Are there countries outside of sub-Saharan Africa that is shittier than the Philippines?
>over 50% in poverty line >can’t stop breeding like rabbits >one of the poorest countries in Asia >president is a mass murderer >never contributed anything to the society >chink cocksuckers after sucking yank cock for a century
Philippines is the very definition of a 3rd world shithole country
Anyone who infringes another's right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness forfeits his own.
Caleb Gutierrez
this poster is our version of liberal/leftist. though this particular specimen seems to be of the blackpilled type.
Duterte has an 80+ NET approval rating.
please sage this shill thread. also, i think the calmbeforethestormfags found a obongo/cia/saudi POI in Quiapo, Manila, Philippines if that's relevant
Ian Green
>muh CIA You are delusional as fuck
Asher Reed
John Wood
They should be punished through fair trial. Or are you some pussy leftist reacting on knee jerk emotion?
Xavier Taylor
mexico has to be worse than the filipines
Jayden Garcia
They should be punished through fair trial IF that is even possible. If they are running away from or fighting the cops, they are definitely guilty of something though and that's fair enough of a trial.
What I have just described is Duterte's policy.
Lucas Allen
It is. People in the Philippines are super friendly accepting people, even to foreigners. Good vibes over there.
Nathan Flores
The child sex trade must give you good vibes over there, goyim
Jordan Wilson
I'm sure some south american countries are worse
Juan Taylor
i know one that can manage the shit out of a mcdonalds restaurant.
Kayden Bennett
LOL Another Criminal Sympathizer Spotted! Who gives a fuck if a Criminal Die anyway?.
Jacob Diaz
That’s if you hate soccer, Phillipines and South east asian and african countries make South America look like a paradise. disregard venezuela, that actual shithole should get nuked for becoming a shitty socialist country.
Nathan Sanchez
Nice digits. The people there are friendlier than in the US
Michael Moore
Oh Yeah! Great Empower Trump will visit our Country! Can't wait for the reaction of the Leftist: Murderer / Rapist / Terrorist / Drug Lords Sympathizer and their Sheep's reaction!. It's a Good Day to Meme in our poor / idiot Country.
Christian Sullivan
>Filthy casual peenoy talking shit about a shithole situation where they have no control over, moreover the fact that you don't realize you're just as a big part of a problem as your leader is.
I know how you filthy fucks live and all you do is complain and not do a damn thing about anything. How's this for a suggestion. Get a fucking job and move the fuck out. Thank god I don't live there anymore and I won't have to think about living miserably in that shithole of a place you call your "bayang sinilangan"
David Evans
thanks for being america's problem now instead of helping our country rebuild. especially now that Duterte's taken reins, we've just started major infrastructure construction that has been stopped since the '70s due to CIA's toppling of the Marcos Govt
Michael Martin
Philippines is probably the most disappointing Asian country.
-privileged relation with the US, Japan, but still no economic development.
-shitty culture
-bad movies
-small penis
Anthony Torres
>blaming another country for what transpired 30 years ago >not realizing the US has a great relationship with your country and yet, your place is nowhere near where it should have been with all the US help
all you fuckers do it complain about the past and still hang on to it. you're just as hypocrite are your leaders are. any smart and logical person would leave that country, ASAP.
John Carter
>Marcos development This is cringy
It all went down hill went the actual CIA Marcos plant run for re election
We almost became north Korea tier
Dylan Young
Ignore the people who supports relentless killings in this thread, we call the Dutertards
Henry Nguyen
sure, racetraitor
we literally had our culture overwritten when catholic spain decided to loot us for over 300 years. if you could dig up details about pre-colony philippines, we were a hindu/indianized austroneesian peoples same as those found in malysia and indonesia. we had may different kingdoms, huangdoms(chink shit) and a sultanate all whose economy is based on trade. we were also one the only trade partner of china when they closed their borders which made us quite rich.
south korea and japan are american military bases. with those countries in their pockets, PH was just an afterthought
welp. Marcos was a proto-saddam hussein who got buttfucked by the burger alphabet
you're just another run-of-the-mill libtard. yellow definitely is the color for retards
Leo Flores
It's kind of hard to say that an action that does no harm to anybody but yourself is a crime. Even with hard drugs like heroin, shooting up in the privacy of your own home hurts nobody else. If you decide to drive while high, then that should be a crime because you endanger others on the road, or if you litter your used needles, then that should be a crime as you are exposing anyone who might come across them to the possibility of being harmed, but possession/use endangers nobody. Even somebody robbing a convenience store because he is withdrawing isn't caused by heroin alone, but by the decision to rob the store.
Jaxson Walker
Please EJK yourself Dutertard
Logan Garcia
Best of all luck. Big fan of your president and his policies. Glad you are moving forward.
Hunter Hill
Argentina isn't great either. Macri is moving in the right direction (double meaning, lol), but that socialist bitch, Kirchner fucked it up. Kirchner is pretty hot, though. She's got that milf vibe that the new PM of NZ has.
Cooper Nelson
>over 50% poor folk; one of the poorest countries IN THE WORLD Stop importing shit, start exporting shit outside of coconuts/bananas/useless tropical jungle shit. Outcompete the stupid Poos for call center jobs. You're slightly more understandable than those street-shitting shitskins. Stop borrowing money from global banks so your corrupt politicians can line their pockets--kill those dirty politicians if you have to. Heard you can bribe almost every official there to get away with anything for what is basically a pack of cigarettes. >can't stop breeding like rabbits It's because you're too Catholic. Contraception is bad, abortion is bad, lots of repressed sexual tension/urges. If you lax on that, birth rate would go down. >president is literally pro death squads THIS IS THE ONLY GOOD THING YOU ISLANDMONKEYS HAVE DONE. Aside from the druggie problem, widen the scope of your purges by getting that monkey-in-chief of yours to murder corrupt politicians and absolute degenerates (rapists, robbers/burglars/thieves, etc.). Kill liberals/socialists/commies in your midst while you're at it.
Brandon Ward
dude, you are the number 1 war and terror exporting nation. we were once your colony after being colonized by spain. usa was the salt rubbed on our wounds
Tyler Lee
le 11% (spanish) face
Chase Collins
we eat ms.universe and ms world beauty pageants like it's nothing, you fucking toothpaste
Carter Bell
"Celui qui ne s'occupe pas de la loi, la loi ne s'occupe pas de lui." - Napoléon Translates to "he who doesn't care about the law, the law doesn't care about him".
Elijah Ross
Reading this thread makes me feel ashamed as a Filipino, I am very sorry that these people are deluded with muh CIA. These are probably the same people who welcomes chinks with wide arms.
Adrian Torres
>another libtard being a traitor to his own country and countrymen
That's why we still have the history of betrayals, and you're part of the problem. Even the foreigners saw our growth just now after all those years. At least be proud we overthrew ISIS 2.0 and becoming the next Allepo. God damn you.
John Edwards
even if someone cares about the law, the law wouldn't care about him because the law is not a living being
Dominic Jackson
honestly, you will never feel to be a part of a culture or race. SAD!
if i could wipe out whole groups of people shitlist 1. jews 2. chinks 3. mudslimes 4. negros
Aaron Perry
newfag thinks he is assimilating with Sup Forums retards by using their retarded hitler n jews memes.
Carter Scott
Do flips really now suck chink cock? I thought that was just a threat to piss off Obongo. If you think being under America is bad, going to China seems like throwing the baby out with the bath water. What does Duterte think of Trump?
David White
>hates EJK is now being a traitor of the nation
Ironically your president has been greatly disregarding our constitution top kek
Aiden Torres
"Our" president
Ayden Campbell
They're basically the niggers of Asia. Probably the result of interbreeding with negroes. There still are native black tribes living there. They're also obsessed by whiteness and white skin. And their women basically throw themselves at any white man. They're obsessed by money, family and basically live from day today. A lot of horrific crime, drugs... So yes basically bigger level shit. Huge brain drain which keeps the stupidest people locally lowering the average IQ to negro level as time goes by while the smartest work abroad and breed up with white men. They also have native mudslimes and are being analy fucked over by the various churches. On top of it a leader that shoots anything that moves in an attempt to fix things. You could have been like Korea, Japan, Taiwan or hell even part of the USA like Hawaii but no... I don't think this is fixable unless they stop breeding like rabbits, and let the smart ones return.
Gavin Sanders
t. newfag
nope. we just got over our stockholm syndrome with america. Duterte is following an independent foreign policy, trading with China, Russia and also still, America. I mean look at where we are. Location, location, location.
Trump seems to be a cool guy for now. Duterte likes Trump but hates dealing with (((US)))
Elijah Bennett
I didnt even bloody mention the ejk. That alone shows your color. Economic wise we are going strong and I can see that as a common citizen of our nation. And while you sit there sitting high and mighty with the only arguement is ejk bullshit, the country is progressing with or without you.
You aint helping our country one bit.
Juan Richardson
aborigine =/= african nigger do you understand haplogroups, belch?
Alexander Phillips
>president is a mass murderer Kill yourself leftist faggot.
No matter the country, all of you are scum.
Aaron Collins
is America backing the Philippines against china in regards to their claims to the south china sea?
Joseph Anderson
they pretend to, like UK and France with Poland
Gavin Williams
I know they're not Africans, they are black and just like blacks in New Guinea or Australia stupid as fuck. He'll the ones in Australia are the stupidest human beings alive and the ugliest too. Although the Philippines has but ugly small women too. The pretty ones almost all have white genes.
Sebastian Baker
Hudson Mitchell
And still better than thailand or Vietnam
Aiden Lewis
No news about it honestly for almost good 1 year. But i guess all the tension died down when our government talked directly to the chinks rather than on the jewed up international court ruling.
Isaiah Cruz
exactly. Duterte is just a small dicked black ape who wants to fly with the big boys. So just like Pacman got bitchslapped by an Aussie school teacher, Duterte will get destroyed internally or any of the countries around him will smoke him faster than a nigger and a blunt.
Kayden Robinson
Nobody cares about the Philippines you dumbass attention-seeking faggot. Sage
Austin Smith
Philipines is a fucking hole Surf bro here, surfed cloud 9 a few years ago Major cities are full of thieves and criminals, gtfo them if you don't want to be robbed Tin, half finished concrete block buildings with sheets for windows and no doors mains electricity lines hanging out everywhere, streets are mud People smell, eat weird shit, their greatest achievement is putting an egg on rice Villages and regional areas are worse, shit and piss in the streets (which are mud) every stinky ass filo woman sees you as a ticket out of there, worse than thais dudes all act like miniature 'gangsters' funny seeing a little filo manlet with his 'bling' and LA Lakers hat walk into a primitive hut. Living big
What else, humid as fuck, foods cheap but I wouldnt trust anything not packaged and even then be careful (they collect thrown out plastic water bottles, refill them and reseal them, usually dirty) and sell the delicious hep c water to unsuspecting tourists.
Isis owns the south as well
3rd world is an understatement, i'd go 4th world
Liam Phillips
i thought the filipinos were the most powerful race
Chase King
do developing countries not get a pass? because thats the main factor for IQ and beauty. Electing Duterte has been the only thing we've done correctly in centuries. I don't know why but there's always that one faggot Filipino that ruins it for everyone(Lapu2's rival, Emilio Aguinaldo, Antonio Trillanes, etc)
Asher Martin
>aborigine =/= african nigger
where the flip abos negritos like in the andaman islands. even though they look like subsaharans they are genetically asian.
Dominic Scott
>If you lax on that, birth rate would go down. desu if they kicked out all of the american sex tourists who insist on doing it raw with their 12 y/o "maid" they'd probably see a nice reduction in birthrate
Jordan Cooper
Brody James
Antonio Trillanes is just practicing his right as a senator to let the people know what your president is up to.
And speaking of senator, De Lima should be back to her senatorial seat as well, the masses voted her in.
Austin White
Doesn't matter they're subhuman first wave Asians.
Hunter Moore
lets meme this to reality
atleast we poo in loo, are empathetic(non-insect) and also never genocided the simpler races(like you)
Michael Phillips
>lets meme this to reality it already is?
Levi Anderson
Shut up duterte-fag. You’re literally t_d tier reddit. As for you liberal, UP/ateneo scum... contribute to society instead of complaining Again not a fan of du”30” but im telling you he’s gonna praise trump once he gets there and will act as a buffer state for china and the us in the upcoming coldwar2.0. Just look at japan and korea (beneficiaries of the first cold war US monies). You guys will be rich soon. Some 4d chess right there.
William Ward
No they fuck like rabbits themselves because the kids have to pay for the parents old age. Basically it's like making your own wage slaves. The kids have to pay everything back like 3 times over to the entire family that even rips off their own kind.
Sex tourist actually keep the place afloat without white men's money they'd be worse than most African countries. Even Nigerians there think it's a shithole that's gotta tell you something.
Bentley Ramirez
Dont forget Marcos the biggest traitor
Josiah Gonzalez
How the fuck does smoking weed infringe on another person's freedom? You get killed without trial for any drug use.
Austin Roberts
>can’t stop breeding like rabbits they've got nothing better to do there than fuck and pray
Xavier Cox
It is a reality considering we adapt to every nation's culture and tradition that we inhabit.
Thomas Rivera
lets meme this to irl reality
lol wtf. america's official sexhole
im divided on the guy. he improved on infra and tried to create our first nuke reactor which was shut down by leftists cuz muh environment
Oliver Flores
I dont know why Trill JUST himself. Look at him now. Maybe even his army buddies or the army in whole is ashamed of him. And he was always been a traitor.
Honestly i think even the yellow dosent want to let delima back. They already have the vice press for that needed criticism. And delima back would worsen the lefts agenda.
Just my two cents for your libloving ass.
Ian Garcia
>>can’t stop breeding like rabbits Fertility rate declined from 7 in 1960 to less than 3 in Current Year ???
Charles Cruz
>accepting the truth that your country is shit makes you a traitor
Hudson Campbell
we know it's shit. hard times elected based Duterte. Our GDP growth gains are one of the world's top few since 2 presidents prior to current one
Xavier Wood
Lol delima is like hillary-lite. She really is involved in drugs. I have friends in gov (liberals) she got money from it “without knowing” hence the driver/lover bagman. As for you 100IQ, im a flip. Just here fucking some katoeys. Get a life and stop praising your god
Easton Garcia
Who goes on Sup Forums making a thread shitting on their own country? id accept it more if it came from you
Ethan Martin
what are you doing in trannyland btw?
probably someone from r/philippines who got curious about /pol
Jordan Howard
You sound like a cuck
Jacob Thompson
Dont mind him. The dane’s some bluecollar flip that likes to shitpost
Christopher White
Im still mad of them shutting down the nuke. What a waste
Justin Jones
I told you. Im fucking some chicks with dicks, 100IQ
Nathan Peterson
and it was fully fucking operational. the reactor is still being maintained but we now have no expert on nuke physics since theyve died of old age upon its closure
Aaron Anderson
Ah, another proud descendant of the most excellent empire in history I guess we Spaniards have the hand of King Midas
You are welcome
Nicholas Wright
Holy shit this is the most reddit post I've seen today. Kys Junjun, Duterte should truly declare a deadly war on self-hating flips, the most pathetic kind of humans
Michael Sullivan
Think of some of the safest countries in the world. What comes to mind? To me, it's Singapore (which objectively is the safest in the world) and Taiwan. In sub-saharan Africa, the safest country by a huge margin is Botswana. What would Singapore, Taiwan, and Botswana have in common? The answer is: if you get caught with any amount of drugs, you die, no questions asked; Singapore and Botswana by hanging, Taiwan by a bullet to the chest. Think about it real hard: niggers commit all the crime over here, but why do niggers nig? Because they need money for their weed, crack, or the like.
What we saw in the Philippines is that by the threat alone of killing the drug dealers, between Duterte announcing his candidacy and his inauguration, crime of all other sorts was cut in half. Within six weeks of inauguration, it was virtually completely gone, if the official statistics are to be believed.
tl;dr Drug dealers and users commit virtually all crime, up to and including murder.
Carter Stewart
He's a traitor for overblowing its shittyness
James Brown
kek. you really did a number on mexico, my man.
missed you norbro
this guy gets it
Kevin Bailey
>meth addict guts his wife >"durr he's harming nobody, it's his choice to take drugs, excuse me as I check my McCP studio in my basement"
Asher Williams
in villages the streets are fair game, shit and piss everywhere. I've seen it you lying little monkey also you cant genocide any simpler race because you are the simpler race.
also pretty cringeworthy watching philos try to argue about politics and shit. how about you put a front door on your hut before you try to act like a civilized country hernandez
Jason Lee
the amount of negrito admixture in Filipinos is nearly non-existent. It's only found in rather few of their ethnic groups, primarliy Manobos/Lumads. Bisayas, Tagalogs and Ilocanos are almost exclusively Malay
Gavin Martin
you're all monkeys brah. just because you got a ticket out of subhuman land doesn't change the fact same with the burger filos
Bentley Walker
We all know you are a filthy self-hating flip living in Aussie land because your mum had to marry some fat old strayan to have a house that is slightly better than a cardboard shanty in Addition Hills