Who the fuck are they?

Who the fuck are they?

Other urls found in this thread:


Looks like Jews to me.

Fucking turbo autists.

ummmm. I think this is a shill pretending to be a white house insider.




Yep confirmed, those are German uniforms...
Fucking kikes !

>Le skull masks
The absolute state of LARPers


The Greatest Generation
Sept. 7, 2017

White Muslim converts

Look at the second's eyes from the left, he looks retarded



All lonely beta white boys for sure.
They probably used School Grant cash for that shit.

looks like a group of airsofters


Atomohammed Division from Islamarch.


Probably over 50% of Atomwaffen is federal agents at this point. Especially after the murders and explosives

I connected some POSSIBLE dots.

Oops. Cowboys should be on OP's post.

Fixed it.


Unironically a white nationalist group that has aligned itself with Sunni Islam in the past. This isn't the first time they have murdered people.

Is that Atomwaffen Division? Had no idea they were still around.

The Atomic Waffe.

Allah Waffen.

Shills out in force today
Atomwaffen are sick cunts

Atomic Waffles

AIRFAGS in Flec + too much stalker