They have the highest rate of suicide in the world. Perhaps due to their smol peenors
Why do south koreans love killing themselves so much?
I was in Korea for a few years in the army so I think I know what's going on.
Koreans are a very deluded and insular people. They slavishly maintain a stone like outward appearance but internally they are a constant turmoil. I used to frequently walk near their massive ant-farm apartment blocks and every morning you'd hear full screaming arguments from each building because they can't settle things. They'd rather live with 40 years of walking on eggshells than resolve issues.
On a larger scale this explains the Korean north/south conflict.
...and not a one of them has an ass.
No wonder hip hop Korea males kill themselves.
Firstly suicide is rare and affects less than 50 in 100 000 in the worst cases.
Secondly, suicide data is bullshit. There are countries where due to religious reasons, suicide is never even considered. On top of that, poorer countries suck at keeping records on people. In Brazil there were at least 200 000 disappearances in a single year; if it was a country like South Korea that keeps track of everyone, the real suicide rate in Brazil might actually be double the suicide rate of South Korea and Japan.
More developed countries and with a higher population per square meter show up higher on the suicide data because they are more capable of investigating it and know whether suicide really occurred.
>Why do south koreans love killing themselves so much?
Because feminism won and porn is a capital crime more severe than homicide or rape
well.. i too would kill myself if i was Korean
They work too hard and care too much about their appearance. You work until 8pm get home and exercise.
"Firstly suicide is rare"
Nigger, are you retarded? Fucking suicide has been the cause of death for more humans than all wars combined. WHO estimates it at 1 million people a year, one every forty seconds. Something happening with a frequency greater than once a minute across the world is not rare.
I made a meme about this, but I can't access it on my work computer. In Asia, killing and slaughtering is not really a big deal to the people.
Look at how the Chinese can kill animals in the cruelst ways with absolutely zero empathy (like partially cooking a living fish and eating it)
Look at the Cambodian genocide, where ??neighbor killed neighbor genocide for reasons nobody even understands today.
Plus when they get agitated their emotions go through the roof, screaming fights, suicide for chicken-shit reasons etc. They value life through a different lense we do.
Because in South Korea, porn is illegal.
No they don't it's a myth
Koreans are more emotionally sensitive than whites or slavs
It's genetic. Their Finnish cousins are just as bad.
because they have white envy to the extreme. girls will only date whitu maleus
is that meant to be a Korean?
yeah they're messed up. i lived with a Korean and he had a shit childhood due to paternal pressure and weird korean traditions.
everything in his life was a competition between him and his brother and his life was about satisfying his fathers demands.
as a white guy in asia i've noticed that the public life is very different from what goes on behind closed doors.
most asians are miserable (massive speculation i accept) and compare themselves to everyone else. it is a competition of appearances
but korea is a fake society and an American project. it is how the Coastal America will be in 50 years time.
brb raising the finnish statistics
>these apply to northern, east, asians.
We jungle asians are pretty chill. Cambodia, vietnam... it’s because communism is shit.
Suicide at WORST kills 1 in 50 during.
Cancer will affect 25 in 50 at least. Heart failure will take the rest.
I mean, seriously, suicide is a leading cause of death and a major problem? No, that's just histeria.
Also, something else I didn't mention in my previous post: due to people living longer and healthier lives in developed places, they have more "free time" for suicide. While in poorer countries they have 10 less years to commit suicide due to lifespan and other causes of death.
So yeah, the suicide data is completely skewed, and suicide was never a big issue. 1 million people a year? With a population of 7 billion that's negligible.
>India has a highest suicide rate than Japan
didn't see that coming desu
>Secondly, suicide data is bullshit. There are countries where due to religious reasons, suicide is never even considered. On top of that, poorer countries suck at keeping records on people. In Brazil there were at least 200 000 disappearances in a single year; if it was a country like South Korea that keeps track of everyone, the real suicide rate in Brazil might actually be double the suicide rate of South Korea and Japan.
YOu implying when peonpel commit suicide they dissappear?
>orn is a capital crime more
>Cancer will affect 25 in 50 at least.
50% of people do not get cancer, you dolt
Social Darwinism culture
You're either the best or trash
Lol. Fast economic growth leads to same problem on all countries. You white nations suffer from soyboy liberal virus. Maybe taiwan, sg, they survive barely because they are small states. Big states + immigration = get cucked
Very often people kill themselves in monotone places where the body is rarely found, and when found, it is not always possible to tell whether it was suicide or not, and is ruled an "accident" in some places in Brazil where the population is devout christian and think suicide makes you go to hell.
Normies don't understand this, but governments aren't omnipotent. In places like Japan there's nowhere for you to vanquish. Even that isolated forest where people go to kill themselves have search parties to check for bodies; people rarely disappear.
They can't compete with whites. Niggers create their fantasy reality, korean/nippons kill themselves. chinks are insects
Its mainly old ppl, since they dont have welfare state, and old ppl were too poor to have any kind of retirement pensions. Also definition of suicide is different from countries. Some of suicides in japamare considered "natural death"
I mean rich states?
>They have the highest rate of suicide in the world.
No, they don't. Lithuania does.
Stfu Ladyboi, Koreans are simply autistic gooks with 0 creative abilities.
Please shut up.
they are sad because they are not ruled by based Supreme Dear Leader but instead white cock-sucking race traitors.
Yes, specifically those that increased several levels of gdp over the past half century.
Humans were never meant to be at peace for so long. Kings knew the warlike nature of common men hence made war. Nowadays, there is no such outlet. Our warlike nature turned into the mental illnesses of today. This is esp worse for rich countries that have it easy, since there is no conflict in their life they find it elsewhere. Read unabomber manifesto
Of course, poor countries (nigger) havent even evolved to process all this, they are not part of what im saying
I was there for ~10 years off and on and would agree with you. "Face"-oriented culture in general opens suicide up as a reasonable alternative to exposure/having one's dirty laundry aired. S. Korea is arguably the most face-oriented country on earth, terminal shame flourishes there
Lol. Roach. Suck my dick one of these days wont you
Being a slave of the US is pretty depressing, you have to admit
Is that real? Cant be.
k pop is some of the most satanic shit ever. notice that it's always females used for that level of garbage
Weird how Japan went from being like that during their Imperial years, to solely "Salaryman" focused. Two different types of pressure, both rooted in the same issues.
You're on Sup Forums, nothing is fucking real.
Just start yelling into the cataclysm.
Video game culture and shit anime.
>no ass aylmaos
i like korean gooks more than the others
fuck nips
All korean/japanese women are huge whores who look at their men like a farmer to a yoke of oxen and only thing how to send the kids away, keep the husband busy while she's spending his money and getting a new dick every now and then.
It's called living the plastic materialistic life with no spirituality.
>it is how the Coastal America will be in 50 years time.
no, the spics are going to genocide all of the gooks
The Korean war
Okay, so this is linked to higher education, but also higher expectations of achievement ie it's the same thing that effects japs and other Asians.
SK is highly competitive, most of their kids are going to university now, jobs are super competitive, this ups the stress like a mother fucker, coupled with the glamours lie KPOP and other bullshit Korean media pumps out, 6pack ab guys and super cutsy girls, and the average Korean looks like a dog's breakfast. If you're rich, you can pay for plastic surgery, even if you aren't rich most girls will get eyelid surgery.
So now you have a society that's too smart for its own good; super high expectations of its kids; all the foibles of an internet driven first world culture (Neets, Social media, KPOP).
So in summary, the Korean beauty/intelligent standard is quite high and most Koreans will fail either one or both, so then it's final destination time.
Bitch dont pretend you know anything about north korea
Here's some ALLAHWAVE (K-Pop) Koran Pop
Poland, shut the fuck up with your narrow ass perspective. Like you have even been around any other than the ones who visit your country.
The fuck? East Asians are conformist drones that that has nothing to do with perspective. Just pray that Trump starts his trade war with China, otherwise Chinks will surpass your economy in 10 years, and will destroy Pax Americana.
Absurd work hours + alcoholism, mostly
As would you if your culture and society had gone through the same events. You think that you are so special that if you endured the same scenarios that you'd come out differently? You're wrong. Not all east Asians are the same. China is probably just as regionally culturally diverse as America, but they are known for having the most soulless behavior. Chinks aren't gooks. Gooks aren't chinks. I do agree with that last line though.
>no such outlet
I knock down trees with my greatsword.
It's the best outlet ever.
No, its just than East Asians have different mentality to white people.They fucking hate individualism, and will sadistically bully ANY outlines to suicide.
Who the actual fuck believes this?
It's not that they hate individualism, it's that education is the biggest focus of their cultures and the education systems that we are all stuck with currently is the Prussian education system that molds people's responses via Pavlovian stimuli. It's similar to why the SJWs here in the states bully any outliers to their ideology -- that is what they are taught by their "educators" and since they have been molded to have an external locus of learning instead of internal, they can't understand anything outside their "norm."
>Joe Rogan is his academic source
I'd kill myself too if I wasn't born in the US. Try to get a re roll.
What? Had USA did not modelled its education after England? Prussia for the most part only cared abut teaching its people how to read and write before sending them as cannon fooder in their wars.
Fat Kim will put them out of their misery
I actrually feel for Korean brothers on this one
Take LOL for example, which they just won again, congrats!
Korean players train for 12-16 hours per day
while Chinese players cash in their fame, waste a lot of time selling products and fxxking groupies
They live in a country where everyone is smart and hardworking. Fierce competition and a relatively small and saturated market seldom afford you a second chance
It appears that they didn't or maybe it changed after WWII. It's the globalist world order model for educating a populace into only being smart enough to be useful to the ones pulling the strings. It is everywhere the globalists have dug in their claws. You aren't wrong about that. That is precisely what it's about. The only addition is that the fodder includes consumer fodder now.
>''They live in a country where everyone is smart and hardworking''
FFS East Asians are not some fucking master race. In the 60's they were literally build and funded by the west, while China for example tried to build its economy by itself.