OMG. It's So. Fucking. OVER

"Mass shooting." Possibly the two greatest words Spaghetti Monster ever invented.

I want you to feel them. Taste them. Let them get in your head and stay awhile.

"Mass shooting."

These words will literally end the radical pantshitter right forever, and there is FUCK ALL you can do about it.

Here's how it's about to go down:

America has no sensible gun control. There will be more mass shootings at an alarming rate.

Panic! The people will begin not just asking, but DEMANDING sensible fucking gun control.

Skinheads defending "muh guns" will be punched in the fucking face.

NRA members will receive the same treatment as literal nazis.

Skinheads who support a dying baby boomer party and a braindead orange shitgibbon up to his neck in corruption with zero popular support are fucking fucked.

So fucking fucked.

Like, the Big Blue Wave coming next year is going to be like 2006 on STEROIDS for Democrats.

Like, the next President won't just be a Democrat. We can literally run a one armed tranny black feminist with a WHITE CASTRATION platform and she'll still be elected after Donald Dumbfuck.

We won't stop at taking your Second Amendment away.

We will take the First.

And once the hate speech laws are in place to gag your sadistic asses, then the REAL fun begins.

Your Constitution will be shredded and replaced with a declaration of Human Rights.

You will literally live to see an anti-gun amendment in the nation's highest law, and it's all because you got on your knees for the NRA every time some psychopath shot up a bunch of kids.


But also glorious.

Fuck waiting a year, I'm celebrating early.

I pour a fresh glass of Dom every time a dozen people or more die thanks to two poetic words.

Mass shooting.

Mass shooting!


Holy shitcunt.

The next fifty years are going to be one long, agonizing, unstoppable kick in the nuts for white men and gun nuts, and you will just have to lay the fuck down and take it. :)

Other urls found in this thread:

the shooter was an atheist
this is the first recorded act of atheist terrorism
that's what you should be focusing on

Holy fuckmuffins, this is epic.

I genuinely don't think alt-right pissbabies get how fucked they really are in the long run.

They really think they're the Ricks here, they're not, they're Jerry except a trillion quadrillion times worse and more racist.

JK Rowling herself could not come up with a more poetic ending to this clusterfuck of awesomesauce!


the hate flows through you

Are you really even trying tho?

yeah, it totally worked the last time didn't it

This is now an anime thread desu

he didn't even beat the high score lol


If a crazy in vegas can do what he did without real recourse, this will have little impact.

People are done giving gun rights away. No more. None. Did you forget about Chicago?

It has its own /CPD/ Dedicated thread.

Over 600 homicides in Chicago this year, and we got 2 months left.

Why are the larpfags getting worse at their jobs?

Did SHAREBLUE forget to train the new staff?

Don't defend the warzone become the warzone. An active shooter better yet purger.

wait till they find out the post IDs aren't random

Sagebomb shareblue threads

This is a Nazi anime thread!


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Mass shootings are part and parcel of living in a progressive, multi-cultural society


This does seem to be the issue. May I suggest a solution?

I'm honestly thinking gays need to die. I have never met one that wasn't a giant faggot who didn't want guns banned It's just time to remove all fags and liberals from the planet.

>Like, the Big Blue Wave coming next year is going to be like 2006 on STEROIDS for Democrats.
What? The DNC is almost flat broke and the approval rating for Senators is even lower than Trump's. They have nothing to pivot on.

>Spaghetti Monster
Stopped reading there.
FSM is total bullshit. Everyone knows that the only deities that are even in the competition are Kek, Moloch, Satan, and the triune God.

>Rick and Morty
back you go

nice pasta faggot

>that spacing
>rick and morty pic
Suck a dick reddit, gun sales always shoot up after incidents like this. They want people killing each other.

the guy was literally stop by someone else with a gun you retard

You get a complimentary sage newfag.
I didn't even read a single fucking word of your long ass post but I can comfortably say you're not from around here and you suck huge fucking cock.

Good. I even tried to read that in Rick's voice. You're good.

How do you make a legit cute AR-15? I don't mean some pink hello kitty shit, but something actually aesthetic


The US Army, Marines, Navy, and AirForce combined isn't capable in either armament or training to handle Nazis teamed up with the NRA.


>We won't stop at taking your Second Amendment away.
>We will take the First.

In order for an amendment to the constitution to pass into law, it first has to pass both the house and the senate with a minimum two-thirds majority, and then it has to be ratified by three quarters of all the states in their respective state legislatures.

Good luck with that pal.

>Firsf recorded Atheist terrorism.

What do you know about Bolshevik revolution?

> is declaring a future commie Marxist state
> can't even get out of bed to make a commie revolution yesterday


I foresee a very disappointing future for you filled with cuck whips and ball gags.

werent you in a racemixing thread?
the way you type, a burger
being jidf
it fits

>tfw this is obvious bait but I know people who think and talk like this

Rumor is that the guy was dishonorably discharged so technically he wasn't supposed to have a gun so basically gun control doesn't work and would have happened anyway in your stupid "take the guns" future so go fuck yourself.

First off, stop trying to make comparisons using a dumbfuck cartoon in which the "genius" is also a dumbfuck himself but nobody notices because he wears plot armor thicker than the walls of a fallout shelter.

Second...there is no second, you're just a braying jackass who wants to be smart without putting in the effort to actually be smart.

Holy shit this post. This is what it looks like when Reddit posts, people. Just take a look. It's obvious as fuck.

Please go back. You're not welcome here.


work on your spacing and learn to get the message across succinctly
