Msm reporting on it's ok to be white.
Msm reporting on it's ok to be white
>Using jewbook
Defacing other signs for racial equality with the new ones shows an intent that the Neo-Nazis who came up with this poster idea were trying to hide. LMAO keep ruining your own movement.
rabbi what ya doin' there?
>>Using jewbook
2017 and u still shit on the streets.
I don't. But you use jewbook.
You should kys.
Pic related.
Who is the fucking idiot that put Trump's face on the poster and also changed it up from anything except the basic formula?
> (You)
>I don't. But you use jewbook.
>You should kys.
>Pic related.
So u shit on the beach it's still 2017 and you don't have a toilet and proper plumbing. Kys faggot peejat.
Stop larping, ya filthy Mutt.
You should really kys. Suck a Jewish dick before that.
> (You)
>Stop larping, ya filthy Mutt.
>You should really kys. Suck a Jewish dick before that.
Grow a Brian Moran!
The_Donald fucking ruins everything. Fucking hte those faggots.
Fucking mongoloid retards, wake up, eat a bowl of chromosomes for breakfast and then go ruin good ideas
how is it that a reddit board we literally created and flooded with memes to create a basic level of memery is now incapable of understanding memes.
what the fuck, why would they put a picture of trump on there.
srsly cuckbook.
also. gas whoever made that poster for altering it and for vandalism
>Black Lives Matter signs everywhere
>media loves it
>openly endorsed by nation's most powerful and influential corporations
>completely mainstream
>a few signs sprout up saying it's okay to be white
>racists! nazis! blacks are the REAL victims!
You're so fucking Jewish.
Commie faggots
Any kind of operation you guys run like this runs the risk of the left mass printing out false flag signs and hanging them to change the narrative.
it only takes one person.
like the one single guy carrying the nazi flag one single time at one nationalist rally from that point on all of MSM focuses on that one picture and you are forever associated with literal nazis.
the false flag is so utterly powerful in the hands of the left due to the MSMs desire to instantly jump on any false flag they see.
Definitely a lefty trying to get shit stirred up
Lefties can't meme
So stop being violent leftists?
>defacing illegal sign with illegal sign
>one is acceptable the other isn't
just to spout the fucking obvious but Hitler was a bit of a lefty gone wild
Nigs are mad
sod off with a sawed off
>they're 11 years apart
I don't get how (((they))) haven't flipped the narrative yet. It'd be easy as fuck, all you have to do is pay some nigger college students in a couple places to put up their own fliers and interview them and then you can put all your attention on them 'resisting' the racist white boi and by doing so make any continued iotbw posting an active opposition to these brave women of colour.
You get to keep trotting your pets out in front of a camera whenever you want and incite the ghettos.
>gently teaches
I can't wait for the great 2020 book burning.