Why does some population of the negroid race desire to be white? (dying hair blonde, make up, american/ European attire)
post pictures of what you imagine to be the "master race", for me, pic related.
Why does some population of the negroid race desire to be white? (dying hair blonde, make up, american/ European attire)
post pictures of what you imagine to be the "master race", for me, pic related.
I wish it wasn't universally beautiful if it is. It probably is because it's increasingly rare and blonde, blue, red and green are all sought after colors in gem stones and gold obviously. Also the colors of the blue skies and white sands of a tropical paradise. The purity of white and the desire of men for women to actually be pure... which often isn't the case especially with modern white women.
The colour white means pure
Yes, it is. Also
>"black women are beautiful"
>can't even see the features
>Why does some population of the negroid race desire to be white?
to escape racist stereotypes perpetuated by people like yourself
Not really correct that though i know some smashing black and asian chicks.
>plus 90% are married to animated japanese girls
Fucking an albino is most definitely in my bucket list.
Not a fan of Nordic albinos but Mediterranean caucasians are the best looking. Olive skin, dark features, caucasoid facial structure.
Being like that as a woman is alright, but as a man, it makes you look extremely feminine.
I know from first hand experience.
>born prematurely caused a problem with my pigmentation
>snow white hair and skin
>look like a girl
Pic related. She looks almost entirely like me. Except you know, male.
>can't shave my head to look more manly, because it just makes me look like a fucking alien
>can't get a tan because it's extremely unhealthy to do so
Fuck white americans. Jews are white. Fuck niggers and arabs. kys
Uncanny valley
Kill yourself, faggot. I went to an all boys school and had to deal with your kind all through out high school. I'll fucking curb stomp you.
tell us about the first time your wh*Te boipussy got rammed fagboi
just a pic of your face
>non-whites are faggots
surprise surprise
who's the one that looks like a girl again?
Looking like a girl is better than being a cockroach.
I am hetero and whiter than you
>tfw no blonde white gf
Most white women are grossly overweight
he's as white as you can be
you are not
come on wh*Teboi chop chop, less words more bending over
I'm whiter then both you, muhammad.
>inb4 albino niggers are considered white too
sure you are wop
u seem cool, own it.
>Tfw no qt albino gf
Imagine this conversation when genetic engineering becomes affordable.
>Being like that as a woman is alright, but as a man, it makes you look extremely feminine.
Why is that bad?
To actually say something on the topic and not just brood over the fact that i do not indeed have a qt albino gf.
Something like taste is hard to explain within 1 individual, let alone 1 entire race.
Youll see whites with dreads, youll see sand niggers with hitler youth - ish fades and so on.
Biologically i believe you are more inclined to enjoy the visual of your own race as a mechanism to motivate you to breed with it.
Since you are an american and a 56% face, you have to take this into account, almost all blacks in america are not pure blooded africans. Blacks in america are so mixed at this point that i believe they are more white than black at this point. For me personally, those are the most attractive black females.
The full on african look is something i cannot quite stand. And it makes sense, because genetically, africans are the furthest away from us, compared to mestizos or other european types or even middle easteners
It will be the same as fashion fads of today. Instead of buying this cool jacket style youre going to be buying this cool genetic phenotype
I think it has alot to do with music & movies reaching foreign countries, infecting their mind of how great whites are. I was never attracted to white women before I started watching too much porn.
Mario wants some white meat.
Who is this lovely woman?
Because I get hit on faggots all the time. Because I'm 26 and still look like a teenager. Because girls find me cute, not handsome. Because the only women who want me, are asians, who for some reason like feminine looking boys.
no shit
It's got nothing to do with genetic closeness. Niggers don't like niggers, nobody does. There are objectively attractive features. Hip to waist is a huge one on women(shoulder to waist for men), and of course as with any other trait niggers are miles behind humans on that one.
Asians have flat, broad pig noses and they don't like it. Go to flip land and see how they freak out and gawk at a human nose even on an otherwise ugly motherfucker if you don't believe me.
This is a cute gook, and I'm betting she doesn't look much like your sister.
Show pic.
Using nigger propaganda against them. This took a few minutes but every time you see the reverse one, promoting degenerate race mixing, post this as a response.
I find it hard to believe that there is an objective beauty to anything at all.
But i do believe there is a possible reason for why a lot of races are trying to emulate "whites." There are, in my opinion, alot of other reasons that are easier to believe than a concept of objective beauty
Beauty is subjective. So, no. Fucking retard.
>Girls only like me a little bit
Cry me a fucking river.
Post your hand faggot.
>pic on Sup Forums
nah. 9s from automata is practically a carbon copy of me
>Niggers don't like niggers, nobody does.
This is such bullshit because the white women i've been with like my black dick.
Am I white guys?
I have pasty pale skin with pink undertones
But I have medium brown eyes (at least not nigger black) and hair
I don’t look vaguely Hispanic or middle easter. I definitely look white. Similar to Emma watson’s Coloring only with paler skin and no yellow undertones
Who the fuck cares
Sounds cute.
You're lucky.
Objective as inviolable, no exception iron rules? No. But a massive consensus for which deviations make you a fuckup on par with foot fetishists, you bet your ass there is.
This is attractive, doesn't matter if you ask a nigger, gook or person. Maybe an 8, maybe a 10 depending on who you ask, but a hell yes motherfucker regardless.
If your nipples are pink then you're white.
Black people look a lot similar to chimps, compare d to white people.
Uncanny valley.
Black people don't want to fuck black people.
Why bother other races about it?
>Go to gym
>You look like a god now
What if they’re bright pink but then the areola is starts pink and the gets lighter brown closer to the outer edge!?
And this is not.
There are attractive people and there are ugly motherfuckers. This is an indisputable fact, it's not "in the eye of the beholder" or some stupid feel-good bullshit like that.
I work out, but not as much as I could. I'm afraid of ending up looking like the Albino from Banshee.
it's the white color connotations. white is the sum of all colors and cannot be topped. it's the closest color to what we associate with God ,next to the gold tone maybe. the Pope wears white and for good reason. White is untainted and also a color of innocence and childhood.
It's no surprise people like that color.
But then there are the foot fetishists. And the bug chasers, and the bbw lovers.
For sure there is a margin for a good part of the population but then there are others that go directly in the opposite direction.
Whether they are crazy for doing so or not, is irrelevant.
Normal is best
Fuck I hate this I have the same gods damn problem I DONT WANT TO BE CALLED CUTE GODS FUCKING DAMMIT
Whites > Arabs > Latinas > Asian > Niggers > Abos
And I guess there's no right or wrong because Ted Bundy existed. Or even life because there's dead people. Fuck off, beauty is real. Some people being too neurologically fucked to assess it properly has no bearing on it. Beauty exists and is piss fucking easy for any normal person to assess, as well as being almost entirely universal.
>be you
>go to India
>"I am a god."
>Poos worship you.
>Convince them to use toilets.
You just have to hit the gym faggot
Then you'll look like Zeus
Same reason White people want to tan
Being lightskinned in warmer climates implies wealth cause you have enough money to not have to work all the time in the sun
For White people, they tan because it implies(!!) a luxurious lifestyle that doesnt involve being an office wageslave stuck behind a desk all day nor are you a neet cause you actually get out
It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with social status
Asians have been whitefacing since before white people and asians interacted with eachother
user, I...
White = all colours
Black = absence of all colours
>I don't know what the word "Subjective" means
If you were an octopus, this is what you would be attracted to. She would swim by and you would think "Wow, I'd sure love to pull my own dick off and give it to her, and then go regenerate it later."
I dont think you are capable of talking about this subject on a sufficient level.
>Fuck you its real
Not really a statement thats open to arguments.
But, in all "reality', it does not matter. Whatever you find it beautiful you find it beautiful, whatever i find pleasing i find pleasing and even if i do show you that you are wrong, you will still like what you like. Because there is no logic to it and no rules to apply.
Dont tell me you never thought of ripping your dick out and letting a woman use it as a dildo.
It'll be the same as having plastic surgery, it'll be looked down upon.
>Not really a statement thats open to arguments
Those 4 words you picked out of context, there used to be this little thing called a fucking argument preceding it.
Your same exact reasoning works just as well with Ted Bundy and morality instead of beauty and the mentally ill. Read: not.
That's certainly how I hope it works. Everyone is much happier that way.
It is the most important part of your argument. The way you word yourself is incredibly defensive and at this point we are just talking to each other because we are bored.
If there was a logical explanation as to why something you like the sense of ( touch, smell, sound . . . ) you will still find it pleasing. Sure you might be able to control yourself from sniffing glue all the time, but the glue would still smell oh so nice. And dont use the word real for i do believe we dont agree on what is real and what isnt.
>complaining about looking like the most masturbated to male video game character of 2017
alright mate
It's the conclusion, not an argument, jackass.
>If there was a logical explanation as to why
You don't need to explain water to drink it. The overwhelming majority considers the same people, and traits, to be either beautiful or ugly. It's convergent, and not just some massive 7-billion in a row coincidence. The fact there's some fucked up people out there doesn't dispute objective and universal beauty than Ted Bundy's existence did morality.
Great non argument, all you did is re-frame the context to a point where it makes no sense
>It is objectively bad for humans to live under water
>b but Octopus's live underwater so it's subjective
shut up I'm beautiful you just have weird tastes ok?!
Will Albinos be allow in the White Ethno state?
You dont understand what objective and universal mean. In fact half of your argument is arguing against yourself and you fail to realise it because you are defending your position so damn hard. This is pointless.
my taste is just as valid as yours, it's all subjective maaaan if you don't think this is the cutest thing then that's just like your opinion duhde
I do, I'm not some dumb balkanigger, I actually know English. This is universally, objectively ugly as all fucking hell. Just like you're objectively one dumb damn monkey.
some eye candy for you
what a handsome young man
I think that objectivity lies closer to the sexual lust that survival is predicated upon, but the greater the intelligence of a creature the more divergent thoughts in regards to beauty.
That is why the Bogdanoffs are fuck ugly, they have transcended the idea
Your argument is that "agreed upon" is the same thing as "objective", which is baseless and nonsensical.
People at one point thought the Sun went around the Earth. I guess that means it's objective reality.
yeah, there's not much left when you account for symmetry, normalcy and sexual dimorphism, definitely closely tied sex
I find it really funny how composite images of pretty meh looking people end up being a solid 8+
wtf is that
Can you not use the word "objective" if you don't know what it means?
pic or didnt happen
I don't know about beauty but it is certainly more cute, that is to say, more infantile. I don't think that white is especially attractive and I more attracted to women with dusky skin although I don't mind women with a paler complexion either.
>fake quotes
Why? I said the same damn thing, why reword it?
>muh sun example
Glad to hear you're taking 2nd grade seriously. But I'm sorry to tell you that both are right because there's some real dense people out there.
Being able to assess beauty is a fundamental capability of any normal human, like having eyes or a liver, some stillborn runt or mutant is irrelevant. And every single one of them is going to give the same judgement of the latest images I've posted; kill it with fire. It's a universal truth, not a subjective statement. It's the physical reality. Just like a circle is round, they are abominations.
bitch lasagna
Oops, not again.
>he saved this picture and edited it.
tfw this guy is married while you are an useless virgin NEET
feels bad