What's wrong with civic nationalism?

What's wrong with civic nationalism?

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if the niggers acted exactly like whites there wouldn't be anything wrong with civic nationalism
unfortunately, that's not the world we live in.

None of the people asking for it have lives of any worth


people who don't look like me scare me

wow is this real

The same thing wrong with being white


it leads to South Africa

too many groups fighting for the same pie, and tribalism

because nations are built for people not for ideas

It's civic

This. Current infantry fag here. The unit is 90% white. The rest is Hispanic... 2 blacks. The blacks act like niggers and instantly segregate themselves. The Hispanics act like spics. Whenever race gets brought up you can tell that it just doesn't work. One black in my unit is married to a white woman and I'm convinced he plays the role "of being white" so he can be with her. The other constantly obsesses about fucking white women. The beaners are pro illegal immigration and get overly emotional when you try to have a logical conversation with them.

Civic Nationalism is a lie.

Not all cultures are compatible with western cultural and societal norms. The idea that liberal western democracy will sweep the globe is a fantasy.

because it's not nationalism, it's just conservatism. i don't see much difference between what a civic nationalist wants vs. what a conservative wants.

the nation is the people, but the civic nationalist seems more interested in preserving ideas.

It doesn't work. You can't have multiple cultures in the same country. Look at blacks and whites in the US two very different cultures that aren't compatible with one another.


It doesn't work. The higher the level of multiculturalism, the more unworkable it becomes.

Except for America. America was entirely built on ideas.

good point. if civic nationalism could work, why hasn't it already? we've tried color blind conservatism/patriotism for 50 years and the negroes/hispanics continue to support the party of identity politics in large numbers.

"Civic Nationalism is a lie." it's a jewish lie that jews are selling to intellectually lazy or socially insulated whites. no jew believes in civic nationalism and hardly any minorities practice it. only faggot retard whites buy into this shit. until it's too fucking late.

Total bullshit. Bdenjamin Franklin was concerned that Germans and Swedes would not fit in.

Cool. I'm sure these guys would make great battle buddies...

Skin color is the only thing that matters right?

dude what?
americans left the crown because they were not being treated fairly under the law. not because of stupid enlightenment ideas

founders have many quotes on race. they didn't even want other european groups in let alone mass numbers of asians, negroes, and spics. a big reason we didn't take more of mexico is because polk didn't want us to become a country of mestizos

i only see scum in that video.

They wouldn't make it past reception. You wouldn't either

Mostly letting all the beaners and towelheads in.

>built totally on ideas
Like the idea that only white people could be American citizens. Oh, wait, that wasn't just an idea, it was a law, passed under Washington's run as president.


Quit LARPING. U prolly didn't make it past MEPS

Fucking garbage traitors, waving anything but the American flag is treason

Most likely would join the pants shitter pussies that suicide because reception is "so tough". When I was there we had some jackass who went to a bathroom stall to cry for a few hours on the first night before shoving a pencil up his nose.

if you read a lot of founders quotes, it almost sounds like they wanted american to become a new ethnicity composed of the white people who fought for freedom and wanted to be part of that.

"With equal pleasure I have as often taken notice, that Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country, to one united people; a people DESCENDED from the SAME ANCESTORS, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms and efforts, fighting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established their general Liberty and Independence. - John Jay, Founding Father, and 1st Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court

i hate how so many cuckservatives think the founders were pro-diversity because jefferson fucked a slave.

the slave he fucked was 3/4 white
"based quadroon"

Dropping some Alt Hype on ya
The USA has never been civ-nat until (((1965)))

civic nationalism = le white minority face
>inb4 what's wrong with whites being a minority in a white nation
oh right, america isn't white anymore, civic nationalism is all you got left

Tired of the kike shilling on Sup Forums against civic nationalism

America is the proof of concept

yeah they did tend to blackwash hemmings a bit, you hear teachers speak about her like she was a full blooded negro

still, they ended up having negro descendants, a lot of the hemmings-jefferson descendants ended up getting blacked again because of the 1 drop rule

>it almost sounds like they wanted american to become a new ethnicity composed of the white people who fought for freedom and wanted to be part of that
Absolutely. A new European ethnicity in the New World.

Blacks committing 53% of the murders while being only 13% of population
Hispanics committing their disproportionate share as well

Both subhuman groups
>Leaching from the government
>Hating America and voting against the country's interests
>Hating white people
>Being ugly
>Being stupid

Both groups and their third world niggers and Arab comrades go apeshit when a white person acknowledges race is a factor about anything but incessantly make everything about race.
Including demanding compensation for delusions of racial persecution.
These demands are somehow things third world niggers fresh off the boat also feel they are entitled to from whitey.

Less than 60 years ago out of more than 210, America was over 90% white. Until the post-WW2 Jew media memes started.

if you consider the nation being for "free white people of good moral character" civic nationalism then i support the concept

but many of you who call yourselves civic nationalist believe the founders wanted diversity in this nation as long as people followed the rules, there are many quotes that prove they did not.

if you like diversity and want more of it, be honest with your intentions. but you are basically calling the founders of this country kike shills.

most american politicians were very realistic regarding race until the 1960s, then the nation went full cuck due to communist and jewish infiltration.

the idea that america was open to everyone is a relatively new concept. we've always had restrictions. some of the founders didn't even want different types of europeans coming here let along masses of asians, mestizos, and all the other assorted peoples of the world. it was very clear this was intended to be a white nation.

Majority of murdersare intraracial and criminals killing other criminals. How does this affect you?
>leaching from the government
So do whites. Red states use the most welfare

>having America and voting against the countries interest
Wahh they don't agree with me :(

>hating white people
Rich coming from someone who hates brown people.

>being ugly
>being stupid
Yet you hate on Jews which are the smartest

Get some help man

>having America and voting against the countries interest
>Wahh they don't agree with me :(
>hating white people
>Rich coming from someone who hates brown people
Brown countries are always heaping piles of shit. You want to import that so your descendants can live in it.

>Yet you hate on Jews which are the smartest
what an idiotic argument

i do not despise jews for their intellect, i despise them for how they use it

i would be fine if they all fucked off to israel but nope, they have to interfere with our banking system and politics to destroy our nation and leech our dollars for israel.

i don't even think the 1 drop rule was real. pretty much all free quadroons could pass as white. they just had to move to a new area.

they probably went back to the bottom of the social barrel because their IQ was polluted by african dna. shameful shit.

Isn't it just imperialism?

Who's talking about importing anybody? I'm talking about people already here.

"red states use the most welfare"

are you fucking retarded? this is an artifact of red states in the deep south being heavily negroid- see louisiana, mississippi, alabama, georgia, etc

same with obesity, same with diabetes, same with lethargic lifestyles. it's all due to blacks.

The beaners that are here already will outbreed us in decades if we don't send every last illegal one back and raise the white birth rate. Yet another reason why a white ethnostate is the most realistic solution thanks to the societal poison the nigger loving radical Republicans left us post-Civil War.

Go back to your country or kys, nigger

Blacks commit most of the murders. Period. Full stop.

>I disagree with them destroying America.
Yeah. Disagree about burning the constitution, looting it, and surrendering to Jihadis

As far as the hate, they are the ones who can't get past race. It's part of them being a stupid, ugly, and violent race.

Jews are intelligent verbally because they are paranoid schizophrenics.
Their slight advantage doesn't explain the thousands of times of over representation in all centers of power and billionaire lists. Only cronyism explains it and cronyism happens to be the core of their beings and their "religion".

You should have picked your own damn cotton cleatus.

How many kids do you have?

whole foods boomer-tier argument, only 5% of whites owned slaves

most southern farmers got dick from slavery, worked for themselves, didn't raise any cotton, any benefited fuck-all from slavery

T baby killer

None yet, but soon enough.

I see massive improvement on this post non-the-less.

>Doesn't like slavery
>Likes Jews
Doesn't know Jews ran the slave trade, owned the slave ships.

Wish they would've said this while our grandfathers were being pushed out of an airplane to go fight their cousins. No, they waved the flag and cried blood and soil.


This. Minorities aren't going to lock arms with you and go take on the nwo, because the nwo is good for them.

>patriotards btfo

Cool. Pls show me how every single fucking Jew ran the slave trade.

Shouldn't have voted in politicians who were down for that

>denying portuguese jews ran the slave trade from baltimore, charleston, and new orleans
>doesn't know southern planters were often union sympathizers and voted against secession
>literally retarded
ralph, pls go

That means he's the guy whomst mops the floors.

It relies on a common sense of unity without a single unified culture, religion, or ethnicity. Sure that might work at times especially times of adversity but it cannot hope to last as long as a nation state.

Hey cool! Dont get to see M110's around much anymore; 203mm round can mulch a fuckload of 'fertilizer'

No one is denying anything retard. Please show me where all Jews are responsible for running the slave trade. Give me sources so that I can better understand you justifiying your hatred of an entire people.

Hey, fuck you, it was mowing grass.

this desu

Literally this


here's a few more sources: your talmud that says all non-jews are less than people, your talmud that says jesus is boiling in excrement, and every jewish politician since 1880

Kill yourself, coward

there's nothing really wrong with having a small population of minorities in the country, however the larger the population blocks of undesirables the more prevalent unnecessary crime and economic detriments will be.

>denying portuguese jews ran the slave trade from baltimore, charleston, and new orleans

That's highly probable, they were expelled by our King D Manueel I in 1496 and from Spain in 1492 and they run way first to the ottoman empire, then to the netherlands and after to the new world.

When they become the majority, the conversation will shift from "poor immigrant just tryin to find a better life" to "this is our country, fuck white people."

How does that justify any mistreatment or suspicion of Jews today or even back then. Most Jews had nothing to do with it. Not to mention, millions of whites were complicit in the slave trade.

>religion is bullshit

No duh. Preaching to the choir

Suspicion of Jews stems from their very obvious attempt to brainwash and influence the public at large by clever manipulation of narratives, political concepts and framing control, as well as degradation of morals and promotion of deviancy and degeneracy. Those hook-nosed bastards deserve every ounce of vitriol.


Have you ever met a Jew? They're actually not this weird LARPING villain you made up in your head

The ones that run the media companies, Jewlywood, Wall Street and big corporations at vastly disproportionate rates due to nepotism, are directly responsible. It's the Jewish elite that are the biggest problem, but all members of the tribe stick together.

>kike shilling against civic nationalism
>against civic nationalism

I've worked with and known plenty of jews. they fit the stereotype. jews themselves write about this constantly. look at tablet.

So your issue is just jealousy then? Why don't you become successful instead of blaming Jews for being rich and powerful. It's really just sad!

what's sad is the victim cult run by international jewry, still begging for holocaust-victim money


Again, it is their intentional manipulation and abuse of information channels, and "culture" such as movies to promote certain ideas, subconsciously or overtly, that pisses me off. Literally poisoning the well, just like the bastards are famous for.

So you want people to feel sorry for white people instead?



ive known jews most are real nice people but they cant help a little jewin here and there. The normal jews are goys to the aronic jews


Le Civic Face

Well, he's talking to your disingenuous ass, Moishe.

America sure loves being Civic.

>pic related
Civic nationalism is just supporting peoples who dont support you or civic nationalism

audible kek.

no one has a home

Who loves this little Deplorable? I sure do! MAGA!

>-1% face
ok, that was actually funny. At least the meme finally went somewhere.

Don't look directly into its eyes. One glance of it could corrupt your entire family's DNA.

Works on the micro scale but not the macro. You need to have a clear, set majority ethnic group controlling your country or else it'll eventually fall apart and inevitably balkanize.

the baby actually looks better than the real one desu.