Secrets no more...
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How big are we talking?
Twitter and FaceBook linked to Russian firms. Oh Jack Dorsey. Oh Mark Zuck.
#Twitter and #FaceBook linked to Russian firms. Oh Jack Dorsey. Oh Mark Zuck.
Oh Trump's allies.
Those papers are big news.
>This isn't on the front page with 300+ replies already
This board should be deleted, this is the most important thing ever reported in modern history and people are still just shilling in generals for giggles.
Only the 2nd biggest leak of all time 1.4 Terabytes of DATA
>Trump Cabinet
>Trudeau Cabinet
>the queen
It's pretty huge
There are legitimate uses for offshore companies and trusts. We do not intend to suggest or imply that any people, companies or other entities included in the ICIJ Offshore Leaks Database have broken the law or otherwise acted improperly. Many people and entities have the same or similar names. We suggest you confirm the identities of any individuals or entities located in the database based on addresses or other identifiable information. If you find an error in the database please get in touch with us.
So its not even allegations of illegality but they just went around stealing people's information?
Trumpfags have to protect their narrative
About the Paradise Papers Investigation
The Paradise Papers is a global investigation into the offshore activities of some of the world’s most powerful people and companies.
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and 95 media partners explored 13.4 million leaked files from a combination of offshore service providers and the company registries of some of the world’s most secretive countries.
The files were obtained by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung
The Paradise Papers documents include nearly 7 million loan agreements, financial statements, emails, trust deeds and other paperwork from nearly 50 years at Appleby, a leading offshore law firm with offices in Bermuda and beyond
The documents also include files from a smaller, family-owned trust company, Asiaciti, and from company registries in 19 secrecy jurisdictions. The records range from complex, 100-page corporate transaction sheets and dollar-by-dollar payment ledgers to simple corporate registries of countries, such as Antigua & Barbuda, that do not publicly list names of company shareholders or directors.
As a whole, the Paradise Papers files expose offshore holdings of political leaders and their financiers as well as household-name companies that slash taxes through transactions conducted in secret. Financial deals of billionaires and celebrities are also revealed in the documents.
The Paradise Papers files include far more information about U.S. citizens, residents and companies than previous ICIJ investigations – at least 31,000 of them
ICIJ collab. w more than 380 journalists working on 6 continents in 30 languages. Many team members spent a year using online platforms to communicate and to share documents. Journalists tracked down court records, obtained financial disclosures of politicians in Africa, Europe, and Latin and North America, filed freedom of information requests and conducted hundreds of interviews with tax experts, policymakers and industry insiders
ICIJ is propaganda CIA nigger opp. This is all these pieces of shit have left in the mag.
Oh Wilbur Ross.
holy FUCK the number of former leaf prime ministers is staggering. the country has been a hotbed of corrupt money stuff for generations. it totally explains why their real estate market was allowed to be raped by the chinese parking assets in foreign real estate to evade detection
More people need to know that he does not have their best interests in mind, hes only pretending he does.
Election was a scam on all sides.
How many had secrets you ask?
Here lies your answer icij.org
These could literally not have come at a better time, my question is if Mueller already had this or is he going to add it to his arsenal.
How much of Washington can he throw in jail?
Who will go down for these secrets you ask?
Some not others, but which ones?
Put effort in and they all go burning. Are you a pyromania?
Oh GOD! Not the Queen! No no it can't be! Not the QUEEN?!! Such madness! Save the Queen! God Save the Queen!
There was a time when Sup Forums would have been on this like a shot.
These days you all work from (((them))) and rush to shut this down.
Wonder if the fall-out will be the same as from the Panama Papers.
The project has been called the Paradise Papers. It reveals:
Millions of pounds from the Queen’s private estate has been invested in a Cayman Islands fund – and some of her money went to a retailer accused of exploiting poor families and vulnerable people.
Extensive offshore dealings by Donald Trump’s cabinet members, advisers and donors, including substantial payments from a firm co-owned by Vladimir Putin’s son-in-law to the shipping group of the US commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross.
How Twitter and Facebook received hundreds of millions of dollars in investments that can be traced back to Russian state financial institutions.
The tax-avoiding Cayman Islands trust managed by the Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau’s chief moneyman.
A previously unknown $450m offshore trust that has sheltered the wealth of Lord Ashcroft.
Aggressive tax avoidance by multinational corporations, including Nike and Apple.
How some of the biggest names in the film and TV industries protect their wealth with an array of offshore schemes.
The billions in tax refunds by the Isle of Man and Malta to the owners of private jets and luxury yachts.
The secret loan and alliance used by the London-listed multinational Glencore in its efforts to secure lucrative mining rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The complex offshore webs used by two Russian billionaires to buy stakes in Arsenal and Everton football clubs.
It will likely be more intense because the Panama papers were simply just too much information and there was no drama at the time.
The information in the Paradise Papers comes at a time when a lot of the US government officials are under investigation for corruption, laundering and collusion.
The purpose you ask?
The disclosures will put pressure on world leaders, including Trump and the British prime minister, Theresa May, who have both pledged to curb aggressive tax avoidance schemes.
The publication of this investigation, for which more than 380 journalists have spent a year combing through data that stretches back 70 years, comes at a time of growing global income inequality.
I seen it a lot, most mouth breathering autists on Sup Forums only react to gun law posts, SJW, trump, etc.
They scroll past leaks that expose the controllers.
Big thanks for the run down.
The government and past presidents have always been world bank employees, NOT presidents
theyre too busy saying "its HAPPENING" over a fucking shooter in a church jesus fucking christ what a joke
Guys how do I avoid paying taxes?
>tfw my income is automatically adjusted for taxes so I can't stash away thousands every month
I can't even open a bank account in a tax haven and have all my salary be wired to that account either.
Big. Leading story here on the CBC, talking about elites hiding money offshore. Actually surprised it's being reported, desu. Perhaps the tide really is turning.
Alternative summary you wanted? Ok, granted.
What are the Paradise Papers and what do they tell us?
The leak of 13.4m documents shows the scale of the offshore empire and involves everyone from the Queen to Facebook
What are the Paradise Papers?
The name refers to a leak of 13.4m files. Most of the documents – 6.8m – relate to a law firm and corporate services provider that operated together in 10 jurisdictions under the name Appleby. Last year, the “fiduciary” arm of the business was the subject of a management buyout and it is now called Estera.
Money flows into the offshore world from everywhere. It's often very hard to identify the people and companies behind it.
Companies registered offshore can be used to hold assets such as property, aircraft, yachts and investments in stocks and shares.
>The tax-avoiding Cayman Islands trust managed by the Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau’s chief moneyman.
You'd think they would love this.
Exactly! you really really would considering its Sup Forumsitics.
They like to beleive no evil occurs and that its all memes.
Very big for you
Oh no, not a Kushner associate? Not the son in-law's associate? Not it can not be
Two Russian state institutions with close ties to Vladimir Putin funded substantial investments in Twitter and Facebook through a business associate of Jared Kushner, leaked documents reveal.
Are there any dumps of this, or is it just the papers that got the leak ? I'm looking for the torrent-file or mega-link.
A shooting's just happened so this'll be ignored.
It's been obvious to us locals for a while. 2012 some places couldn't even sell downtown (Olympic Village), now prices are beyond reach of all but the crooked, rich, and connected. Our mayor and our former Premier ruined Vancouver, turned basic housing into investments for illicit offshore money.
People are so rich that the only thing they really want is even more money. i'm never going to pay back my student loan to these faggots
These taxes from the super duper 'i really dont need more money' rich could be helpful for our cunt-trys. Instead poor wage slaves are the ones doing all the supporting of the country's money.
Reveals offshore interests and activities of more than 120 politicians and world leaders, including Queen Elizabeth II, and 13 advisers, major donors and members of U.S. President Donald J. Trump
Exposes the tax engineering of more than 100 multinational corporations, including Apple, Nike and Botox-maker Allergan
Reveals tax haven shopping sprees by multinational companies in Africa and Asia that use shell companies in Mauritius and Singapore to reduce taxes
Shines a light on secretive deals and hidden companies connected to Glencore, the world’s largest commodity trader, and provides detailed accounts of the company’s negotiations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for valuable mineral resources
Provides details of how owners of jets and yachts, including royalty and sports stars, used Isle of Man tax-avoidance structures
the OP is engaging in omission
>reddit space
>no archive links
follow the whois of this website, and we will find OPs employer
>but look at all these secrets!
what else ya got? any DKIM verified communications? thats what made wiileaks legit
I get the feeling you don't truly understand Sup Forums, specifically Sup Forums.
also notice how his responses read like advertisement
Can we go back to pre-40's taxes please.
5% on anyone earning up to 200k
20% on those earning over and 92% earning 5 million. Oh and make it illegal to use anything other than bank of england.
Hes giving a run down. The calm before storm thread is worse.
>trumpfags in panic
So far there's nothing illegal in it. Maybe we'll find something, but it's stupid to assume at this point, given that putting money in offshore accounts is not a crime.
Yes that would be nice.
You would think owning a fucking huge house and best sportscar, with a shit ton of left over money would be good enough.
NOPE, i need to buy a small country and own 20 ferrari's and 5 mansions.
Fuckkkking hell.
>Millions of pounds from the Queen’s private estate has been invested in a Cayman Islands fund – and some of her money went to a retailer accused of exploiting poor families and vulnerable people.
>Extensive offshore dealings by Donald Trump’s cabinet members, advisers and donors, including substantial payments from a firm co-owned by Vladimir Putin’s son-in-law to the shipping group of the US commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross.
>How Twitter and Facebook received hundreds of millions of dollars in investments that can be traced back to Russian state financial institutions.
>The tax-avoiding Cayman Islands trust managed by the Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau’s chief moneyman.
>A previously unknown $450m offshore trust that has sheltered the wealth of Lord Ashcroft.
>Aggressive tax avoidance by multinational corporations, including Nike and Apple.
>How some of the biggest names in the film and TV industries protect their wealth with an array of offshore schemes.
>The billions in tax refunds by the Isle of Man and Malta to the owners of private jets and luxury yachts.
>The secret loan and alliance used by the London-listed multinational Glencore in its efforts to secure lucrative mining rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
>The complex offshore webs used by two Russian billionaires to buy stakes in Arsenal and Everton football clubs.
>>what is tax evasion
No not a crime. But a kick in the teeth to low wage workers who see stupid rich fucks trying to get even richer and not supplying a penny of it to their country's money pot.
all over the world
but DRUMPF gets the biggest article
deepstates are terrified
its all distraction from SA
This only makes easier for people to know political connection for their own politicians. Just like it happened with Wilbur Ross, we will know if they are lying and if they do, why they are lying about their political motivations
Another HUGE SCANDAL that will be forgotten within 24 hours
Properly done rundowns interact with posters because they are you know, human. This is like a scripted info dump.
Muller isn't the IRS and is not the world wide attorney. Mueller's job is Russian interference on the election, point black period. There are no documents on TRUMP
Only Trump's allies and donors are exposed within these docs.
Those panama papers sure lead to tons of charges, huh
I'll be honest, I don't really understand if those papers revealed some actual crimes or if it's just about some smart tricks to legally save on taxes. However since most articles are vaguely pointing out some "russian connections", like if it would be somehow odd for a business man to have international connections, I guess it is literally fucking nothing.
>all offshore accounts involve evading taxes.
First, even the journalists themselves state that there is nothing inherently illegal about the accounts. Second, the bigger something like this is, the fewer people will go to jail for it.
It will take a while to go through all of it and find any possible criminal connections. As of yet, there is nothing.
Yeah that's completely true. And it should give Trump more power to enact his reforms that are focused on offshore tax avoidance. It's actually pretty interesting that this came out right as Trumps money repatriation tax reform bill was proposed actually.
If he's smart, he will push to have a stronger avoidance penalty added and use that to force the Dems to pass it.
Its good to let the public build a worse picture of the elite.
The disclaimer means nothing. It's the equivalent of saying someone is under arrest but they haven't been convicted of a crime yet.
The ICIJ aren't law enforcement /prosecutors and can not legally allege a crime has occurred.
They are journalists who's sole purpose for this task is to report their findings of the Appleby leaks.
Most people have forgotten about it.
People don’t care.
You lowly comers will keep getting raped by capitalist cock until the day you die and there is nothing you can do about it.
Irelands's PM had to resign
Pakistan's PM was charged
Panama Papers Have Had Historic Global Effects — and the Impacts Keep Coming
The investigation has produced an almost daily drumbeat of regulatory moves, follow-up stories and calls by politicians and activists for more action to combat offshore financial secrecy
>had to resign
You mean change occupation?
When you’re at the top there no way to lose.
None of the people listed in the papers broke any of the laws, but's it's all about expose and humiliation.
The only apparent consequences from the Panama Papers were the resignations (or forced resignations) of the Prime Ministers of Iceland and Pakistan.
when did day pol get better than night pol?
Stay Informed, be vigilant, read good books
Did the Panama Papers had any consequences? Will there be any consequences for this?
Where's the fucking files
Oh right, they will look through them for us. How convenient. Everyone in this thread taking this serious needs to consider retiring from life.
What was the immediate fallout?
The first casualty was the Prime Minister of Iceland, Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson, who resigned only days after the leaks showed he and his wife owned an offshore company that he had not declared on entering parliament.
Other world leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, addressed their countries to denounce the leaks and any allegations of being linked to money laundering.
In the UK, it caused political embarrassment for then-Prime Minister David Cameron, who admitted that his family had benefited from a legal offshore fund set up by his late father, Ian.
Authorities in the US and countries in Europe and Asia launched investigations into whether their rules were breached by those named in the leak.
Through it all, Mossack Fonseca has maintained it operates beyond reproach and has never been charged with wrongdoing.
yay we get to wait for our leash holders to tell us what to believe
How the Panama Papers Changed Pakistani Politics
The Pakistani Supreme Court’s decision to dismiss Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was based on corruption accusations stemming from the Panama Papers, a trove of leaked documents from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca.
The ruling is one of the most stunning outcomes of the documents’ release, which implicated dozens of politicians and powerful international figures in shady offshore business dealings. Mr. Sharif is the second world leader, along with Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, the former prime minister of Iceland, to resign as a result of the leak.
Yeah you are right.
Its a shame human genetics are so fucking selfish. Fucking rich powerful cunts need to get hit by a bus.
Wow it's fucking nothing
>preventing the state from stealing your money is a crime
>Koch brothers
>Trump allies
pick one and only one
I wonder what you'd be like if you had ALL the MONEY in the World and ALL the POWER you wanted and more; knowing you could get away with such!
I guess I'm not the kind of guy who expects people to just pay taxes out of good will when there are perfectly legal possibilities to avoid them. I would imagine it can't hurt to pressure politicians to think up stricter tax laws, but to some extent what can you do in an international world. If there is a country in the world with almost no taxes, why shouldn't I be able to just built up my company there, even if I operate from my country of origin. No tax law will ever be able to avoid this, protectionist border laws would though.
Exactly! Death rattle confirmed
this confused me, as well...
>all the people we don't like work together
> t. (((journalists)))
>everyone is guilty of tax evasion, money laundering and corruption
no shit sherlock
every poor fuck with more than 1 million USD in the bank is guilty of these, evading tax and money laundering is the only thing financial operators are used for these days, everything else has been automated and streamlined
everybody does it, it's a game of how long you can keep it up until you get caught, then you pay your 10% pardon tip to the authorities and get right back to doing it again
They might not like each other but they like their policies....
The longer you are the more you lurk in the boards instead of shitpost to bump.
True. I'd invest in good things.
(((Good))) is merely your perception, just like it is theirs. How long till you convince yourself what ever evil you're doing is (((good))). Is that not what they have done to justify their behavior and get that good night's sleep?
>Good. Lel.