Fuck all yal white ppl, stupid crackers
Fuck all yal white ppl, stupid crackers
Other urls found in this thread:
>be atheist
>shoot Christians
wtf i like muslims now
>calling him a terrorist
>a terrorist commits an act of violence for a political or religious agenda as defined by the FBI
So what agenda did dough boy try to display? Fucking hell liberals need to be shot, they need to it’s time for civil war.
You KIKES can't hide.
Lone wolf false flag.
Yo mama so black she had to ask for the darklight to see you in the room!
But he was an atheist and democrat...
Really activates those almonds.
>or religious
Yea that's not part of the actual definition, dipshit. Even so you just contradicted yourself, he shot up a CHURCH, his motivate was religious on that alone whether he was an atheist or not
>Satan pointing out the obvious
white, black whatever
he didn't beat the LV record
Is he, I dare say, /ourguy/?
Fucking kek, numales
agreed, Antifa needs to be listed as a terrorist organization and rounded up
>Is he, I dare say, /ourguy/?
>an atheist reddit fedora fag
He wasnt antifa
He can't be considered a terrorist until his motives are found to be politically or religiously motivated. Stupid libtards
>occupy democrats
>shooter was a democrat
>The left will sacrifice one of their own to make a false flag.
I hope this red pills those soyboys on the left. Antifa and its associates will string you up and have you be remembered as a crazy rightwing extremist for their agenda.
Your sacrifice will be in vain too, because like most things the left has done, give it a few days for people to research and it will blow up in their face. The left can't ever think longterm. The guy being White will only last so long in terms of impact.
Where are his ears?
You can have him, stormnigger.
Was he a commie?
what trigger is that? Looks noice.
No, retard. Most likely he wanted to kill a bunch of people - not because of politics but because he's an absolute maniac. Someone who'd want to kill a bunch of people would absolutely choose something like a church because a lot of people congregate there in one space. For anybody to immediately conclude this was terrorism shows how you're desperately racist against whites. You want to stick it to whites because your precious brown people constantly commit terror attacks.
CIA black ops operation just like Vegas shooting
He certainly looks like a high tier agent.
OP you stupid fuck it was an atheist who shot up a bunch of Christians, just like in Las Vegas. Has nothing to do with white leople.
Hail Satan!
At least whites are smart enough to kill more than on Dindu like most niggers . Wanna know why most serial killers are white? Because they're smart enough not to get caught.
Yet another white male slaughtering innocent people, and Sup Forums desperately trying to blame muslims who are somehow to blame for this.
oh look, another liberals killing people
liberals need to be dealt with
liberals shouldnt be allowed to own guns or vote.
No one has ur time for raging and broken machines u just need to help urself and realize all things have they're costs and benefits and all relationships and education has side effects just gotta find what u love and how to besr deal with and handle it..... 30 percent of life is what u make of it 30 percent is environment and 30 percent is up to random chance luck timing and commitment Rick..... Find what u love op just be happy look at things from a different point of view.....
Fuck off paki.
He is antifa.
Bad Goyim! No guns for the goys!
Typical Wh*Toid devil. Can't stop killing if their life depended on it.
so articulate
Terrorists do it for political reasons
Hey look! Another person trying to sound like a nigger by saying y'all
Glad I'm not eggfaced.
A terrorist is someone that commits acts of violence to achieve a political or ideological end.
We don't know the motive behind the shooting. And we probably never will, because the shooter's dead now.
As it stands now, he's just another mentally ill white guy that had a psychological break and went on a killing spree. Verdict = Not Terrorism.
If he's a terrorist, what were his motives?
So what he's a radical atheist terrorist?
The true death of hope is when satans the only one making any sense
He was a radical left wing terrorist
>. For anybody to immediately conclude this was terrorism shows how you're desperately racist against whites. You want to stick it to whites because your precious brown people constantly commit terror attacks
>Rasim against whites
The shooter was white you absolute fucking moron. You losers try and spin this every fucking time to deflect away from the perpetrator being white. Its always he was a leftist or a muslim convert or a conspiracy ....every fucking time, its so pathetic
>have white terrorists
>Therefore imported muslim terrorism is justified
almonds activated
if you bring a gun someplace and open fire onto an entire fucking crowd you are terrorizing those people, therefore terrorism. just cuz the fbi has it defined a certain way, does not make it right, it makes it need correction.
>get robbed
>am terrorized
>therefore terrorism
Thought you would be happy a white Muslim killed inasent people
Antifa aren't white by culture so the DNA doesn't mean much.
technically yes, but the actual difference is :
> open fire onto an entire fucking crowd
An armed citizen ended the rampage.
Too bad the congregation weren't all packing.
Simple, don't let downsy looking mother fuckers own guns.
This is what the left actually believes
You white hating piece of shit deserve fucking death. You scream with one death, but the dozens of Islamic terrorist attacks?Who fucking cares?
Yeah but there are WAY more Muslim terrorists in the world than white ones. If you are not Muslim, the muslim terrorists will come after you. You shouldn't defend them. They are not going to go easy on you because you aren't white. They kill all non muslims regardless of skin color.
Hey, Satan, can you do me a solid and make this guys spot in Hell extra fiery?
>captcha: singe playground
Truly one of the greatest speakers of our time.
>MFW OP calls him a terrorist, although there hasn't been a release of a clear agenda yet.
Why do people give a shit so much about whether it's called terrorism or not?
It's starting to become clear that the low IQ inbred hood dwellers won't be satisfied until we call every single act of violence terrorism, so we'll simply create another designation for acts of political violence: political terrorism, the rest of terrorism will be generic terrorism.
Nigger too stupid to look up the definition of terrorist in the dictionary.
The problem we have here is a purposeful muddying of the lines. This dweeb was a democratic white guy yet democrats are trying to relate him more to rightwing redneck gun toting extremists because ar15 facebook pic all the while ignoring that he shot up a place rightwingers would find sacred. Most likely suicidal snowflake wanting to make white people look evil.
Daily Reminder that Syrians are more Aryan than 'white' Americans who are inbred or mixes. Why do Americans all have that round face? That is face of retard.
>America, this is what a terrorist looks like.
So, are we just conveniently forgetting about the Muslim who pledged allegiance to ISIS and committed a terrorist attack a few days ago?