Christian culture is defined by many things; virtue signalling, slave morality, resentment, passive aggression and self hatred are the foremost of these. This Abrahamic disease of the collective consciousness was fatal for the Roman Empire before us, and, unfortunately, the Western world hasn’t been able to shake it off for nearly 2,000 years. It’s going to be fatal for us too.
Mass immigration destroyed the Roman Empire – this is a matter of historical record. Fat, lazy and decadent, the Romans no longer had the will to defend their own Northern borders against Germanic barbarians, and that led to those barbarians having their will with the place. Free plunder resulted.
The Gothic War started in 376 when a huge number of Goths turned up on the border of the Roman Empire seeking refuge from the Huns. At first, Emperor Valens was pleased at the prospect of cheap labour for his workforce and willing soldiers (heard this story before?), but the unwillingness of the local population to support this foreign multitude of hungry mouths (what about now?) led to insurrection, and aided by traitors within the local Roman population (what about now?) the Goths were able to sack the place, leading to the eventual collapse of the Roman Empire.
All of this was made possible by the conversion of the Empire to Christianity, which turned the minds of the Romans away from reality and replaced their natural morality with the slave morality that we see expressed today in the legions of social justice warriors and cultural Marxists.
Angela Merkel is the daughter of a Lutheran minister, and her Christian morality was instrumental in her decision to open the borders of Germany to the hordes of Syrian migrants seeking refuge from people exactly like themselves.
Thinking like a Christian and striving to make a show of piety, and supported by wealthy, fashionable virtue signallers, Merkel decided to allow a million Syrians to have their way with the country she ruled, on the basis that they were claiming to need help and that submitting to this invasion would be charitable.
The same catastrophe is going to happen to us, for the same reasons, and the same people will be cheerleading for it.
The immensely privileged Alison Mau used her platform in the mainstream media to let us know yesterday that we were all racists for not wanting to take hundreds of refugees, despite acknowledging that these refugees were severely mentally ill, which would require that the mentally ill New Zealanders already present go to the back of the healthcare queue to accommodate them.
Her logic is that, if you are one of the tens of thousands of Kiwis who are desperate for mental health care from a system that you have paid taxes into and which your grandparents built, you’re going to have to get to the back of the queue behind a horde of people who have not inherited a birthright to the wealth of the nation.
As Dan McGlashan points out at several points in Understanding New Zealand, this is the major division on the left, between the privileged, usually Green supporters and the unprivileged, usually Labour and New Zealand First supporters. The privileged, like Alison Mau, having enough money to protect her from the cruel vagaries of life, are happy to support whatever cause is trendy this week without care for the consequences, because the consequences of mass “refugee” resettlement will fall upon the unprivileged.
Kayden Torres
The unprivileged, like the working class of New Zealand, will see the community bonds of the neighbourhoods destroyed, and the queues in front of them for getting mental health care become longer, and the security of their women and elderly start to become jeopardised.
The self-righteous Christian sentiment that expresses itself as a desire to be seen to be virtuous and compassionate will destroy the West, and it isn’t the Muslims that necessarily do all the damage. They just do enough damage to make people lose their minds, as the Jews once did in Germany. And then, all Hell breaks loose.
The real danger is not Muslims, because they are a century from being a real threat to the West. The real danger is what we ourselves might get tempted to do when the hordes of Muslim “refugees” fail to integrate, and start to achieve territorial dominance in certain areas.
A Holocaust of Muslims in Europe this century is entirely plausible – not because such a genocide is itself plausible but because all the stupid shit that leads up to one is apparently in the process of being repeated. Like the yin and the yang, the excesses of one ideology lead to the excesses of its counter, and the excess of a narcissistic desire to virtue signal one’s likeness to the ideal of tolerance and compassion as embodied in Jesus Christ will be violence.
Varg is right about everything, but nu-reddit-Sup Forums just won't listen.
Carson Gray
Julian Sanders
Fuck off Gibbon.
Isaiah Williams
>Christian values
Julian Gonzalez
Never heard of the Eastern Roman empire before? You know, the continuation of the Roman Empire that lasted until 1453.
Jacob Harris
Don't. Most retards on this site believe the Byzantium meme.
Ian Morales
What about it? Christianity is hard to get rid of, it's no virtue to have lingered and infected somewhere else.
Grayson Martinez
This thread again..
Lincoln Nelson
Amazing Reminder that Jews are pushing this pagan revival BS on Pol.
Bentley Wright
>What about it? Oh nothing, only that it disproves your whole argument of Rome dying because of Christianity. Also little known fact that under Christianity the Roman Empire lasted longer and proved to be more durable then when it was under Paganism (survived multiple wars where it lost most of its territory then rebuilt, had to be ground down over 100's of years before it was conquered, ext, ext, ext). SAGE THIS SHIT.
Isaiah Sanchez
>le 100% christkike face
Charles Jackson
Hello user, I'd just like to say your image is mislabelled. It says "Katanerd" which means you must be operation under the assumption that the blade in question is a Katana (and that your combination of Katana and Nerd was clever) which it is not. It is a Nodachi, a rough equivalent to a European Greatsword. Please re-label this image as soon as you can. Thank you.
Nicholas Taylor
thank you. I will
Ayden Campbell
>when your movement recruits through crazy cat ladies, a metalhead, and The Elder Scrolls but you still claim you're not LARPing
Charles Davis
Not at all. Didn't we just have a neitzche thread here a few days ago talking about this? Go read the will to power.
Thomas Cox
Blake Johnson
Alright, OP, I would like to point something out. If you're going to claim that Christianity *Caused* the collapse of Western (Roman) Culture then let us adress this conclusion. Let us presume the conclusion: Christianity Causes Civilizational Collapse. If this is true, then we need to check this against what other information we have. Despite the Fall of Rome, Constantinople Survived and grew after the fall of Rome despite being a Theocracy led by the Emperor and Patriarch of Constantinople. Byzantium grabbed Sicily, Carthage, and Southern Italy. Christianity led to the Monastic orders, many of which devoted themselves to focusing on recapturing the ancient Greek and Roman Texts (look at the result of the Reconquista of Toledo). Christianity resulted in the founding of the Holy Roman Empire. The Christian nations waged the crusades, capturing the Baltics, Cyprus, and parts of the Holy Land (temporarily). If Christianity destroys Civilizations, then why would Christian nations expand and grow? If we want to argue that Christianity hinders scientific growth, you may point at the various policies that pushed down conflict with Church teachings. However, we see that Christianity as a concept led to higher work ethics. We can see that the majority of Inventors, Researchers, Artists, Creators, and Scientists in Western Civilization, until very recently, were Christian. If Christianity Destroys civilizations why would the majority of civilization builders be Christian in the Western World? Also, Why would we see Civilizational Collapse begin *After* Christianity begins to fall out of the cultural norm? I'm arguing the conclusion. If the Conclusion is that Christian Culture leads to civilizational collapse, then why would Civilizations grow faster after adapting Christian Culture, Also why would Christian Culture's falling out of Western Culture coincide with the collapse of Western Culture? Just Questions to think on.
Sebastian Morris
>christinity made europe great, not europeans >the post
yea but uhhh
how come southern america, mexico or christian african countries are SHIT
also how come romans were able to build an empire BEFORE christianity existed
makes one think
Dominic Butler
Where did we go wrong? The architects and heroes of the western world were not in favor of any of this modern liberal/mass suffrage bullshit, especially considering these values are a very recent phenomena, that were particularly cemented with the destruction of Europe's great kingdoms and empires in World War 1.
I think the origin of the mishap stems in part from Christian moral develop, one of the reasons driving anti-christian sentiments. Christianity established values of higher law under which all men, even the rulers, are equally subordinate to. This trend differed from what was naturally common, where the king IS god and can arbitrate life and death based upon whims and fancies. Though a similar concept was perhaps present in other religions, Christianity developed this code, along with a body of theology and teleology to an extent unrivaled by any contemporary religion. Under this code, there was a strong responsibility not only unto your family, but your nation - perhaps similar to the Roman sense of duty, and why Rome was an excellent progenitor of Christianity. Leaders of Europe were to at least seem to be good shepherds for a nations people, and though many made mistakes (evidently), I also think the wars led by courageous and charismatic leaders against Islam, for instance, by devoted Christian monarchs deserve some recognition and veneration.
However, I think this idea of the higher natural law, which in a sense establishes an abstract system promoting moral equality, has been mistaken or deliberately misconstrued to preach the false tenets of equality and liberalism.
Easton Wright
The idea of a higher moral code written by god, and not man, that would establish a sort of moral equality for defining behavior, would be corrupted overtime into the postulate of moral relativism. Now, it is believed that all people are equal in actual qualities, not simply under the law of god, and that all actions are equal, thus making each individual usurp god in their actions, which is nevertheless contradictory the the first instance of Christian higher/natural law. Nevertheless, this intellectual cancer embedded in our minds, has led to mass suffrage democracy spread to Europe (America is the demon of the world), accompanied by feminism and woman's suffrage, which is the usurpation of the natural law set forth for women, and then finally moral relativism, which is final demon of this misunderstanding of morality, that is the final nail in the coffin for the West. The belief that all actions and behavior is equal, and that each human is the god of their own decisions, has led to the tremendous degeneracy of the day.
So Christianity does seem to be the root, even if it's a misinterpretation. However, returning to Holy Roman Empire style society, not necessarily eradicating Christianity for Paganism, would be better imo
Dominic Green
Also, finding initial blame solely in Christianity is sort of silly, when you observe that Muslims and other religions are experiencing similar degeneracy and moral decadence, as in straying from their original moral teachings. You can't look at religion as the cause in isolation, but also the environment. Traditional roles were cemented in society in the past for in some ways they were absolutely necessary, grounded in natural law. Promiscuity was considered bad not because pleasure is wrong, but because irresponsibly fathering many children/bearing men for many different children was destructive in a community. Contrast that to today, with birth control and abortion on demand. Humans no longer necessarily have to abide by rules of traditional law, because our progressive science has released us from natural consequences. Until those consequences are reinstated, people will never return to traditional values. People will be as degenerate as society permits - whether under the fabric of Christianity, Paganism, Islam, traditional virtues will decay so long as people are free of the consequences of the natural world that precipitated the instantiation of said natural traditional moral values in the first place.
Nathaniel Lewis
Because they're full of mutts and half-breed? The Bible tell us to be wary of the beasts of the fields, lest they multiply against us. We didn't listen. And romans were able to create an empire because the entirety of the direction (Senate/Imperator) were either complete stoics or followers of Mars and/or Jupiter exclusively, which are in the Roman pantheon Gods of Order (in the case of Jupiter, kingship), and discipline (military kind for Mars). They degenerated with the spreading of the cults of Isis and Venus, along with the pagan gods of other cultures getting mixed up with their own, and not honoring the right kind.
Daniel Edwards
>2017 >Never read Augustine Whew lad. In the words of Eminem: "you haven't been paying attention, you're saying the same shit that (((they))) said"