30% African
20% English
20% German
10% Japanese
10% Italian
10% Arab
Would this be the master race?
30% African
20% English
20% German
10% Japanese
10% Italian
10% Arab
Would this be the master race?
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks like a nigger Jew goblin
100% gross
50% concentrated power of will
I wouldn't be surprised if the Phoenicians of old looked similar. E.g. Carthage, Alexandria, Memphis etc.
By American standards that's black. It's not even a meme.
100% Kalergi
Is that seriously this half breeds dna?
aww jealous that slav dna is worthless?
>Implying that Amerimongrels have standards
The average Amerimutant
>calls him a half-breed
>after looking at organized statistics
Ask me how I know you're a low IQ retard
Die Globalist scum
kill yourself
I do believe that is the Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians alluded to in the Kalergi plan.
What is so difficult to understand about the concept that the various races of the world should preserve their own unique racial identities and heritages instead of creating babies that are born of multiple ethnicities but belong to none?
Nevermind that table itself was created by a Russian and Germans are 30% Slavic
Jesus, what a fucking abomination.
>even while being fit and having a good teeth and jaw he still looks ugly
>can't let hair grow more than 1 inch without looking absolutely ridiculous
Being this mixed is like having a real life curse, your existence is meant to be torment.
more like fucking
100% scandinavian
0% nigger
No, he went on BET and talked shit about 60% of his background to get some baboons hootin and hollering for him at some bullshit award show
He's a nigger
Think about it. 30% African, 60% European, 10% Arab
Sounds pretty Mediterranean to me, if you're on the Africa side.
The master race isn't going to have any African or Arab in its background.
If that is the case then we are left with no other choice
We must gas the kikes
low quality bait. His white ancestry is literally 50%
Slavs are just Indo-Europeans/Aryan anyway
Sure they got invaded by Mongols/Turks but they defeated them eventually. At least they fought back unlike the west that is bringing in Arabs by the millions to replace them.
It would be pic related.
Every guy I've ever met that looked like that was an asshole, but it's probably nothing.
remove the african and arab admixture
This Brazilian singer has 67,1% of European ancestry, certified.
Looks like a sambo mud blood with a coal burner mother
no, his blue/light green eyes halo him. He would just be a average random mulatto if it wasn't for his eyes
t. retard that knows nothing about history
Negroids didn't come up from Sub-Saharan Africa in any appreciable number until they were brought as slaves with the rise of Islam.
Arabs were stuck in Arabia again until the rise of Islam.
Most race mixing in those areas you see today occurred after the fall of Rome and the rise of Islam.
>We reconstructed the genetic structure of the Levantines and found that a pre-Islamic expansion Levant was more genetically similar to Europeans
pic related since I guarantee you don't know what the Levant is.
Really? Maybe it's the tan but i've seen much lighter blacks with way less white ancestry
>before 19th century
That’s some serious cockhole science you are getting into. Cockholes may lie, but their GENES don't. Ethnic Ukrainians are nonwhite goblins.
Their home is Asian steppe.
Ethnic Russians are European White though (Northern Germanic, Baltic, Baltoslavic and Finnic)
Ukrainians are bunch of try-hard-to-be-European mongrels resulted from Circassians, Pechenegs, Tatars, Armenians and Jews starting speaking Slavic for the sake of convenience
«Укpaїнцi – цe cтapoдaвнi тюpки, якi poзмoвляють cлoв’янcькoю мoвoю»
"Ukrainian are turkics that use the Slavic language" Omelyan Pricak, Harvard University Professor, founder and first director of Harvard Institute for Ukrainian Studies.
Boris Malyarchuk, M. V. Derenko, G. A. Denisova, M. R. Nassiri, and E. I. Rogaev. "Mitochondrial DNA Polymorphism in Populations of the Caspian Region and Southeastern Europe." Russian Journal of Genetics 38:4 (2002): pages 434-438. Abstract:
"Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction polymorphism was examined in Turkmens, Eastern Iranians, and Ukrainians. The gene pools of all populations studied were characterized by the presence of European mtDNA lineages. Mongoloid component observed in Turkmen and Iranian populations with the frequencies of about 20% was represented by groups C, D, and E/G in Turkmens, and by M*, D, A, and B in Iranians."
Ukrainians (ethnic) are literally more Turkic than Turks.
Ideally all Ukrainians must be exterminated (or at least moved to Kazakhstan),and Ukraine absorbed into Russia
>Egyptians were closer to the Levant and Mesopotamians
Maybe the DNA test was wrong, it seems weird for me too.
so they were Caucasian
Are there still brazilians with above 90% european ancestry?
You realize the expansion of Indo-European language occurred thousands of years prior to the Mongol/Turkic invasions right?
There weren't any "Ukranians" that map is just labeling the general area for reference.
Absolute kek, Khazar shill faggot.
Yes, they were.
You don't get high levels of Sub-Saharan DNA or Arab DNA until the rise of Islam and the Arab invasions and the subsequent slave trade from those areas.
I just read more into the subject, since before I was just offering conversational suggestion.
There's plenty of evidence for cross-sahara travels. Rare, but enough to suggest there was definitely *some* crossing.
> more genetically similar
But not entirely European. 70% again makes sense. 'More' than not, i.e. >50%.
Thanks for the picture of the Levant, While familiar with the general area I actually had not heard of the term before. TIL.
Point is, this guy is *mostly* European. He has a little bit of Africa and middle eastern. He's tan but not negroid dark. Blue eyes. I think you read too much into what I was saying friendo
I think you're not only
yeah I'm just pointing out how they have to couch it to make it seem they were weren't white or black (based on a real DNA study of King Tut) despite the fact the data proves they were white.
>all these people calling him ugly
Celtic (Anglo-Saxon) master race
> a merry little mumale patois
> mystery meat patte
> goulash salisbury steak tartare
Master race? No. The slave race.
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
I know a girl who dated a guy like this. He raped her after she dumped him
It would be more accurate to say "Pontic Caspian Steppe" and not "Ukraine"
>Rare, but enough to suggest there was definitely *some* crossing.
Not enough to genetically impact any of the "Pre-Roman collapse" Eastern Mediterranean.
It was ultimately the Arab slave trade that brought blacks to Northern Africa and the Middle East in any significant numbers.
They literally want to push the meme that the Middle East and North Africa were black or at least "Mixed"
there are some small towns with european descents
they dont integrate with brazillian culture
anglo, arab, and african genes will do that.
>30% African
Stopped there. No.
t. Albanian in Russia
Gorgeous man