Germany has never won a war
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It started with Caesar crossing the Rhine to fuck them up and it's been one catastrophic loss after another ever since
*napoleonic wars block your path*
Remind me what happened at Waterloo
I'm not surprised Brits aren't taught any history before 1960 these days since it does involve a lot of Islamophobia and knives.
Correction jewish run Germany WW1 and WW2 has never won a war.
Yeah uh. Disregard this post. Wtf was I thinking.
Doesn't count as a German win though.
>Meanwhile Britain never actually gained from winning one
Dey still do monkey pidgin on they BBC station Pajeet ma nigga?
We literally created your country lmao
You're no different to some tinpot African nation we arbitrarily drew borders for
>never gained
>created the biggest empire known to man through conquest and kicking Europoor heads in
WW1 eastern front
Umm Franco Prussian war of 1871?
You stupid fuck
>Coon rough-ups you still had half the world merc up for
Faggot please. The day you had to do any more than shoot literal monkeys off of a tree fucking Ireland sent you running home. Today you're a colony of a colony to the point of needing their cartoons to manage looking smug. What do you have? The arguable benefit of everybody understanding you. What has it so far been good for? Rotherham and those kikes you saved mocking you in your own media. You live so far up your own ass that I can barely even still pity you.
>Prussia is Germany
>Win WW2
>lose your entire empire
>become an irrelevant pakistani/indian colony
Nice "winning" Britain
Every german state entered the war under Prussian leadership so yeah.
Daily reminding that krouts lost the war agianst swampniggers even this all that aid from west
>British education
But what about war against white people?
>Roman empire collapses
>Nice "winning" Rome so much for being powerful LMAO
I know you are retarded and educated, gutter trash, but don't embarrass yourself out of here
Yeah he's a faggot, but you didn't really prove him wrong either. If you wanted to imply that the British Empire immeasurably shaped the modern world through its language, legal system, and emphasis on Capitalism, just as Rome did to Europe after its fall, then sure, you're right.
We beat the Romans
if white people can't adapt and overcome then they deserve to perish
bitching online isn't exactly gonna solve the problem
>napoleonic wars
You mean the Wars where the French steamrolled (4-5 times?) the Germans, then lost to Russian winter ?
Your army lost a siege to Goethe's girlfriend. Don't even try.
t. Northern Italy
You're conveniently forgetting that the battle was followed up by the Romans returning and kicking the shit out of Arminius who fled like a bitch and then got murdered by one of his own for his incompetence.
ahahhahah l*thuanian scum claiming polish victories. cute
Britain won every war and still lost everything :^)
Prussia beat France that the reason Germany was founded
The Romans returned to find their previous army's remains nailed to trees and still kept being pushed back until hiring other Germans for the main go at it. What they did manage was butcher a few peasants on the way. Real respectable.
>says Southern Brussels
How's it feel to know we cucked you with your own pathetic trade union?
I hate this type of bollocks, I’m pretty sure the Krauts would of asbouslty trashed us if it was just us vs them. Not us, U.S Army and the entire scum of the Soviety army. And well, look at the result of our “victory”, Europe is Muslim shithole now filled with rape gangs, pedophiles, the casual bomb and terrorist attack, nigger culture and degenerate whores, thanks Churchill! Hitler said this about the English, he didn’t even wanted to go to war but if you bomb someone for 3 MONTHS there gonna be pretty pissed.
Holy shit Ivan , krautniggers BTFO
If they are being brainwashed by jews , then it matters you fucking balkan subhuman. I know you are a beggar who lives off german money , but how long do you think this will last when they are providing welfare for the majority of their population?Or do you really believe the current status quo will be mantained ?
>Germany lost the war
>NO! GERMANY WOULD HAVE WON THE WAR, if they hadn't actually lost it
Fuck off you Polack cunt.
We won the Battle of Britain.
I am aware of the Battle of Britain, what is your point?
Do you seriously think British forces would of taken over Germany by themselves?
There are towns in new zealand named after wars won by germans lel.
As I said to
>in 50 years there won't by Germany
I'm literally shaking
germany gives us only a couple of millions that they will never get back
meanwhile the US gave us 20 millions just last week and China has invested BILLIONS
you think we give a fuck?
we actively participate in the downfall of Germany, we made a deal with the EU 3 years ago, every refugee that arrives here will be granted a safe passage to Germany/France/Sweden
2 of the bataclan shooters passed through greece first, look it up
also if krauts allowed kikes to brainwash them then it's their fault
make that 20 years
Yes, that's about it, and that was the Prussians, namely, the northern Protestant Germans. The Prussians also did a lot of ass-kicking under Fredrick the Great.
"Fusing" with the Austrian Catholics was a mistake. The Austrians didn't pull their weight in WWI, and that sperg, Hitler, was also an Austrian. Then it all went downhill for the "German nation." The redpill was "Lesser Germany" all along.
Germany lost wars to win decades of peace and prosperity.
The creation of Germany is linked to a massive victory against the french. A victory that killed the french empire and turned it into a failure of a republic (but not such a failure that they didn't wipe out the proto-communists who took over paris) .
>WW1 Eastern front
They were BTFO.
For example Estonians BTFO the remains of German WW1 army here and in Latvia.
Actually wrong:
we got the danes, because i live on their land right now.
The "Battle of Britain" is a propaganda term that glorifies simple self-defense. Next you're gonna tell me that you won the Battle of Dunkirk.
Are you stupid?
>le ww1 and ww2 are the only wars that ever happened in europe
Arminius was killed because of his rising power that threaten the other Chieftains and kings.
>create the biggest empire known to man through conquering spearchuckers
>declare a war on germany that destroys europe
>get your shit pushed in so hard by germans you have to beg america for help(twice)
>lose your empire because germany owned you so hard
In reality, Britain has never won a war against an opponent like Germany, while Germany almost won against the world. You fags should be so embarrassed at the fact you got made to sit on your little island and all you could do was firebomb civilians
this pretty much
Well, (West) Germany won the Cold war, so that's something.
but prussia and bavaria have.
Lesser Germany is what happened you mong. We never fused with Austria. You seem to confuse the alliance with Austria-Hungary with the implementation of "greater Germany". But this was exactly what didn't happen because Prussia fought the "German war" (deutsch-deutscher Krieg) over it in 1866, where Prussia and the northern German states defeated Austria and the southern German states. This was one of the three wars that enabled the founding of the German Empire (German-Danish war, German war, German-French war (Franco-Prussian war in English)).
Burger education...
The Romans got fucked pretty bad in the province of Germania and never really established any peace.
Just search for the legions led by Varus.
You know that all states of Germany fought at that war including Bavaria, etc.
Filthy island inbreed
Our education really only revolves around how ebul white men was for enslaving blacks and methods on how to get rid of your gag reflex to make it up to them.
You also forget the fact that Rome was literally conquered by Germans.
Britbong education...really sad.
The Romans fought a decade long campain after that and still couldn‘t establish lasting power
They won against themselves a lot of times.
Prussians where not germans at least not pure blodded, they where half balts half germans.
>that picture
It's almost like you don't know who the Teutons were. Embarrassing.
What did he mean by this?
That map is literally the distribution of tribes before the region was changed forever. All of those clans were conquered within the next century after.
The Teutonic order settled there and the Germans took the name of the prussians
i know, that is why prussians had baltic prussian heretahe.
Germany, under current flag, never lost a war
>literally got established by winning three wars in a row
>never won a war
what did user mean by this? *thinking emoji*
>How's it feel to know we cucked you with your own pathetic trade union?
You're nothing more than an American' puppet state, and it is their trade union not yours
>he doesn’t know about Vercingetorix
at least try to back your shit up with facts famalamadingdong
>Literally a Gaul
Tell it to this guy - he probably tries to pretend that the Franks weren't German, so you'll net heritage points