Another day, another senseless massacre in America that didn't need to happen. When will you people realize that you DO NOT NEED GUNS. Oh, here come the usual BS arguments.

>home defense
The WEAKEST of all possible arguments. If your gun is properly secured (unloaded, locked in a safe, with trigger lock) then how exactly are you going to have time to get to your gun? Add in the panic that many people would be feeling, you're going to be bumbling around trying to unlock your gun and load the ammo, during which time you could have been calling 911. The only way in which a gun would be effective for home defense would be to keep it loaded, unlocked, and within easy reach - which would then make it easy for anyone else (including children) to access the gun.

Laughable. So your handgun or rifle is going to be effective against a government armed with fully automatic weapons, tanks, helicopters, artillery, fighter jets, etc? Even if you're one of these heavily armed militia groups living on a remote compound, how long do you really think you could hold out against a government bent on subjugation?

Humans managed to hunt just fine for thousands of years before the invention of firearms.

There are safer, non-lethal means of self-protection. Mace, pepper spray, stun guns, etc. By introducing a gun into the mix, you're escalating the situation into a lethal one. There's also a very good chance that your gun could be used against you. And if you're in an area there there might be dangerous wildlife, do you really think your handgun is going to be an effective form of protection against a charging mountain lion or grizzly bear?

>i-i-if everyone had guns then mass shootings would never happen!
Oh yeah, think about all those massacres that were stopped by brave gun toting citizens! Sandy Hook, Columbine, Virginia Tech, San Bernadino, Pulse, Vegas, the list goes on!

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh, and of course

>because I CAN
Ah, the good old "ME" argument, and what it usually boils down to. You don't really NEED a gun, but you WANT a gun. At least be honest about it.

>Literally no statistical data.
>Long posts lacking basic logic

!= argument

Why when there's a mass shooting are there no conceal carry citizens around.

We need guns because of folks like you, OP.

If guns were banned the only people left with them would be the bad guys.

If you want my gun, I will shoot you.


This is not negotiable.


I need my gun because annoying faggots like you don't shut up until you're in my face and getting physical over your retarded views. I don't care to fight you, I'll just wait til you get physical with me so that I can shoot you

desu I bet those people at that service this morning wished they had their guns on them.

Come and take it faggot

If you have ever had a 300+ nigger charging at you you would want a sword.
If you have ever had a 300+ nigger charging at you with a sword you would want a gun.
A 300+ nigger would be hard oressed to lift a gun qiucker than the average citizen.


More crimes are prevented with guns, and lives saved with guns, than actual criminal homicides or mass shootings. When you take away the suicides and gang shootings, the gun fatality rates are pretty low for a +300 million population.

All of your "arguments" demolished with one simple link.

Also, this is a slide thread, so remember to sage.

>properly secured (unloaded, locked in a safe, with trigger lock)
Faggot, I'm not going to accidentally shoot myself. Kill yourself.
>effective against a government armed with fully automatic weapons, tanks, helicopters, artillery, fighter jets, etc?
See this place called vietnam, or this other place called Afghanistan.
>Humans managed to hunt just fine for thousands of years before the invention of firearms.
Uhhhh, I'm an apex predator, no animal pulls any punches, neither will I.
>There are safer, non-lethal means of self-protection. Mace, pepper spray, stun guns, etc.
Still a faggot, someone drops some dank mds of people shrugging off taser hits.
>Oh yeah, think about all those massacres
Ask me if I care. Do it.

"gun safe zones"


Yeah, because Mao disarmed the populace to reduce school shootings

Beautiful. You summed it up user. NAP until you fuck with me and you get a permanent nap.

Faggots want to get up close and wrestle. Real men just want to eli inate the problem as quick as possible. The guns aren't the problem. The problems are the problems.

Because they never approve the licenses. Shall issue? Why, yes - when we feel like it. Probably a few years from the date of the test. Then, you have to take another test and wait for renewal. You never have an up-to-date license. The NRA are behind all CC license scams, and are by extension why nobody is armed where they are required.

>So your handgun or rifle is going to be effective against a government armed with fully automatic weapons, tanks, helicopters, artillery, fighter jets, etc?
>I'll take what is an armed insurgency for 500 Alex

maybe. but i have second amendment rights :)

how long did Obongo spend fighting the JV team over in the middle east, with their ak46's?

bill of Rights


bill of Needs

Oh it's an AK.

>Pirate flag

Naturally a dumb liberal cunt.

>You don't really NEED a gun
Sure I do, for all those reasons you listed. So i can shoot faggots like you when they break into my house hoping to get pepper sprayed.


you do in diverse countries

>If your gun is properly secured
it's loaded and easily accessible. Come over and I'll show you.

Is that a screenshot from Fallout 5?

No need at all.


Communist argument detected. The world is governmed by "I want", if we would stick to "what we need" then wouldn't have invented shit so far and lead minimalistic lifes void of progress.

You don't need a bomb either right?

How pathetic does your life have to be before you waste your life arguing about an issue that has nothing to do with you in a nation halfway across the world?

I would honestly suck start a shotgun before I let my life get this sad.

Why would they want to get pepper sprayed?

Hans, serious question, how beta is your country when it comes to guns? I know you can get them in Deutschland, but do many people take advantage of it or are a lot pussified like the left generally is here in the US?

stopped reading here.

>home defense
One of my handguns is loaded and under my pillow that's on my bed as was my mothers gun and great grandmothers and my great great grandmother use to take her revolver to church.

I have a 50. bmg rifle and enough firearms to supply a small army.

Yet we've never done better than with them

Justifiable homicides (Gun killings in self-defense) happen every day in the USA

>i-i-if everyone had guns then mass shootings would never happen!

There should be no compromise with our rights, the right to bear arms is an inherent constitutional right not a privilege like driving, it's not up for a vote.

Yes I do. How would I shoot you if I don't have a gun?

I love shooting guns. Good thing I live in a free state.

>a government armed with fully automatic weapons, tanks, helicopters, artillery, fighter jets, etc
If they used those against a civilian uprising, they'ld become the proud rulers of a pile of rubble with the population of around 2000.

>If your gun is properly secured (unloaded, locked in a safe, with trigger lock) then how exactly are you going to have time to get to your gun?

just get one of pic related you can open in 1 second

>Laughable. So your handgun or rifle is going to be effective against a government armed with fully automatic weapons, tanks, helicopters, artillery, fighter jets, etc?

no one has fought a war where both sides meet in a field and fire all their armaments at each other in over a century, it's all about asymmetric warfare now adays and making the occupied populace harder to oppress

also keep in mind it's liberals whining about a tyrannical government right now so don't come crying to gun owners when president pence starts rounding up all the gays into camps

>Humans managed to hunt just fine for thousands of years before the invention of firearms.

not as well with firearms though

>Oh yeah, think about all those massacres that were stopped by brave gun toting citizens! Sandy Hook, Columbine, Virginia Tech, San Bernadino, Pulse, Vegas, the list goes on!

all took place in gun free zones, meanwhile when the victims are actually armed...

Slide thread.

Disarming yourself is what the enemies want. The horde of islamic negros will never disarm themselves let alone go by the law as they wrap themselves in explosives. Guns are for crowd and pest control.

Because it is.........................FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again!, and again! Yawn. False flag how predictable to divert attention away from real happenings. Keep your eye on the ball faggots!

America has a free market system. I don't need guns, i want them. They are fun, and i like to fuck shit up with my guns. How's that for an argument? Also...SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!

stop bumping this slide thread faggots


you don't get to shoot at us and then take our guns away

i dare you to try, though

>Home Defense
See attached pic. I live alone and have no worry of children. The way my apartment is set up, I can easily hear and wake up to anyone breaking in, and my firearms are a lot closer to me than the door.


Fuck you, humans managed to communicate with each other just fine without the invention of cell phones

Kill or be killed. If your adversary don't kill you and gets away, he can kill other people

>i-i-if everyone had guns then mass shootings would never happen!
Without an armed civilian population, people can be freely killed by government. Look at the Soviet Union and China back in the day.

Watch this video, faggot.

One reason Congresscritters hate the Second Amendment; is that it gives the citizenry the means to place criminals under arrest.

I need guns to kill people that need tk die.

If you dont like it, fuck you, deal with it.

When cops start getting shot in the face for applying bullshit laws against the wellbeing of their own people, their families deserve it too.

Fuck the government, they dont govern, they repress.

Only good faggot is a dead faggot


Why don't you get rid of your fucking cannon pirate? Clearly you just want guns in the hands of the government. Enjoy getting your face caved in with the butt of a gun stock when the government wants something from you. Oh and people keep their self-defense weapons loaded at all times. Also hunting is pretty nice and a concept a dip-shit pirate like you doesn't understand so you have to steal from people. Muh pirate crew. Get fucked. Gr8 b8 m8

Who the fuck and why the fuck would anyone keep a gun for self defense and have it unloaded and locked up? Pistol in my pocket and shotgun next to the bed, and a .22 plinker on my wife's side of the bed.

>how beta is your country when it comes to guns?

Guns per capita is around 30 guns for 100 people. If you really want to, you can get a gun but most don't because it's a hassle. The amount of time (money is not a problem) you have to put in is roughly a year. Do lots of shit and get a permit. Then you can get a gun. Thanks to our high living standards and naivety, most people don't. But if you want to, you will be able to.

If you are serious and need quickly available self defense (in a civil war type scenario), you most likely would just buy crossbows and use them, until you literally find guns/ammo on corpses. You can get a crossbow with a little bit of ammo for 200 Euros and they are easily able to kill. I'm talking about high performance crossbows that you can hunt things at a distance of a quarter mile or so if you are good at aiming. For melee, there are enough options... If you want, you can forged swords for 50 bucks, samurai swords, knives of any size etc... there are barely any restrictions.

>Anime statue
Perfect touch user.

That has to be one of the stupidest pictures I've ever seen

My NEED is not for you to define. Need is defined in Marxist rhetoric, not the Constitution.


Placing a flower in the barrel of a criminal's gun is a much better defence strategy.

Today I need a gun because of niggers, tomorrow who knows.

but muh second amendment

false flag

You don't need bug spray! Bug get into your home anyway! There has never been a home that has stopped all of the bugs from comong in just because they had bug spray.

It happens except they don't become mass shootings and they don't get covered by the news.


Not wanting to get pepper sprayed, but hoping that's the worst that will happen.

There are so many logical issues with your arguments it's ridiculous, but I guess I'll go through the list.
>Home Defense
If you live in a home with a small child, yes you should lock your gun up so they can't accidentally hurt themselves, however if you don't then why would you not keep the gun in a relatively easy to access location?
>Protection From Tyranny
If the government is trying to become a tyranny then people should have the right to fight with what they can, no matter how little it would do.
You're telling me you want people to go out and hunt with a bow and arrow, or maybe by chucking spears? That's ludicrous, learning to use any of those old projectiles is dozens of times harder than using a gun and would alienate even more of the population from hunting.
Mace/ pepper spray/ stun guns are good alternatives as methods of self defense, but say someone holds you up at knife point with some sort of solid mask? There goes two of those options, and a stun gun isn't necessarily going to stop someone in their tracks, as for the gun turning a situation lethal, that's a good thing if you're shooting some degenerate thief. For wild animals, a gun is going to do a hell of a lot more than mace, pepper spray or a stun gun.
>If everyone had guns mass shootings would never happen
You point to events in which nobody but the shooter had a gun as far as I know. Certainly Columbine and Virginia Tech nobody had guns except the shooter, because they're banned in every school in the U.S.A..

Didn't read, but I did just buy four more guns. You have no culture and as such, you aren't entitled to an opinion.

>2 posts by this ID

"Food and water" are not on the Bill of Rights, so it is very demonstratably NOT a Bill of Needs.

Fuck you commie rat

'nuff said, retard

Am I the only one who changed their opinion about guns after the LA hotel shooting? Honestly if you didn't, you're a stubborn retard. "Oh b-but a bunch of old guys from like 2 centuries ago said that we COULD have guns!!!!!!" Like shut up lmfao, who cares what they thought? "But it wouldn't work!!!!!!!!!!" Yeah look at all the other countries where gun control "hasn't worked". Like Japan. They had SIX gun related deaths in 2014. Outrageous! "B-but America is DIFFERENT than other countries!!!!!!" Not that different lmao. Pic related is the average far right scumbag when they find out they're getting their murder machines taken away within the next five years

In America anti white racism is growing everyday and you want us disarmed?

I bet you would be surprised by the number of lives guns save.




i need nukes, nigger.

>how long do you really think you could hold out against a government bent on subjugation?

If Afghanistan is any indicator, at least 16 years.

Fuck off. more people are killed by bare hands in the US than are killed by rifles. in fact, more people are killed by knives. people kill.

But personally owned guns are used to thwart crime about 2.5 million TIMES A YEAR. the good FAR outweighs the bad.

seriously, you and your false flags will never work

>Another day, another car accident

Here we go with the fucking gun grabber shilling for the next fucking week. Don't worry about what we are doing faggot. You fucking assholes don't even like America so you should be happy we shoot each other.

I need all these guns so i can shoot at paper on the weekend. It is a relatively cheap hobby that helps me cope with my irrational fear of victimhood.

You will be among the first ones rounded up in the fema camps when they try to enforce martial law.

>If your gun is properly secured (unloaded, locked in a safe, with trigger lock) then how exactly are you going to have time to get to your gun?

This is a anti gun liberal paradise state's required meme. In based gun law states, there is no requirement for locking everything up unloaded. Mine sleeps with me on my bed side table at night, and rides with me on my hip during the day always loaded and ready to fire. Pic related.


You can't rule a dead populace. You can't tax a dead populace. You can't control a dead populace. The government isn't going to simply eradicate those who disagree, because you'd simply create an American version of ISIS. Every person you kill because you disagree with them creates 5 more in their place. Considering the fact that Americans have more guns and ammo than isis could even dream of having, and the fact that human beings would be required to confiscate them, it will never happen peacefully. The government knows this, which is why it would never happen.

>There are safer, non-lethal means of self-protection. Mace, pepper spray, stun guns, etc.

With you hiding behind a meme flag, I bet your flag would show that your aren't even allowed to own these items in your country. I love it when foreigners judge us and suggest we change our freedoms by using items they aren't even allowed to own themselves.

>And if you're in an area there there might be dangerous wildlife, do you really think your handgun is going to be an effective form of protection against a charging mountain lion or grizzly bear?

Yes. Do you honestly believe that any of the "alternatives"you listed will?

>Oh yeah, think about all those Sandy Hook, Columbine, Virginia Tech, San Bernadino, Pulse, Vegas, the list goes on!

All gun free zones. Law abiding citizens aren't allowed to legally possess a firearm in any of the locations listed. Criminals, as shown by their actions in these shootings, don't care about the law.

Go home, reddit, before you get shot.

>implying we are not happy to see burgers dead

I'm gonna buy another gun today. It's my right so fuck off faggot.

No mass shooting in the last 10 years could have been prevented by "common sense" gun laws.



I need a gun to kill commies. If you advocate to take mine away I will assume you're a commie.



You seem to be confused. Neither of these points are relevant.

If i was a burger i would totally get a gun to,protext myself from niggers and other scum.

But gladly i live in germoney

I need a gun because other people do.
Fuck you.
Go open your doors at night and put neon 'rob me' signs on your house, why don't you?
You don't need a fucking door you bigot.

KID X= Spend all his time at computer and never study
KID Y= Study alot but like to use the computer too

Mom:"KID X I wont allow you to use the computer because you spend all your time there and never study."
Same mom:"KID Y I won't allow you to use the computer too or you may end doing like your brother, only using it and never stuying."

and of course the shill threads are here right on time...

You will not get any guns from America. Ever. Cease your pointless trolling.