Why are wh*Te """""people""""" so evil?

Why are wh*Te """""people""""" so evil?

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Because Satan's blood runs through our veins you little bitch.

Fuck Israel you parasitic vermin.

White people aren't more evil.

The evil ones are just (on average) smarter than evil shitskins.

You're asking the wrong question OP

Because they are barbarians were created by Yakub to rule for 6000 years until black people can finally retake the world that was given to them. What we are seeing now is the wh*te barbarian lashing out. Pathetic.

Every white leftist is a race traitor. Every last one of them.

You have received a YouTube video! youtube.com/watch?v=XWyS_-ifcz0

Bees don't attack until their nest is fucked with.
Leave us the fuck alone.






It's so much fun! You should try it some time.

Yeah White Man?


Here are some Black Serial Killers the Media never thought important enough to mention.

every poor racist is a class traitor

You forgetting ghengis khan, that motherfucker was yellow.

Going through life with a below average cock. Then they flip one day. Sad.

It's more about white American culture. And the feeling that you are important enough to take out lives with you. American males, and muslims males aren't too different.

is that green or blue

Leftists aren't people.

>weak jawline
>FAS nose
Drinking or consuming drugs while pregnant should be punished more than child abuse

no, video guy has a scar between his eyebrows and is way too young

Sorry, but I'm not a member of your cult.

Nah we are pretty much evil. Its more inside of us than other races. Serial killers are mostly evil, mass shooters and various non-contents who start shit like Antifa and Communists are white.

Its because we have the predator gene that we grew from many centuries of being hunted, then hunting and then conquering. That's the history of whites in a nutshell.

The only way we can be normal and good is if we make up a bunch of sky fairies who will come in and keep us down under threat of hell.

We have to stay away from drugs, hard liquor, and raise our children right or they will grow up to be twister torturers too. White people can be a great force for good because they are smart AND strong but they need guidance because that soul of a killer is within us all.

This is the TL;DR

you forgot to change your flag, David will be mad.
pathetic nigger faggot shill

I mean just read The Bible. Its the white people book of parables. I just thought of this: what does it say about humans? We are born evil, born to sin. Did ancient people think any other race was human? Hell no. I am human, therefore you are not because you are black and I am white. Now we have a lot of folks who say "nobody is born inherently evil" when The Bible told us for a long time we were. White people sin without remorse sometimes.

The biggest sin is the lie by liberals and athiests that we can all never sin because sin doesn't exist. Just follow the law. If you don't practice feeling bad for your sin and keeping away from sin, eventually you will get weak, maybe at 32 or maybe at 64 but you will. You'll kill many. This is because we are all born sinners and born bad, needing training and spirituality to be good. White people need God.