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Right after $40 bil weapons deal from US, and a clean up of governemnt. WWIII when?

Aren't there like 100 princes in Saudi Arabia, what would this entail?

Whose side is the USA on?

America wins.

House of Saud has been on the verge of implosion for years.

Not sure how big a secret that is. If Saud falls, there's going to a war- the likes of which the world has never seen- over who controls the oil fields and middle east.


Maybe Saudis Queen should take over.

(hail satan)

Saudi Arabia. You fuckers can soon enlist to die for a country that not only created and actively export the ideology of ISIS, but are also funding them.

The US is truly the biggest cucks.


Saudis. Majority of ME is too because they hate Iran.

When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside

they do this every year
nothjing will happen

Nigger, the US created ISIS and Alqaeda so we could invade the middle east for their oil. How fucking new are you??

>fjordfag has loose understanding of things

>If Saud falls, there's going to a war- the likes of which the world has never seen- over who controls the oil fields
Saudi Arabia is falling apart because they're running out of oil. Even if their reserves aren't exaggerated, they've got like 7 years left at current production.

Their reserves are exaggerated. The chaos is probably starting because wells are running dry and it's impossible to hide the reality.

You gotta take a chute, it will hurt if you fly!

>Deputy governer
wtf everyone in Saudi Arabia is a prince



Israel or Saudi, yeah. We have been inundated with anti-iranian propaganda for weeks. Cia came out with a story about iran and al qaeda the other day. Why now?

Iran is the last stop before greater israel and the assyrians have been targeted for years by genocides of varying success. This is really bad.

>implying the fucking Saudi fags don't get funded by jews to destroy themselves

>One day afer mass corruption arrests of princes,generals and politicians
>One day after ballistic missile was fired at Riyadh

Yeah its fucking happening.



Look at how hard they're trying to push the conditioning right now.

If you are not a proxy I'm pretty sure just being on this site entitles you to 100 lashes

Oh it's definitely going to happen but its a matter of when it will happen



Reminder: Latest report and solutions for the "Fringe Insurgency" a term used to describe Sup Forums, Alt Right and White Nationalists.

jew jew jew
jew jew

is this why the price of gas went up like 15% for no reason?

unbelievable, this place will enver be anything other than shit ever again. It's too bad.

I wonder if anything will ever happen or we will just have our rights slowly eroded away up until we get rounded up and thrown in fema camps.

I feel that without divine intervention there is no hope, too many are hopelessly brainwashed to the point they'd probably fight you rather than even begin to accept the truth.

Would you happen to have any sources for this? I 'd like to delve deeper.

>women can drive in SA now
You're really, really uninformed when it comes to Saudi, US, and probably most other politics, huh?

stop disrespecting your brother. he's a worthless oil nigger just like you are



Sand nigger*

Some shill is trying to pin everything on Israel.

>inb4 but duh jooos man! Joos be hiding as Muslim n shiieet

>Aren't there like 100 princes in Saudi Arabia, what would this entail?

There's around 15,000 total princes/princess in the House of Saud.

So we can assume around 7,000 princes. This is because every prince has like 100 children each.

The chess game for Salman's throne is starting

Why would they be flying over a war zone, how retarded.

You do know there are Thousands of Saudi Princes....

>you will never be a Saudi prince

There were actually around 6,000 princes back in 1992, and with Saudi population growth, there are probably double that number today.

>The proven oil reserves in Saudi Arabia are the second largest in the world, estimated to be 268 billion barrels
>Since 1982, the Saudis have withheld their well data and any detailed data on their reserves, giving outside experts no way to verify Saudi claims regarding the overall size of their reserves and output.
>The cables, released by WikiLeaks, urge Washington to take seriously a warning from a senior Saudi government oil executive that the kingdom’s crude oil reserves may have been overstated by as much as 300 billion barrels

Add in the early rumbles of Saudi collapse, and it's likely that the wells are starting to run dry. They've got a pretty big pile of cash, but they've also got one of the most corrupt and undisciplined power structures in the world, that only holds together because of vast cash flow.

i forgot abt this shit
US sold them a shitload of arms back when trump first came in
they're going to war with Iran
this is the beginning

Have fun going to another war usa
Also this war is in full support of your politicians
And just a reminder, it does not matter who you vote for
Hillary wanted to attack Iran, guess what, its going to happen anyway
>there are no global elites who rule us all
Everyone still denying this fact is a complete retard

This shit will pull Russia in again, and then you will also have a fucking USA vs Russia scenario pretty early
Fucking get rid of your fucking kikes USA, you are going to get us all killed with your bullshit
>muh israel best ally




Man It's creepy
Someone predicted all these events on /x/
So we are really going to war with Iran and it will start ww3
i dont want any happening anymore

So that' why he stopped responding my mails
Nigger won't give me my 1m share anymore, won't he?

That’s an old meme fucktard. The truth is the Middle East was never about oil, the Middle East is and has always been about giving israel an easy path to dominate it.

love it
you don't understand there are warring factions within the US gov you dumb fucking norgay
this is the biggest internal government struggle ever
eat some sour fish and fuck off

Yeah it's pretty likely

which part is wrong, achmed? you fuckers are lucky you have bought our stupid politicians and media or we would have carpet bombed your shithole country long ago.

Plot twist: The CIA/secret US cabal is actually extremely anti-Jew.. They are shilling like this, because they know we're noticing it... Reverse psychology so to speak. Trump is actually their mouth peace and will move to team up with SA. They've been pushing for control over the Middle East with the intent of totally genociding the kikes once and for all.

Never give up

Don’t fall for the filthy judens trap polacks. We must be wreaking some serious havoc on their propaganda program with our power levels if they are getting this desperate. Keep faith and hail victory!

Can't tell which prince is aligned with swamp and which is aligned with this "new deal"

Good. I'm white.


Source doesn't say it was shot down at all. Says no evidence of foul play as of yet.

Larpflag shillfag thread saged.

Play shilly games. Win shilly reputation.

The longer they allow the federal reserve to exist and the longer they prop up the petro dollar with deals with saudi arabia and others just makes the inevitable transition to a gold backed currency more volatile.
This petro dollar bullshit is the single reason why we are there in the middle east and it is why we are making deals with jews and the saudis.
Trump just doesnt have the balls to end the fed.
Hes probably in their pocket, continuing the bullshit in Afghanistan is a prime example or his following the federal reserves foreign policy.
Nothing will change without bloodshed at this point. Either theirs or ours.

it's been my theory that Dubai was built to test the effects of a nuclear blast on a modern city

lol being a Prince in Saudi Arabia is like being an local legislator in the United States

strange but not that much of a big deal

pure delusion

Saudi Arabia would get fucking steamrolled by Iran without direct american intervention. Saudis are the most corrupt, incompetent people in the entire world. Every one I have ever met were scum. Heres to hoping Iran puts them all down for good.

this prince in particular was a son of the former Crown Prince and the deputy governor of Asir Province. so, not spectacularly important as far as royalty goes, but not some "literally who," either.

Is this why there's been so much anti-American, Anti-European, etc shit popping up recently? It seems all that's been on the board the last few days is slide threads made up of only a few posts, threads about Richard Spencer, Amrimutt memes, anti-Euro memes, and now this new shooting.

The most obvious false flag of all time.

whaha fake persians BTFO


If you haven't known it will take massive bloodshead for ten years then you haven't been paying attention.

NO fucking shit, now what?

Nothing will happen, most people are hopelessly brainwashed, in denial or too stupid to do the research on the level required to realize the truth for what it is.

Unless God and his angels does something nothing will happen.

Not that it truly matters but there are a huge number of faggots worshiping satan through kek on this site and the other one. Fucking idiots can't see the symbollism right in front of their face used in so many of the images posted. I wish I was wrong but it seems way too obvious, it was probably a forced meme and so many people fell for it.


The Saudi oil fields have been in decline for years.

Kind of how it looks.

I depend on extreme low probability events. As you say, the Divine.

I honestly can't wait to hang these fuckers

is this the type of thing that niggers dream about?

>>the US created ISIS and Alqaeda

ISIS was created out of the Sons of Iraq, the Sunni's in Anbar who decided to fight for the nascent government. Once the Shiite dominated government abandoned them, they turned.
Al Qaeda is the military arm of the Taliban, formed by the Pakistani ISI.

What does this mean for US?

the wall will protect us

He had a lot of guts.



>7 years left at current production.

Oilfields never decline that precipitously, much less all at the same time. The Saudis have plenty of oil remaining, it's a matter of getting new projects online. The fact that they hardly devote any money to oil exploration and new field development relative to their potential suggests that they are comfortable resting on their laurels with the current oil reserves on hand.


lol more likely is that this is further Saudi vs. Saudi escalation, though Iran may take the blame. Bin Salman is cleaning house, and as much as SA sucks, he's the closest to /ourguy/ we have so im cool with it

we all know it was that fag prince that was talking shit on twitter and got arrested.
how many other family did he kill allready?

they also have mecca and medina, which are guaranteed tourist hotspots for all time

Bin Salman wants to build his absurd tourism project (on which he will, no doubt, make a fortune) so he's getting rid of the rest of the corruption in order to afford it

This is not a bad thing

This is wrong.
If you want to learn the official doctrine look up "The Pentagon's New Map" by Thomas Barnett. Basically it divided the world into an interconnected (trade+politics) global 'core' and the unconnected rest ('the Gap'). 'The Gap' is truly independent and hence potentially dangerous, so that's why every country that refuses to open to globalization must be destroyed, if possible.

The unofficial doctrine is, naturally, Israel

dont you faggots get it

this was an Israel mossad attack on saudi arabia to trigger a war between muslims so they can get more immigration after isis was beaten.

Another plot twist: We are actually being manipulated by aliens.


haha im glad someone noticed the bants

Aww, it wasn't the arrested dopey prince.