holy fuck the shirt one of the church people is wearing during their interview, it's like god damn art. motherfucking burgers
Holy fuck the shirt one of the church people is wearing during their interview, it's like god damn art...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Wow Rabi thanks for the shirt
A gun ban would not have fixed this.
What would have fixed this is if she was packing herself. Wearing a shirt like that and not carrying heat is shameful to be honest.
Not saying these redneck fucktards deserve it, but...that's 27 less obstacles to progress.
Guns are only the first step
>radical leftist murders republicans
>radical leftists mock republicans for being murdered
>radical leftists demand republicans be disarmed
When does it end, right man?
>supporting guns is the same as supporting gun death
wow, thats some next level stupid mate
question for you: when someone shows up with a weapon and tries to hurt you, who do you call? someone else with a weapon, or someone without one?
yes i'm sure if only an american hero with a gun was there this tragedy could have been prevented, just like what happened 2 days ago
except wait they didn't prevent anything and actively slowed down police procedure because they had to search for and hunt down every person who had a gun visible
Gun-free Zone
Don't see the problem, Jesus loves guns.
I'll be buying another box of ammo.
Maybe assault trucks are next.
And Taxis after the last incident.
Like a pottery.
you realize that the people who were sent to stop it were "american heroes with guns"
>cops having guns is the same as random q joe fucko on the street having a gun
obviously not but you're implying that "gun rights" as a whole are the problem while still confirming what everyone else is saying which is that "the only way to stop someone with a gun is someone else with a gun"
nigger if it wasn't effortless for unhinged morons to get guns, maybe gun violence would not be as common.
ie every other first world nation in the planet where these almost weekly massacres here are exceedingly rare
>cops perpetuate institutional racism
And here is an example of it working.
We can exchange articles all day but when it comes down to it, gun bans have been proven to not lower homicides in the countries they are implemented in.
Churches are gun free zones in texas.
§46.035, Texas Penal Code prohibits carrying of handguns and other weapons in certain places. These include but are not limited to: [...]
On the premises of a church, synagogue, or other place of worship
Fucking pottery.
>27 people killed
>rural texas
It's because they were too fat to get away lol.
yeah good luck getting 50+ million gun owners to willing hand in their guns.
Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump, city people voted for Hillary.
Nigger it's not tha common unless you're living i the ghetto
Just cause this will fill the news cycle doesn't mean it's frequent idiot
optional gun free zones.
>wanting some reasonable shit akin to car licensing and registration and regular re-testing is the same as a complete handgun ban, so lemme post this chart unrelated to the argument about mass shootings because it's individual homicides
You say it is reasonable but you have not proven it in the face of direct evidence to the contrary. The restriction of firearms does not lower homicide rates.
I can tell you are out of arguments so you're just meming at me. You gun grabbers always get destroyed in a debate with anyone who knows what they're talking about.
Who gives a fuck about gun violence?
I can beat you to death with a god damned hammer and there isn't a single thing you can do to stop it. Getting rid of guns doesn't unJew our fucking society, all it does is put law abiding people at the mercy of the savage fucking niggers that don't give a fuck about the law.
>provin my point
You realize that that ISNT a lot
More people die from traffic accidents daily
>wanting some reasonable shit akin to car licensing and registration
That already exists dumbass.
Which in that location, it's enforced. Therefore, it's ineffective.
>i could kill you with a rock so the fact that it's incredibly easier to do so with a firearm to multiple people en-masse is pointless, now lemme scream about my personal boogyman, the jews and blacks
>it's fine that there's a multiple person shooting at a rate of 1+ a day in america because vehicles that serve a purpose other than murdering things and are owned by nearly twice the households as well as private corporations also kill folks
Ban guns
Ban knives
Ban automobiles
Ban human autonomy
I'd give anything to be safe. Comfy and safe. No worries. Protect me from everything bad in the world. I have faith in my one true God - The State.
>guns serve no higher purpose other than murdering innocents
Stupid fag, why don't you go read what YOUR guy Marx said about gun rights and maybe you'll find another use for them dipshit
Once again who gives a fuck about "en masse"? Most murders are not committed "en masse" most murders are garden variety criminal violence.
So if I'm more likely to get knifed to death by a nigger in an alley than I am to get shot up by some lunatic, why on God's green earth would I support disarming myself against the nigger out of fear of the statistically unlikely event of being caught up in a mass shooting?
>b-but the crime rate has gone down...
>It's unlikely you'll get killed by a gang-member so you shouldn't worry about that!
...but I should totally live in fear of the even more unlikely event of getting killed by a spree-shooter right?
Dumb ass.
Ban humans
your chart shows about a whopping 10% decrease in homicide
yer fuckin retarded lol
>So if I'm more likely to get knifed to death by a nigger in an alley than I am to get shot up by some lunatic, why on God's green earth would I support disarming myself against the nigger out of fear of the statistically unlikely event of being caught up in a mass shooting?
because leftists cant use common sense
well said though
churches are gun free zones in texas OP, so yeah, her shirt speaks to a very important point. she should have been allowed to carry a gun in with her in order to protect herself :(
quite the opposite of the narrative you are trying to paint once you know the full story :(
How many leftists can we get to retweet this image? How many can we get to add snarky comments to it?
Turn off your meme flag faggot, we know you’re a burger or a leaf
I have stopped responding to him because he doesn't know what he is talking about and is just meming at me.
However for anyone else who may read this and is interested in the gun debate, there was a sceintific ten year Australian study that found no decrease in crime rates after gun confiscation. The exact scientific journal can be found here.
and whats funny is that the left still manipulates these statistics to say "look how few gun deaths there were!"
yeah people just stab eachother instead and they're less afraid of doing so because they know nobody has guns, so the murder rate ends up going up overall.
and the government gets to control you, which is why the left really wants gun control
Then our nails and teeth, and everyone placed inside an obsidian chrysalis so we can never hurt each other ever again no matter how much we may hate each other.
No more teaspoons.
How long before #NoMoreHands
Just cut off everyone's hands so nobody can use them to harm. Stump Power
>Wanting people in a church to be armed
Can you imagine how many people would have died in the crossword? Do you have no respect for the house of God?
And that was the point of the comparison moron
So you whip out your gun everyone someone walks close to you?
You walk around with the safety off all the time?
You walk down scratchy alley ways and gang infested areas on a regular?
If someone is going to knife you or mug you with a gun you wouldn't have a chance. It's not a movie.
God android predictive txt is retarded.
Someone who actually used the 2nd Amendment correctly took this faggot down
Yeah, because the pro gun control people are the radicals. Anyway, who really gives a fuck about a church shooting in bumfuck Texas? I’m just waiting for the news cycle to get around to the next indictments.
please post the average fat christians thanks
She isn't calling for a ban on knives, it's to do with the fact we've had a few deaths from stabbings in this city within the past couple of weeks.
Wrong. Under Texas law, the presumption is that churches are covered by the CHL permit, UNLESS the church specifically demands otherwise. This was among the changes in the law last year when open carry came into effect.
Most americans literally look like ogres
Per news conference a local resident grabbed his own AR and took out the shooter so yes the 2nd Amendment worked.
This is exactly right. This thread is not completely irrelevant.
a loca took his rifel
then he ran away and drove off. he was found dead in his car
You're right. Damn word puzzles killin our Christian babies...
God this fucking country embarrasses me sometimes
Inb4 all the mouth breathing low testosterone Sam Hyde fans come here and defend the fat bitch in OPs post
25 less republicans. A good start
This smells like a false flag, looks like a false flag, sounds like a false flag. Hm, I wonder if it's a false flag.
that's what concealment means
gun free zone or not, you should always have one on you, fuck the rules.
Supposedly someone at the church shot the guy and he fled. Don't forget last month when someone also went to his car to get a gun to stop a shooting at a church
Why are meme flaggers always such emotional retards? Cry more you left wing cuck go to reddit where arguments made against you can be censored or fucking rope yourself
And a gun owner stopped the shooter.
I like posts that don't age well.
Move to Africa then you fucking nigger
After he wiped out a church
And he could have gone and shot up another place.
If Campos was armed, he could have stopped Vegas before it started.
By that logic, police are worthless after Bataclan, Charlie Heebdo, Columbine, Pulse, San Bernardino, and Chattangooga shootings.
Gay Athiest Antifa Supporter Murders Christians
Gays, Ahtiests, and Antifa gloat.
Another attack on pro gun people
No u
I'm enjoying this Redondo beach breeze right now sipping on a bourbon.
Too bad you can't get that pleasure you sack of trailer trash shit. You embarrass our country.
day of the rope for the alt right is coming
I hate Americans
>pussies complaining about weapons instead of acts of mass murder
KEBLAR VESTS and helmets ,no T shirts!!!!!
pretty kino 2bh
Liberalism is terrorism.
Gun control lowers the MASS shootings, it is a proven fact, now if we allow assault weapons ,we should promote the use of Kevlar vests and helmets in the general population
Don't worry, we don't even think about you.
not sure that is accurate. References?
What a dumb bitch
She's going to feel like the biggest moron when she realizes what she was wearing during the whole thing
Yeah I saw that also and kek'd. It was all pretty cliche.
>Liberalism is terrorism
when you think a political ideaolgy is a reason for war, you go to vietnam, unless your Trump of course.
Police are incompetent Jew-pets anyway.
I live about an hour away. Give me an address and I'll come over there and beat your ass.
>not dressing up for church
Probably why God let the place get shot up desu
>She isn't calling for a ban on knives...
They weren't originally calling for a ban on guns, either. Just, "common sense," legislature.
shut the fuck up you faggot kike
south bay is fucking pussy
post your addy and ill come fuck you up you pussy costa faggot
t. the bu
ya bro ya kill juice
bring da moviez
Progress towards what you stupid fuck. Progressivism leads to 3 things and 3 things only. Legalized pedophilia, communism, and genocide. The 3 most evil things in existence.
That reads pretty level headed for a mass shooter.