What is the best US state?
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fucking hippies die
California used to be, but it's been taken over by foreigners, so now it's Oregon.
Virginia knows what's up.
Alaska was pretty based before the last recession, but a lot of faggots, niggers, Hmong, and sea niggers moved her during and after it. They all came for the fucking gibs.
Texas is based af
Fucking California fags dont like Chic-Fil-A they need to burn in hell
utah hates vinega? well then how do you season a salad? jesus christ.
Poppy seed oil
> Foraged Food
What the fuck is going on in Tennessee?
Shitty surveys. The fact that coriander is in there is proof of a deeply shitty sampling method.
They're sick of squirrel meat and dandelion greens because it's all they ever eat.
If you're a spic
> that zero-carb diet
They should have sick gains tho
>Cali hates Chick-Fil-A
No. That's just white liberals virtue signalling. Every Chick-Fil-A I've got to in LA is packed. A few were filled with Mexican kids who obviously don't give a shit about queers.
>dabbing pizza grease with napkin
What? That's not a food. What are they eveb trying to say?
that'll change in 10 years time. several cities are accumulating californians like bend and hillsboro. also the 77% of the state's budget comes from income tax
fuck off we're full
>gas station wine
What the fuck is this shit?
no that'd be cali
If you let them in you know what'll happen: Mexicans, and then you all move to the next state over to do it again.
>he doesn't know montana has been secretly annexing canadian clay
The problem isnt chili peppers, but big nasty chunks of pepper. Dice that shit.
colorado does not hate hot cheetos wtf
Can you really blame us for hating shelfish when it's literally impossible for us to get good fresh seafood here.
Hate it because it's made by Christians, not because it's bad. What a fucking stupid state.
we made the right choice
also califags need to be purged
if your state isn't at least 75% white, please leave this thread
can confirm ohio to hate pesto
>whitest state in the midwest
Talk shit again faggots I dare you
Isn't calling them "Keurig K-cups" redundant?
Fucking Washington.
it's not my fault chicago's a hellhole
In n out is our fast food fix
And Mexican food
Then move out of Anchorage faggot.
why? pesto is dank as fuuuuuug
We have one here in sonoma county and the line is out the door. Every day where is a fag or two protesting but it doesn't put a dent in business
Idaho. The state is pretty much a libertarian colony now. Real estate agents quiz you to see how red pilled you are before doing business with you. Also completely safe from nuclear armageddon or societal collapse. My neighbor a couple dozen miles down the road was interviewed by some vice reporter a couple years ago. Leftist cunt asked that grannie why she had a .56. She told them it was because they don't make a .57
I'm from MA, but my hometown is >90% white.
That looks so comfy desu
coriander tastes like ass and overpowers everything.
Jesus fucking Christ. Calexit when?
>Whitest in the SW
>Most stingent on border
Das rayciss
I fucking love Sodona
Come to the northbay, it's 99 percent white.
Missouri all the way!
Oh you mean tea.
Califag living in Central Oregon, reporting in
Stay away from indiana we're full
You must not be familiar with the app the data comes from then.
Its a dating app that matches you with people based on things you mutually hate and yes it'll match you based on random ass specific shit.
Dude I've never met anyone who does this.
Must be NOVA fags.
Obviously Idaho
further confirmation it is a shit state
nah foraged food is a big thing in hipster restaurants
>here we have a garden salad with locally foraged herbs and greens
>and here we have a duck confit seasoned with locally foraged herbs and a side of locally foraged root vegetables
it's basically saying "i hate hipsters"
>mayonnaise on fries
kys, whatver state that is
What the fuck is wrong with my state?
Drown, heathens.
>Last bite of a hot dog
Sounds like us. Nice and Freudian.
Massachusetts. Also that's disgusting, go be a waffle somewhere else
Nobody talks about "Hater"? Did you all know about it already? Have I been living under a rock? That sounds like the PERFECT dating app for Sup Forums.
Fuck I thought it said most liked. Never mind I still love my state but what the fuck is wrong with Texas.
Iowa because I love you G
>tfw Oregonian
Commiefornian spics can fuck off, thanks.
In n out is the most over rated restaurant in existence. It's Wendy's tier at best.
WTF, I love Chick-fil-A now.
shut up, massachussetts, go be a tasteless nigger elsewhere
How TF can you hate Chik-Fil-A that food is amazing.
Do you really have to ask? It's fucking Commiefornia.
My nigger.
Honestly, other than our lack of mountains and nice forests, we're definitely one of the best states.
Are you honestly surprised? Chick fil a is the most based company in the us.
>Veggie burgers and turkey bacon.
This verges on Satanic
>Kommiefornia hates Chick-Fil-A
Just because it's an anti-faggot, Christian-owned business franchise. And it's still successful despite the (((backlash))).
Is pure communism. Only feminists and soy boys eat that shit.
Come to the south east of the state. Tons of massive hills and great state parks
I don't live in Massachusetts I'm telling you the state you don't like. But mayonnaise with fries?! What the fuck is wrong with you guys?
Based nevada
You just don't understand.
You're an outsider you probably think 5 guys is good
>Hot Cheetos
This is totally incorrect, hot Cheetos are a stoner staple food
Gonna sit this one out.
>t. le 79.7% face
>Gas station wine
What the fuck does this even mean?
You cannot buy alcohol at gas stations in New Jersey as all places with alcohol generally focus on it as its primary product (aka liquor stores and seperate departments in stores not connected to the main one that sell liquor).
people in MN love fucking beans wtf, there are beans in fucking everything
MN here.
Do they specify which beans?
I hate green beans, all other beans I am indifferent towards but would never chose them over any other option except maybe rice pilaf.
>people in MN love fucking beans wtf, there are beans in fucking everything
Other than the dreaded green bean casserole and baked beans they are relatively uncommon from what I've seen.
>t. Flyover retard
While I agree with your statement you gotta admit k-cups are pretty fuckin wasteful
What the fuck is going on from her knees down?
>Expensive Cheese Plates
So does South Dakota like reasonably priced cheese plates?
Most people I know puts ranch on pizza I guees you love it, or you think people need to be shot for doing it
Jersey seems like the perfect place for gas station wine though.
So Maine hates nothing?
Now oregon is taken over by Californians, so really it'll just be the same within 10 years.
pretty fucking convient
>south east Indiana
Fellow 812?
In n out babbies btfo.
It's trash.
and poison. THey leech plastics directly into you drink.
>73.0% White
its still better than Commiefornia at least. (I'm a white hispanic aka Castillo).
Except Bostonians are subhuman in their own right