When will America address its wh*Te male problem?

When will America address its wh*Te male problem?

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Only 3 of those actually killed anyone though.

when will america address its nigger problem?

wait, I thought whites didn't exist in America according to meme flags on Sup Forums

Look to South Africa if you want a picture of your future, you should be on your knees thanking those white men.

>most shooting are committed by niggers
>they’re only 13%of the population
>”whites” are 70% of the population
>lower rates of crimes and everything else than niggers
>whites are the problem

Just the first one is white

Why are white people so violent?

yea thank them for killing a bunch of white people

Niggers only shoot other criminal niggers. Whites shoot everyone.

for political reasons

They just need to be taught to be polite and give warnings before they kill, like that nice Chris Harper Mercer boy.



Whats your point?

You would know Sweden. Sweden Yes!

>adam lanza being real

>dylan roof not being called his real namw john christian graas

There are more black on white than white on black crimes. The stats for crime and race in the US are fucking insane. Im surprised they even let the public see them

imagine how many niggers there would be if you tabulated all their murders kek.

Wait a minute...

Nice meme.


i see libtards

Niggers shoot everyone, everyday in small numbers. Whites shoot large amounts of people at once on rare occassions.

If you don't like us doing what we want in our own country, you can just get your fucking nigger ass out of here. If you really thought it was dangerous, you would leave. You just want us disarmed so that you can rape, murder and rob people without worrying about getting your nigger ass wasted. Just get the fuck out, we no not want or need you in our country.

not that there's like 100 people killed by blacks every weekend in the usa.

fruit fly/neanderthal/rhesus dna

There you are! You're a little late, JIDF not paying you overtime?

more like 1 or 2 tops

You don't even know how to scale a picture. That flag must be real then.

Fucking hell have you been doing this all day Mehmet? sad

Atheists are not white.

Stop taking away their future, problem solved.

found a mutt

Devin Patrick Kelley was dishonorably discharged from the US Air Force in 2014.

found a (((meme flag)))

where are his ears? wtf is this shit?

If you hate "Wh*te" People so much why do you live in a White Country?

unhide your flag

>what's lens width

>where are his ears?
what do you expect from a mongrel

He looks Anglo to me

D you think you're white?

ever notice all these shooters either are a.balding or b. have a full head of hair with similar hair styles

Why are you hiding behind a meme flag, kike?


You aren't white

Why does the flag carry any importance on a discussion?

at least we know we're mongrels, Ahmed. Don't you have to pray towards mecca right now?

You eat foreskins


Its a meme flag!?! Roll for who it is!
Last digit =
>Poo in loo 1-2
>Spic 3-4
>Turk 5-6
>Cucked EU Nation 7-9

can't wait til these pasty ass white kids become a minority

Why are black people so criminal?

>When will America address its wh*Te male problem?

>not including our Greatest Ally

Not having sam hyde in this photo

Why didn't you include "Creates Western Civilisation" in there jamal?

Actually moslems are the most violent. Moslems make .8% of the population and .6% of the violent crimes.

I figure right around the same time niggers stop bitching about reparations.

>When will America address its wh*Te male problem?
We already are. The white race in America is near minority status, and the other white nations of the world are cheering as the percentage drops further day by day. We. Are. Winning.

Great post ahmed

The fact that Whites are doing a better job at killing people than non Whites just once again proves that even non Whites are inferior to Whites. ISIS and other terrorist can't even match up to regular Whites.

Think about it for a moment. Non Whites bitch so much about Whites supremacist about everything Whites and you would think that non Whites would be good at doing the only thing they can do: chimp out and ooga booga. But they can't even do that correctly and can't even match Whites in something as simple as this.

Think how sad and pathetic it is that once again Whites are superior to non Whites in every single thing and category.

It's being addressed as we speak




That would mean they are proportionally underrepresented in violent crime. Blacks are 13% of the US population but 71.5% of mass shootings.

You really can't pass up a chance to call me by that name.

how many do white people kill per year and how many do black people kill? I'm curious.

>Nationalism Rising Everywhere
>Threatening to Deport your pwecious shitakins
You're Not winning, kike.

>White on white murder
Thank you based white men

Nah, the people pushing for that won't reproduce and the next generation will have to clean up the mess.
Alt hyp goes into it a lot in this video, you're not winning.

die fucking filthy subhuman nigger scum

Truth from my Crazy Uncle Ted.

Also curious is they had psychiatrists that have a political agenda.

We need to address America's Soros problem.

top: left didnt exist/middle mentally ill/right patsy

bottom: left mentally ill af/middle too early to call/right a fucking ghost

We already are a minority in the world.
And yet you shitskins flock to our countries. Because the ones you run are absolute shit. Just like you.


*Clears throat*

>can literally see the crazy in at least 3 of them
>libfucks dismiss mental health angle because its not a blanket ban on guns


disgusting somali refugee

They all look like aliens to me, nigger.

when mentally unstable leftists are sent to the insane asylum

I can only see that crazy in Lanza and Loughner, who is the third one?


The one who crashed the Dark Knight Rises with some survivors on the right. Can see a twinge of it in Roof's eyes too but its not nearly as obvious

They took another mugshot of him a few years ago where he looks even nuttier

you forgot my favorite

>when mentally unstable leftists are sent to the insane asylum

hahaha, you really got them leftards bossman!

I can't wait until get shot by fellow nigger on the street.


It's all about the chain reaction these guys have caused. From one shooting to another, the government has increased its security, and started arming the police forces with more weapons to stop shootings like that from happening. Think about the bigger picture, if it wasn't for these few guys and their shooting-sprees, we would probably be filled to the brim with illegal immigrants and dirty mudslimes (like most of europe). Sure we still have some issues to fix, but they will be fixed soon.

>make fun of him for killing 3 people with 50 shoots
>only 4 people to kill and one said he spared her
>literally did exactly what he said he was going to do
I say the only part were he failed was the explosion part.
Propane canisters don't blow up when you shoot them and the big ones are pretty sturdy, a shotguns not going to poke a hole in one of those.

>6 out of the last 40,000 gun homicides were HUHWHITE

Yikes. Bet if we had a mugshot of Vegasman it would look pretty similar. That whole family was fucked in the head

all pill junkies and mental illnesses


Soon nigger.

White males, especially a lot of them on this website are very concerning. Always talking about their guns and all that. I say ban guns and the people here need to tone down the hatred towards people of other races. It's 2017, the 2nd amendment should be abolished.

its a liberal/mental illness problem. Which is the same thing.

>forgets about the Virginia Tech Massacre.
>Forgets about Vester Flanagan.
>Forgets about Steve Stephens.