Europe will be always doomed


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italy and greece have almost nothing in common with their ancient ancestors. They both even converted to become christian dogs.



Reminder to ignore conquer and divide bullshit and stick together.

Carthage City was a fucking island where Romans gather the slaves.

Sorry fags but genetic studies have shown continuity. Ancient Greeks = Modern Greeks. Romans = Modern Italians.

there is nothing whote about a bunch of those countries. I'd sooner treat a native american to a feast than welcome a german or a swede to anything.

>Reminder to ignore conquer and divide bullshit and stick together.

pay denbts

That building was crafted by modern Italians, not Romans dumbass

>Ancient Greeks = Modern Greeks. Romans = Modern Italians.
those dudes are might descend from them. But they have NOTHING to show for it. If anything, the USA is more roman and greek than they are. BEcause your 'genes' don't decide how glorious you are, espcially when they're cooked up in some kike's lab.

when did I say it does you stupid faggot? are you illiterate? you just get off the fucking galley you peasant wop bitch?

Truth doesn’t fear investigation

>the USA is more roman and greek than they are
Holy fuck

theres a reason why you're country is still a joke. its because you act like niggers wherever you go, you fucking pikey bitch.

>when your pathetic LARP state is a result of angry alboshits
Hellenes are sure your ancestors. Not a drop of foreign non-European blood during Rome, Byzantine, Ottoman and Kingdom coming to Greek gene pool. We all know that Greeks are known for their racial purity, smarts and excellence


If the Americans wont remove the German subhumans from the Brussels, this continent was fucked.

Never understood this. Over course north europeans developed slower. They had a much smaller population and low density as well as awful weather half the year. Meanwhile Southern Europe had optimal weather, larger populations and contact with early advanced civilizations from the middle east and egypt.

Go change your pants, they are dirty with shit.

Ok and Nords were uncivilized at that time. It's almost as if things change with time and nothing is permanent.

ill pay your mother to clean it off

>when whites lag behind, it's environment
>when nonwhites lag behind, they're inferior
never change, Sup Forums

What we actually need is genocide from orange down

Mongrels may lie. Their DNA won’t

Yeah the dumb albanian muslims who are allies of Turkey beat the Turks and liberate Greece (!!!!)
Kys insect.

happy every time subhuman American solider dies or terrorist act in your nation happens

>Occupy Germany to this day
>Force turks into Germany
>Cause wars in the middle east and direct refugees into Europe
>take in Marxist Frankfurt School and send them back to Germany to kickstart communist student revolts of 1968 who march through institutions and turn Germany into leftist shithole
>Jewish US-networks control media and government, lobby for mass immigration and anti-racism
>Call said country you destroy "cucks"


These bellow the orange line are actually the people who create the European civilization muslim human watse.

mongrel, you are anything but Hellenic. You speak about some pyramide building, but can’t learn the basic English grammar. Grekoshit, not Hellen.

Deal with it

cry. Maybe your tears will keep us from doing it [your conpiracy fantasies] you weak faggot

do every estonians look inbred?

Those are NOT your ancestors - one drop rule. Besides, if anything your pathetic kind is collateral to Europe at best.

>90% of human advancement, most radical nationalists, murderers and best societies

>first case of European mongrelisation, buttfucking and some ruins

>Iran, Egypt and other shitskin beloved WE WUZ
>tyranny, weird cults of inbred rulers, mass slavery and nothing of value towards the advancement
Is every “Canadian” a jealous hapa subhuman? Estonia is less inbred than racemixed Greece


The difference places like Scandinavia weren't even inhabited until the last 10,000 years because it was under an ice sheet while the most other places have been continuously inhabited for 60,000.

>rome was bad
your country LARPed as romans for hundreds of years before you chimped out to be communists.

kys subhuman. USA being cancer is not a conspiracy, but rather a self evident truth

Every 9/11 I take a piss at American graves

>Sorry fags but genetic studies have shown continuity. Ancient Greeks = Modern Greeks. Romans = Modern Italians.
Do you think the two dogs in my picture are vastly different genetically?

Earth is 6000 years old

>the USA is a cancer
>while Russia acts like a fucking diesease wherever it goes, injecting its AIDs soldiers into ukraine, chechenya, syria and failing to actually conquer the place
you should bitch about putin before you bitch about the rules of the earth

Both are shit.

even when we turned Iraq into a democracy that can invade ISIS while russia's syria spends its time doing fuck all besides kill its own citizens?

>less inbred than racemixed Greece
ok retard
im sure jealous i dont look inbred though

>mongrel, you are anything but Hellenic. You speak about some pyramide building, but can’t learn the basic English grammar. Grekoshit, not Hellen.

That's why we kicked your ass back in 40s analbanian muslim filth.

Why is Northern Europe literally the most developed place in the world now, despite never engaging in colonialism that most leftists say is responsible for the wealth of England, US and France? Rhodesia and South Africa were literally heaven on earth, never generated a society worth nothing until whites showed up (inb5 "Great" Zimbabwe).

Ok but you haven't refuted the genetic study that showed continuity from Minoan times. I can also fetch craniofacial and skeletal analysis too that shows continuity.

converting doesn't change your dna u dumb fuck, christian rome prospered for long in the east


Go back to td with your retarded Jewish lies. Syria doesn't kill their people. Muh democracy.

the USA is already dead, what we have now is merely a puppet master with a puppet.

Its a shame that they are using the corpse of a country/ideaology to make people welcome communist totalitarianism but thats what they are doing and its having amazing results for (((them))) in that regard.

This whole "social democrat" meme thats getting popular is really just a front for communism in the west.

because the sexy intelligent greeks spread their seed up north, leaving the imbecilic greeks left on their islands to be poor and

they became a fudeal shithole. You should go look at the 100 years war to get an idea of how 'nice' that shithole was.
getting pretty spooky in here when some kike tells you that 28 magic lines decide your hair color, IQ, and race. Imagine that, someone just 'mutates' and bcomes white. Though, your people have -always- been barbarians living under swedes liek slaves, or yourselves like barabrians.

Ooga booga indeed.

>we didn't win iraq
ohj sorry, I didn't know we were all muslims now. Ill make sure to leave a grenade for you to play with

it was still better than everywhere else

Oh look, another butthurt Turkish rapebaby thread.

Except they haven't, Turk.

youre missing the point that meds dont want to be associated with you ugly retarded nords
you tried

It had a cool name. And it was such a cool name that people gave it an even cooler name 'byzantium'. So in that way, it was nicer.

That’s the thing with you MONGRELS, you may LOOK something, but that doesn’t change what YOU ARE.

Does Richard Spencer look like mulatto? No. But he is.

Quadracial, or pardo even, depending on how you look at it


>North African 0,2%
>Mongolian 0,1%
>Sub-saharan 0,1%

US mongrel shilling for mongrelisation. Nothing to see
One drop rule

That's not enough to affect anything without heavy selection.


>That's not enough to affect anything without heavy selection.

There is no genetic evidence of Turkish mixture. If you have any, please present it. Greeks have always been swarthy, even during the Classic era. Western Civilization was founded by swarthy meds

your country is a joke. Not even your politicians bother to tell the truth to you

>Western Civilization was founded by swarthy meds
the only swarthy heroes of roman civilization was julius who was a tyrant

t. mulatto in denial

Neither European, nor human

And yours do?

Civilization is shit. I rather live in a small hut and do what I want, live a short but happy life.

I don't have any Trudeaus who lie to his electorate's faces and then hell-turns after over a decade of social planning to sell my country out to muslim terrorists.

Hello my slanted eye friend, how Russgolia doing?


>One drop rule
No one would pass that test. There is no population outside of isolated tribes that have maintained 100% purity for thousands of years.

>to sell my country out to muslim terrorists.
Your country was already sold to Israel and Saudi Arabia long time ago.

Literally upper section of the orange, mongrel

Debunk thisItalian = mongrel

albanian subhuman


Cuz sicily was under islamic rule for more than 200 year you silly snow keng

Of course there's some genetic continuity. Coal burning isn't complete genetic replacement.

two samples from a non scientific source(a butthurt subhuman) debunks itself
I've seen dozens of people from north Europe here not score 100% European on 23&me

nice to see you still cannot in any way argue against that debunk

In before Christians taking credit for the Hellenic Culture they burned to the ground.

your country is literally a terrorist state. You've been independent for about 60 years and you've done nothing besides try to start another war and LARP about being william the conqeuror when you're mick the get fucked

he doesnt care
its an albanian subhuman who hates christians

So that's all you have to grasp on to. Trace mixture that isn't anywhere near enough to affect phenotype. Do you think that native-american ancestry in many American whites and most blacks has affected anything?

it's this thread again

Pay debnts

People “”””from”””” Northern Europe that don’t score it are mixed with Southern “European” trash. Always

nah, they always tend to score something asian/siberian, their true homeland

>italians during Rome
you're delusional. Today's italy has nothing in common with Rome. Like a bunch of cucked-bitches you sold that city to papal scum for hundreds of years, and when you finally took it back, you gave them it back. Pathetic.

We‘re catholics

ladies first

albanians are trash
albanians are subhumans

For some reason didn’t witness that myself


they're still italian achievements, wether the country isnt doing its best nowadays doesn't mean it hasnt contributed a lot during the history of the world, stay mad mongrel.

Dont be like that let me have mulattoes with your blond womenz plz

>ameriggo vespucci was a great explorer
literally a failure who achieved nothing other than pity. Like most wops.