How do we fix the United States?
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wow, got me right in the feels
did you know antibiotics are a controlled substance here?
>did you know antibiotics are a controlled substance here?
That's a good thing.
No its not. from what I hear in the spic world you can buy them like candy.
why should I have to spend over $110 usd just to get $5 worth of antibiotics when the 3rd world is abusing them like crazy?
>antibiotics when the 3rd world is abusing them like crazy?
You realise America abuses opoids like crazy, don't you?
can someone post the smuggie guy with a shit moustache who can't live without pop cult references?
Nuke us into oblivion.
Meds are crazy cheap here, you burgers are crazy charging me 150 bucks for something I can get down here for 15.
When I lived in Japan you only paid about 30% of the costs - seeing a doctor and getting your meds. The rest was paid by national health insurance. Bretty Gud system if everyone pays and there is no population deficit
We don't do that, we're a capitalist dystopia owned by the greedy 1%.
We could but they changed it a few years back cause now we need incredibly strong stuff for basic shit.
I mean it was great for our wallets but not so much for our health in the long run.
>why should I have to spend over $110 usd just to get $5 worth of antibiotics when the 3rd world is abusing them like crazy?
because most people don't use antibiotics correctly and end up breeding antibiotic resistant bacteria strains.
Ethnic cleansing
almost spilt my szechuen sauce reading this, sir.
In the same show the man had multiple opportunities to have someone else pay his medical bills, and rejected them out of pride.
>implying the price has something to do with regulation
You can get antibiotics for cheap here, too, despite them being regulated and restricted.
I guess the difference is that when the Jews tried to take our foreskins we put them into ovens.
>Missing the point this bigly
no we cant do that because everyone has to pay into the system and we have enormous strain from niggers and blacks.
Nullify legal protection for those with more than a certain net worth. They should be free game for murder, public extortion, and whatever else comes to mind. We need to prevent concentration of wealth in order to prevent concentration of power. Never allow a "social pyramid" to be built.
>charging $150 for a product worth $15 is because of niggers
No, moron.
Social pyramids are natural
1 - Remove jews, niggers, mexicans
2 - Close borders
3 - Repeal women's right to vote
Breakdown the barriers to competition between businesses. Supply and demand as well as a strong community engagement with charity. It would solve most of our problems but democrats make too much money giving gibs to people to farm votes and republicans get rich pretending to fight them but not actually do it because they are worried they won't get elected again.
And the American public glorified him.
Support everything you think is wrong with it. The sooner it crashes and burns - the sooner you can fix it fundamentally.
It's almost like its a combination of various factors beyond capitalism. Jewish conniving (Many medical practitioners are jewish), Niggers, Government intervention (see jewish conniving), America isn't fucking capitalist in our health care system even a little bit.
this is the correct answer
That's not why walt cooked meth
He cooked meth because he wanted to leave money for his family to live off of when he was gone and because of personal pride
He had the opportunity to have his treatment paid for by Elliot and he declined because he hated handouts
>le' Enormous strain
>0-5% corporate income taxes
>tax cuts for the rich
> le' trickle down
>Work 9-5 in skilled labor
>Pay 35% income tax
Fuck the rich. Socialism for nationalistic economic benefit.
Walter White started a company with his college friend who bought his half for $2000 then turned it into a billion dollar corporation. Walter's friend offers him a job at the company with health insurance that would have dealt with all his financial issues but Walter is a conceited ass and rejects the offer.
This is somehow the American health care system's fault.
>Leftists using pop culture references in political arguments
I was about to say this.
The healthcare system didn't fail Walt.
It was the fact that as a teacher for like 30 years he apparently never saved anything and passed up multiple opportunities for investment and advancement. And a cushy job with insurance
What a fucking retarded meme. Walt was a teacher - a unionized teacher. The basic idea that he would have to resort to a life of crime to pay a MAXIMUM of $7,500 for out of pocket costs is ridiculous.
Unless he chose to decline health benefits the entire origin story is retarded. That said still a good show. Bottom line: people don't know shit and lack the critical thinking skills to smell out bullshit.
ABQ teachers union - atfunion.org/
Health benefits - aps.edu
>teacher without good health insurance
It's totally the system, guys
>Agreeing with a commie
I love using fiction to determine my political beliefs! Drumpf is just like Voldemort!!
Which is why we should work against them. At least continually topple them. Shit rolls down from somewhere. Organizers? Yes. Politicians who prey upon desperation to secure a higher quality of life only for themselves or a small group of people? No, kill them. Better yet, and I'm being serious here, humans really don't need to exist. We function as though we're some idiot's failed experiment, and current events are an attempt at patching up all the gaping holes - to no avail. We should seriously just shut everything down and die. Life is, and always will be, pure shit.
Exactly. Plebs are so fucking stupid. Hurr durr teachers don't have some of the best fucking benefits. Show those retards your property tax bill next time they talk shit about muh teachers
mob murdering rich is also "natural"
Walter starts selling drugs to leave money for his family after he dies. Not because the bills are too high.
We make it like Europe and turn it into a Caliphate
Well he had a crippled son so that probably ate up a lot of money, plus it's sort of implied he was deliberately sabotaging himself financially because he was angry about selling his stake in the company
Imprison the insurance people who are extorting the doctors, which price gouges medical care.
Repeal the 17th and 19th Amendments. Eliminate all federal courts except the Supreme Court. Create a new federal circuit court system with only constitutionalist judges, re-nominating former judges as appropriate. Break up the largest banks for antitrust violations. Deport every illegal immigrant and stop all legal immigration or refugee programs for a period of 50 years. Ban the quran and any communist writings. Arrest every professor or entertainer with communist sympathies for sedition. Arrest every practicing muslim for sedition. Outlaw national political parties so each state has its own independent political parties or no parties at all. Teach civics and American history in school again, instead of the multicultural communist version. Outlaw abortion. Reopen mental institutions and lock up the insane, including homoerotic fetishists, if they cannot be cured. Eliminate all welfare programs but encourage church-based charities. Eliminate affirmative action and encourage early marriage.
Walter White was an insufferable faggot.
Has a lot less to do with the health care system and a lot more to do with the American idealism.
Not that I expect a meme to have anything to do with reality.
Walter White did not turn to meth to pay for his heath care treatment, he turned to meth to pay for his family once he was gone.
No country I know of pays widows their husband's salary for life.
Ive worked in the us for years and i can safely say my pay at the end of the year deducting taxes food costs etc i made about 10k more per year in the us.
I could literally get cancer every year and still be better off in the usa especially if you look at the survival rates usa vs canada.
All this. People who spout this meme are retarded and didn't pay attention to the surface-level characterization in BB.
The whole show is about Walt's ego, and about how he refused to accept help from anybody. Even if he had healthcare, he didn't want to spend the rest of his life as a sick man having to be supported by others, so he accepted the cancer as a death sentence and got into meth so he could help his family after he was gone. This is why he refused help from his rich ex-partners, and why he was furious when his cancer went into remission. The whole point of the show and the fall of his character is that he was driven into this dangerous situation by his own pride. They fucking spelled it out clear as daylight in the last episode: "I did it for me. It was fun." To get some "universal healthcare" message out of all this would have to mean that you basically weren't paying attention for the entirety of the show.
Unrelated, both Walt and Hank would have voted for Trump.