Checkmate, Christians
>Radical atheists
Let's buy him a bunch of fedoras.
Now that's what I call Edgy.
>literally blaming the church victims
And that's why I prefer fucking muslim to atheist
Say it with me: "Militant Athiest terrorism"
An atheist gunman shoots up a Texas church and atheists come to brag? HAHAHAHA!
Maybe we should start rounding you fucks up eh?
Let's just ignore the fact an Atheist shot up a church while bashing people showing empathy for lost lives.
OP is a stupid nigger.
>implying that baptists are christian
>implying that baptists are christian
Uh huh. Even atheists know that shit moron.
Literally who? I assume if he's famous he has at one point had armed guards protecting him. Hypocritical and sad!
He was the annoying kid from Star Trek
Being an atheist did the murderous psycho shit?
No. No I think you'll find that it's you that's BTFO.
We'll use this against you. For a long....long time.
I got some wicked nasty farts right now, they smell like rotten eggs mixed with UPS truck exhaust. They're wonderful I wish you could smell
>Life come at you fast..
That's right, apologize you beta male sack of shit, edginess is not for you
Its Gordie from stand by me
We have to stop people like Wil from radicalizing more atheists. #StopAtheistTerror
Yes, because the Bible states that prayers guarantee personal safety. Just like how Jesus' first disciples lived long safe lives.
These armchair theologians embarrass themselves. Always so eager to criticize something they don't understand and with unearned smugness regarding how clever they think they're being.
Gordie was a faggot too
He is right though? Christianity is a Jewish concoction to pacify and replace Europeans.
What a fucking cuck. I bet he forgot muslims believe in God too. He was lashing out against those stupid white christians, who deserve it.
Now he has to apologize.
>can't into Christ on the cross
>what is 11/12 apostles were martyred
Ephesians 6:12 - For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Shut up Wesley. Report to the med deck.
>people of faith
AAAAAAAHAHHHHHHAAAAA they're doing a fucking people of colour thing over it. What the hell is this?
Isn't the whole point of christianity to get to heaven? If anything prayers got them there faster.
What a dick.
(((Wil Wheaton)))
People like this fuck are clearly retarded.
>prayer is Christian meditation
>prayer is a way to ask god for shit
Pick one
Doesn’t this faggot have some thots to cheat with?
he did like a good little goy
While i do agree with him, it's kind of a stupid thing to say
He's got a point though... Even Jews are sometimes right. Honestly, if anything, those prayers actually made it worse, since the victims were Gentiles and they were praying to the Jewish God Yaweh Jehovah.
>Shirt says Soma
Literally brave New world
>holy shit its real
what a sack of shit, the bodies arn't even cold..
Shut up Wesley
Shut up Wesley!
Geordie is black.