2 years ago i didnt hate black people. Now I do

Is there something wrong with me? pol doesnt actually hate black people right?

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You fell for the meme, desu.

>Is there something wrong with me?
Nope. Everything is alright. You are now a good person. Congratulations!

>pol doesnt actually hate black people right?
Sup Forums is a board where many opinions are expressed. Relax.

They smell like shit

Now become a politician

Meh, same here. My problem was that I moved to a place that had black people, so I learned first hand to hate them


but the whole "its satire" thing...its not really is it?

Is calling everything on here a meme a meme?

I mean, it depends on who's posting. Many, such as myself and now yourself actually hate niggers.

You don't have to hate them. Just be aware of crime statistics and don't be an idiot thinking they are completely harmless.

if you deal with blacks you will realize they are ok to hate


Southern black people are some of the funnest people to hang around

i get harassed a lot by black men. i hate that they play the race card.

why wouldn't you hate them ?

I think waiters (even black ones) start to hate blacks if they work in a restaurant that expects tips.


well being told by my white friends that im racist. also its not so much a hate than a strong dislike i dont want all black people dead i just want them to stay the fuck away from me. also wiggers piss me off.

It's satire. Lurk.

>They smell like shit

For real now. They dont smell like shit but have this stain to them. Some of them at least. An unpleasant kind of sweet odor. Anyone else noticed this?

i highly doubt most people who frequent this site have the intellect to pull off satire.

No dude, just sattire
We are all liberals irl just trying to make the 'rite wangers' look bad

Why wouldn't you hate niggers? They are a different tribe and it's only natural to despise them.

Cavill's wearing the black suit in Justice League?

If you're being serious user all I can say is you've been sucked into tribal warfare because all you see is trouble from outsiders. Bad state of mind to be in. If you want to wind back those thoughts just pick up the Kekestani flag, shout fuck identity politics and respect people on an individual basis. Helps to keep yourself sane in this mad world.

welcome to reality
embrace it and never look back

yes, i hope he goes darkseid

You don't fall for memes OP you just take them for all their truth.

Never go full anything.

idk about hating black ppl, but i've come to learn that race realism is very much a thing.

t. Sargon

the indians i've met hate niggers more than any Sup Forumsac. Niggers really hate poos too, by the way. I don't get this rivalry.

>Hating an animal for being an animal
You'll grow up eventually

Black people are okish

Niggers are humanoid trash

That's probably where most of us are at honestly

Live too much close to then, and is kinda hard to not hate then.

Something that I also hate is wiggers. They seem to be even worse and more violent than actual niggers, for some reason.

delet this

I don't hate black people... I hate stupid and or shitty people... as it turns out most black people are stupid and or shitty.

Black American culture is absolutely horrendous. As an example, large swaths of them actually shun other black folks if they are too smart (essentially because it's not black enough)... just think about that.

They hate you, why not hate them back.

I hate everyone myself included

It's stupid to hate an entire group of people. Well I guess it's racist. Anyhow your racism plays right into fascism.

Took me a while to figure out what's wrong with this picture but then I realized that gingers can't survive in direct sunlight.

>Can poo solve the nigger problem?

Indian Scientists.


if only, they have yellow fever and wont leave me alone. if they did leave me alone i probably wouldnt hate them.

weak bait is weak.

I'm taking a shit while I type this and the smell really reminds me of my black buddies no lie.

>what is sunblockers

Meh. Could not expect much from an anarchist of any kind.

I hated niggers before Sup Forums and still do.
They are good actors, they try to befriend whites but in the end it always results in chimp out.

>Is there something wrong with me? pol doesnt actually hate black people right?

The main reason why this is happening is due to the left attacking white people out of extreme stupidity and ignorance. The more we are attacked, the more white folks are becoming racist.

Thank about it. All this 'white supremacy' bull shit wouldn't have ever started if the SJWs weren't so fucking insane attacking white folks in the media and trying to flood our nations with sand nigger terrorists.

I'm not racist, and most of Sup Forums really isn't but we use that as a weapon against the left to trigger them into exposing how fucking retarded they really are.

... and it works very well.

>what is a joke
as you might have noticed the parrot has arms. Parrots don't usually have arms. I was making a joke by not stating the obvious.

Meh. Could not expect much from a tree hugger of any kind.

did you by any chance only start browsing Sup Forums 2 years ago and now hate blacks because you spend all day reading anti-black posts on here?

show that its not the color of the skin

>pol doesnt actually hate black people right?

Not really, I just think that they need to be exterminated in order for my people to survive long term. There aren't really emotions evolved, certainly not hate. It's just the logical choice and the planet will be better off. All non-blacks will benefit from this.

Actually black women aren't the problem, nigerian girls are a thing here. 20 euros blowjob, 40 blowjob and pussy. Double that and you get an apartment escort.
Usually they get memed into coming here with the promise of working as housemaids or models. The reality is alas very different. The kind of excuses they make to themselves to justify whoring themselves out to the big christian cocks are not knowable.

Black people are fine, but not niggers. And anyway blacks should return to Africa



Blacks are fine except they need to stop protecting niggers just because they share a skin tone.

It's completely normal. Niggers are heavily encouraged to hate all races, harass them and call them racist.

>tfw seeing someone truly rep Kekistan and you hope they are sincere

Hate is bad for you and the community

I wouldn't hate black people if I didn't get forced to live with them, same with pakis.
If they livef in their own country I wouldn't give two fucks about them.

I don't hate them at all. I don't think I have ever really hated anybody. Maybe some celebrity figures like Bill Maher. But I don't actually know them, just their persona.

i am extremely racist though. I do not think the different populations on earth have the same average intelligences. None of the IQ tests suggest that. Crime rates go against it. Just the basic histories of countries go against it.

What should be done about this? I have no fucking clue. I believe it is more or less unsolveable as a problem. I will never have any power anyway so it doesn't matter what I think.

In day to day life I just treat people as individuals

You're an idiot whose opinion is easily manipulated. :)

I legit have a KeK flag and statue if that helps the feels.

You should stop letting your "buddies" cum in your ass.

I love black people. I see problems in their community and I want to help them. Isn't that what love is all about? Blacks were a hundred times better off before welfare. They didn't have single parent families, they might not have been rich, but they lived very respectable and conservative lives. They were also accruing money and savings. Welfare destroyed this. Within just a few generations it has replaced their family and home life with the state: it provides for them, and disciplines them in place of the family. This is all by design. White privilege is a concept that eats away at their minds. Telling people that their actions don't matter is absolute poison, and white privilege was the poison they accepted in return for government enslavement. I want to free blacks from KKK leaders like Hillary Clinton.


>Indian Scientists.

This is true. But a large portion of people here are just racists. But you cover it up in 'just trolling' for deniability. They are using the shift to the right that is happening to spread what they have always believed .

>they try to befriend whites but in the end it always results in chimp out.

>large portion of people here are just racists

Fuck off, pussy.

No. You are using statistical observations to create an accurate world view, just like the rest of pol.

I dont get it, how do we know he didn't say some seriously fucked up shit like ill rape your daughter if i see you round here again nigger. But even still I cannot claim him as my own as his first reaction was violence.

Statistics work in a weird way. If black people do half as many illegal drugs as white people but get caught twice as much then does that mean that blacks are twice as likely to do drugs than whites?

For about a month in late 2016 I hated niggers
Now I pity them and their fate
and hate the kikes instead.

what is their fate?

Sup Forums doesn't hate black people, Sup Forums hates niggers.

an illegal mexican coworker of mine and I taked about how the US needs to racially segregate and form new countries, he wholeheartedly agreed that the current mash-up is shit that makes everyone miserable, give the niggers georgia and call it a day

I think we could benefit from segregated states but we would still need at least 20 non segregated states otherwise it would be inbred as fuck. As a black male I would not want to be cooped up with any sand nigger, wigger, or country coon.

good point, the jews are worse.
thanks Sup Forums!

Well, they mostly hate you, so...