it how bout dat cash ME OUT SIDE

when did Sup Forums get soft?
christ almighty
jesus help these men find their balls again

>no NEWS about human trafficking busts on the channels google scrapes
ftfy senpai

It's nice that people keep checking on Jewgle's tricks. I don't know why anyone bothers with them anymore.

>tfw Google is complicit in human trafficking.

don't know. i think news are generally below the radar when it comes to human trafficking


i thought you couldn't talk about gamer gate or pizza gate on here

>2. Search for "human trafficking arrests"

I have 303,000 articles.

>it's another "retard doesn't know how google works and calls everyone smarter than him a shill" thread

View all just pulls all the additional pages related to the particular headline you're looking at. If there are no more stories then it has nothing to collate. You're a fucking moron.

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They don't want you looking at butter stories either! Everyone search for "butter" and click "view all" on this story. 404!!!?!?? Fucking kikes!


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It's cover art for a sci-fi novel from 1990 called Space Vectors.

Bump. Beat back the kikes.
Stop the MIB from profiting off of human trafficking.

well, don't click the view all then, it's apparently just broken since nothing else seems censored

Google also means nigger. Coincidence? I would think not

BOG here
Got twitter banned for having a debate about the harmful effects with a shill on Dan's twitter
Feel free to blast some human trafficking facts his way ban hammer lifted in 10 hours and I will press on
Don't be overly insulting
But debate the evidence
And harmful effects of pedophilia
He is attacking Sup Forums


Call you local representatives in government and tell them to extend friendship with NZ.

We swap your RPGs for our dairy products.

View all is broken for like 80% of the shit I've tried.

I got a 404 for "embezzlement charges". I don't think it's censorship, just shitting website coding

>Jews still slave trading
I'm not surprised desu

Censored here too.
Fuck Google.

>muh pizzagate

They arrest people all the times, get a life you retards.

>Call you local representatives
what do you think you are doing?

for your cancerous links from other threads, SAGE/OP IS A FAGGOT/KYS/GET NEKKED/ETC/ETC

Look, it's the old "hey, go commit counterproductive acts of violence!" shill. Kys then do it again.

BOG here i blasted Organized pedophile triangles on Dan Schneider's twitter
Fancyprance4U calls all evidence lies calls Sup Forums fake news say we just smear people with lies
Why doesn't Dan say its all lies?
Why doesn't fancy say pedophilia is wrong?
Why doesn't anyone else defend Dan?
Why does fancy beg to be doxxed?
Don't give him what he wants. but I'd like to know if he a pedo?

Did you maybe think the investigators might be censoring their own investigations to prevent other targets from getting spooked and destroying evidence/going dark? That’s my best guess.

I had the hardest time coming to this news bit


man leafs go from 0 to butthurt faster than poos


That's not all they're censoring


creepy coincidence?